WWW::Mechanize::Examples - Sample programs that use WWW::Mechanize


version 2.18


Plenty of people have learned WWW::Mechanize, and now, you can too!

Following are user-supplied samples of WWW::Mechanize in action. If you have samples you'd like to contribute, please send 'em to <>.

You can also look at the t/*.t files in the distribution.

Please note that these examples are not intended to do any specific task. For all I know, they're no longer functional because the sites they hit have changed. They're here to give examples of how people have used WWW::Mechanize.

Note that the examples are in reverse order of my having received them, so the freshest examples are always at the top.

Starbucks Density Calculator, by Nat Torkington

Here's a pair of programs from Nat Torkington, editor for O'Reilly Media and co-author of the Perl Cookbook.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use WWW::Mechanize;
use Storable;

$url = '';
$m = WWW::Mechanize->new();

$c = $m->content;

$c =~ m{<A NAME=.tabA.>(.*?)</TABLE>}s
  or die "Can't find the population table\n";
$t = $1;
@outer = $t =~ m{<TR.*?>(.*?)</TR>}gs;
shift @outer;
foreach $r (@outer) {
  @bits = $r =~ m{<TD.*?>(.*?)</TD>}gs;
  for ($x = 0; $x < @bits; $x++) {
    $b = $bits[$x];
    @v = split /\s*<BR>\s*/, $b;
    foreach (@v) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$// }
    push @{$data[$x]}, @v;

for ($y = 0; $y < @{$data[0]}; $y++) {
    $data{$data[1][$y]} = {
        NAME => $data[1][$y],
        RANK => $data[0][$y],
        POP  => comma_free($data[2][$y]),
        AREA => comma_free($data[3][$y]),
        DENS => comma_free($data[4][$y]),

store(\%data, "cities.dat");

sub comma_free {
  my $n = shift;
  $n =~ s/,//;
  return $n;


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use WWW::Mechanize;
use strict;
use Storable;

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub {} ;  # ssssssh

my $Cities = retrieve("cities.dat");

my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new();

my @cities = sort { $Cities->{$a}{RANK} <=> $Cities->{$b}{RANK} } keys %$Cities;
foreach my $c ( @cities ) {
  my $fields = {
    'stx' => "starbucks",
    'csz' => $c,

  my $r = $m->submit_form(form_number => 2,
                          fields => $fields);
  die "Couldn't submit form" unless $r->is_success;

  my $hits = number_of_hits($r);
  #  my $ppl  = sprintf("%d", 1000 * $Cities->{$c}{POP} / $hits);
  #  print "$c has $hits Starbucks.  That's one for every $ppl people.\n";
  my $density = sprintf("%.1f", $Cities->{$c}{AREA} / $hits);
  print "$c : $density\n";

sub number_of_hits {
  my $r = shift;
  my $c = $r->content;
  if ($c =~ m{\d+ out of <b>(\d+)</b> total results for}) {
    return $1;
  if ($c =~ m{Sorry, no .*? found in or near}) {
    return 0;
  if ($c =~ m{Your search matched multiple cities}) {
    warn "Your search matched multiple cities\n";
    return 0;
  if ($c =~ m{Sorry we couldn.t find that location}) {
    warn "No cities\n";
    return 0;
  if ($c =~ m{Could not find.*?, showing results for}) {
    warn "No matches\n";
    return 0;
  die "Unknown response\n$c\n";

pb-upload, by John Beppu

This program takes filenames of images from the command line and uploads them to a folder. John Beppu, the author, says:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -T

use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize;

my $login    = "login_name";
my $password = "password";
my $folder   = "folder";

my $url = "$login/$folder/";

# login to your account
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
    form_number => 1,
    fields      => { password => $password },
die unless ($mech->success);

