package inc::Module::Install; # This module ONLY loads if the user has manually installed their own # installation of Module::Install, and are some form of MI author. # # It runs from the installed location, and is never bundled # along with the other bundled modules. # # So because the version of this differs from the version that will # be bundled almost every time, it doesn't have it's own version and # isn't part of the synchronisation-checking. use strict; use vars qw{$VERSION}; BEGIN { # While this version will be overwritten when Module::Install # loads, it remains so Module::Install itself can detect which # version an author currently has installed. # This allows it to implement any back-compatibility features # it may want or need to. $VERSION = '1.21'; } if ( -d './inc' ) { my $author = $^O eq 'VMS' ? './inc/_author' : './inc/.author'; if ( -d $author ) { my $modified_at = (stat($author))[9]; if ((time - $modified_at) > 24 * 60 * 60) { # inc is a bit stale; there may be a newer Module::Install _check_update($modified_at); } $Module::Install::AUTHOR = 1; require File::Path; File::Path::rmtree('inc'); } } else { $Module::Install::AUTHOR = 1; } unshift @INC, 'inc' unless $INC[0] eq 'inc'; local $^W; require Module::Install; sub _check_update { my $modified_at = shift; # XXX: We have several online services to get update information # including They are more reliable than the # 02packages.details.txt.gz on the local machine. We might be # better to depend on those services... but on which? my $cpan_version = 0; if (0) { # XXX: should be configurable? my $url = ""; eval "require YAML::Tiny; 1" or return; if (eval "require LWP::UserAgent; 1") { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 10, env_proxy => 1, ); my $res = $ua->get($url); return unless $res->is_success; my $yaml = eval { YAML::Tiny::Load($res->content) } or return; $cpan_version = $yaml->{version}; } } else { # If you don't want to rely on the net... require File::Spec; $cpan_version = _check_update_local($modified_at) or return; } # XXX: should die instead of warn? warn <<"WARN" if $cpan_version > $VERSION; Newer version of Module::Install is available on CPAN. CPAN: $cpan_version LOCAL: $VERSION Please upgrade. WARN } sub _check_update_local { my $modified_at = shift; return unless eval "require Compress::Zlib; 1"; _require_myconfig_or_config() or return; my $file = File::Spec->catfile( $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where}, 'modules', '02packages.details.txt.gz' ); return unless -f $file; # return if (stat($file))[9] < $modified_at; my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($file, 'r') or return; my $line; while($gz->gzreadline($line)) { my ($cpan_version) = $line =~ /^Module::Install\s+(\S+)/ or next; return $cpan_version; } return; } # adapted from CPAN::HandleConfig sub _require_myconfig_or_config { return 1 if $INC{"CPAN/"}; local @INC = @INC; my $home = _home() or return; my $cpan_dir = File::Spec->catdir($home,'.cpan'); return unless -d $cpan_dir; unshift @INC, $cpan_dir; eval { require CPAN::MyConfig }; if ($@ and $@ !~ m#locate CPAN/MyConfig\.pm#) { warn "Error while requiring CPAN::MyConfig:\n$@\n"; return; } return 1 if $INC{"CPAN/"}; eval { require CPAN::Config; }; if ($@ and $@ !~ m#locate CPAN/Config\.pm#) { warn "Error while requiring CPAN::Config:\n$@\n"; return; } return 1 if $INC{"CPAN/"}; return; } # adapted from CPAN::HandleConfig sub _home { my $home; if (eval {require File::HomeDir; 1}) { $home = File::HomeDir->can('my_dot_config') ? File::HomeDir->my_dot_config : File::HomeDir->my_data; unless (defined $home) { $home = File::HomeDir->my_home } } unless (defined $home) { $home = $ENV{HOME}; } $home; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME inc::Module::Install - Module::Install configuration system =head1 SYNOPSIS use inc::Module::Install; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module first checks whether the F directory exists, and removes the whole F directory if it does, so the module author always get a fresh F every time they run F. Next, it unshifts C into C<@INC>, then loads B from there. Below is an explanation of the reason for using a I: The original implementation of B introduces subtle problems for distributions ending with C (e.g. B, B), because its placement in F<./CPAN/> duplicates the real libraries that will get installed; also, the directory name F<./CPAN/> may confuse users. On the other hand, putting included, for-build-time-only libraries in F<./inc/> is a normal practice, and there is little chance that a CPAN distribution will be called C, so it's much safer to use. Also, it allows for other helper modules like B to reside also in F, and to make use of them. =head1 AUTHORS Audrey Tang Eautrijus@autrijus.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, 2004 Audrey Tang Eautrijus@autrijus.orgE. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L =cut