# upload image files specified on command line
foreach (@ARGV) {
    print "$_\n";
    $mech->field('the_file[]' => $_);

listmod, by Ian Langworth

Ian Langworth contributes this little gem that will bring joy to beleaguered mailing list admins. It discards spam messages through mailman's web interface.

use strict;
use warnings;
# listmod - fast alternative to mailman list interface
# usage: listmod crew XXXXXXXX

die "usage: $0 <listname> <password>\n" unless @ARGV == 2;
my ($listname, $password) = @ARGV;

use CGI qw(unescape);

use WWW::Mechanize;
my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );

use Term::ReadLine;
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new($0);

# submit the form, get the cookie, go to the list admin page
$m->set_visible( $password );

# exit if nothing to do
print "There are no pending requests.\n" and exit
    if $m->content =~ /There are no pending requests/;

# select the first form and examine its contents
my $f = $m->current_form or die "Couldn't get first form!\n";

# get me the base form element for each email item
my @items = map {m/^.+?-(.+)/} grep {m/senderbanp/} $f->param
    or die "Couldn't get items in first form!\n";

# iterate through items, prompt user, commit actions
foreach my $item (@items) {

    # show item info
    my $sender = unescape($item);
    my ($subject) = [$f->find_input("senderbanp-$item")->value_names]->[1]
        =~ /Subject:\s+(.+?)\s+Size:/g;

    # prompt user
    my $choice = '';
    while ( $choice !~ /^[DAX]$/ ) {
        print "$sender\: '$subject'\n";
        $choice = uc $term->readline("Action: defer/accept/discard [dax]: ");
        print "\n\n";

    # set button
    $m->field("senderaction-$item" => {D=>0,A=>1,X=>3}->{$choice});

# submit actions

ccdl, by Andy Lester

Steve McConnell, author of the landmark Code Complete has put up the chapters for the 2nd edition in PDF format on his website. I needed to download them to take to Kinko's to have printed. This little program did it for me.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize;

my $start = "";

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );
$mech->get( $start );

my @links = $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr/\d+.+\.pdf$/ );

for my $link ( @links ) {
    my $url = $link->url_abs;
    my $filename = $url;
    $filename =~ s[^.+/][];

    print "Fetching $url";
    $mech->get( $url, ':content_file' => $filename );

    print "   ", -s $filename, " bytes\n";
}, by Andy Lester

This was a program that was going to get a hack in Spidering Hacks, but got cut at the last minute, probably because it's against IMDB's TOS to scrape from it. I present it here as an example, not a suggestion that you break their TOS.

Last I checked, it didn't work because their HTML didn't match, but it's still good as sample code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

use WWW::Mechanize;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Wrap;

my $match = undef;
my $random = undef;
    "match=s" => \$match,
    "random" => \$random,
) or exit 1;

my $movie = shift @ARGV or die "Must specify a movie\n";

my $quotes_page = get_quotes_page( $movie );
my @quotes = extract_quotes( $quotes_page );

if ( $match ) {
    $match = quotemeta($match);
    @quotes = grep /$match/i, @quotes;

if ( $random ) {
    print $quotes[rand @quotes];
else {
    print join( "\n", @quotes );

sub get_quotes_page {
    my $movie = shift;

    my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
    $mech->get( "" );
    $mech->success or die "Can't get the search page";

        form_number => 2,
        fields => {
            title	=> $movie,
            restrict    => "Movies only",

    my @links = $mech->find_all_links( url_regex => qr[^/Title] )
        or die "No matches for \"$movie\" were found.\n";

    # Use the first link
    my ( $url, $title ) = @{$links[0]};

    warn "Checking $title...\n";

    $mech->get( $url );
    my $link = $mech->find_link( text_regex => qr/Memorable Quotes/i )
        or die qq{"$title" has no quotes in IMDB!\n};

    warn "Fetching quotes...\n\n";
    $mech->get( $link->[0] );

    return $mech->content;

sub extract_quotes {
    my $page = shift;

    # Nibble away at the unwanted HTML at the beginnning...
    $page =~ s/.+Memorable Quotes//si;
    $page =~ s/.+?(<a name)/$1/si;

    # ... and the end of the page
    $page =~ s/Browse titles in the movie quotes.+$//si;
    $page =~ s/<p.+$//g;

    # Quotes separated by an <HR> tag
    my @quotes = split( /<hr.+?>/, $page );

    for my $quote ( @quotes ) {
        my @lines = split( /<br>/, $quote );
        for ( @lines ) {
            s/<[^>]+>//g;   # Strip HTML tags
            s/\s+/ /g;	    # Squash whitespace
            s/^ //;	    # Strip leading space
            s/ $//;	    # Strip trailing space
            s/&#34;/"/g;    # Replace HTML entity quotes

            # Word-wrap to fit in 72 columns
            $Text::Wrap::columns = 72;
            $_ = wrap( '', '    ', $_ );
        $quote = join( "\n", @lines );

    return @quotes;
}, by Ed Silva

A quick little utility to search the CPAN and fire up a browser with a results page.


# turn on perl's safety features
use strict;
use warnings;

# work out the name of the module we're looking for
my $module_name = $ARGV[0]
  or die "Must specify module name on command line";

# create a new browser
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new();

# tell it to get the main page

# okay, fill in the box with the name of the
# module we want to look up
$browser->field("query", $module_name);

# click on the link that matches the module name
$browser->follow_link( text_regex => $module_name );

my $url = $browser->uri;

# launch a browser...
system('galeon', $url);


lj_friends.cgi, by Matt Cashner


# Provides an rss feed of a paid user's LiveJournal friends list
# Full entries, protected entries, etc.
# Add to your favorite rss reader as

use warnings;
use strict;

use WWW::Mechanize;
use CGI;

my $cgi = CGI->new();
my $form = $cgi->Vars;

my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new();

print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
print $agent->content();

Hacking Movable Type, by Dan Rinzel

use strict;
use WWW::Mechanize;

# a tool to automatically post entries to a moveable type weblog, and set arbitrary creation dates

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $entry;
$entry->{title} = "Test AutoEntry Title";
$entry->{btext} = "Test AutoEntry Body";
$entry->{date} = '2002-04-15 14:18:00';
my $start = qq||;

$mech->submit(); # to get login cookie
$mech->field('category_id',1); # adjust as needed
$mech->field('status',2); # publish, or 1 = draft
$results = $mech->submit();

# if we're ok with this entry being datestamped "NOW" (no {date} in %entry)
# we're done. Otherwise, time to be tricksy
# MT returns a 302 redirect from this form. the redirect itself contains a <body onload=""> handler
# which takes the user to an editable version of the form where the create date can be edited
# MT date format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS is the only one that won't error out

if ($entry->{date} && $entry->{date} =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/) {
    # travel the redirect
    $results = $mech->get($results->{_headers}->{location});
    $results->{_content} =~ /<body onLoad="([^\"]+)"/is;
    my $js = $1;
    $js =~ /\'([^']+)\'/;
    $results = $mech->get($start.$1);

get-despair, by Randal Schwartz

Randal submitted this bot that walks the site sucking down all the pictures.

use strict;

use WWW::Mechanize;
use File::Basename;

my $m = WWW::Mechanize->new;


my @top_links = @{$m->links};

for my $top_link_num (0..$#top_links) {
    next unless $top_links[$top_link_num][0] =~ /^http:/;

    $m->follow_link( n=>$top_link_num ) or die "can't follow $top_link_num";

    print $m->uri, "\n";
    for my $image (grep m{^http://store4}, map $_->[0], @{$m->links}) {
        my $local = basename $image;
        print " $image...", $m->mirror($image, $local)->message, "\n"

    $m->back or die "can't go back";


Andy Lester <andy at>


This software is copyright (c) 2004 by Andy Lester.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.