use strict; use warnings; package YAML::PP::Schema::Core; our $VERSION = 'v0.38.0'; # VERSION use YAML::PP::Schema::JSON qw/ represent_int represent_float represent_literal represent_bool represent_undef /; use B; use YAML::PP::Common qw/ YAML_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE /; my $RE_INT_CORE = qr{^([+-]?(?:[0-9]+))$}; my $RE_FLOAT_CORE = qr{^([+-]?(?:\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?)(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)$}; my $RE_INT_OCTAL = qr{^0o([0-7]+)$}; my $RE_INT_HEX = qr{^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$}; sub _from_oct { oct $_[2]->[0] } sub _from_hex { hex $_[2]->[0] } sub register { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $schema = $args{schema}; $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:null', match => [ equals => $_ => undef ], ) for (qw/ null NULL Null ~ /, ''); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:bool', match => [ equals => $_ => $schema->true ], ) for (qw/ true TRUE True /); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:bool', match => [ equals => $_ => $schema->false ], ) for (qw/ false FALSE False /); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:int', match => [ regex => $RE_INT_CORE => \&YAML::PP::Schema::JSON::_to_int ], ); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:int', match => [ regex => $RE_INT_OCTAL => \&_from_oct ], ); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:int', match => [ regex => $RE_INT_HEX => \&_from_hex ], ); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:float', match => [ regex => $RE_FLOAT_CORE => \&YAML::PP::Schema::JSON::_to_float ], ); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:float', match => [ equals => $_ => 0 + "inf" ], ) for (qw/ .inf .Inf .INF +.inf +.Inf +.INF /); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:float', match => [ equals => $_ => 0 - "inf" ], ) for (qw/ -.inf -.Inf -.INF /); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:float', match => [ equals => $_ => 0 + "nan" ], ) for (qw/ .nan .NaN .NAN /); $schema->add_resolver( tag => ',2002:str', match => [ all => sub { $_[1]->{value} } ], ); my $int_flags = B::SVp_IOK; my $float_flags = B::SVp_NOK; $schema->add_representer( flags => $int_flags, code => \&represent_int, ); $schema->add_representer( flags => $float_flags, code => \&represent_float, ); $schema->add_representer( undefined => \&represent_undef, ); $schema->add_representer( equals => $_, code => \&represent_literal, ) for ("", qw/ true TRUE True false FALSE False null NULL Null ~ .inf .Inf .INF +.inf +.Inf +.INF -.inf -.Inf -.INF .nan .NaN .NAN /); $schema->add_representer( regex => qr{$RE_INT_CORE|$RE_FLOAT_CORE|$RE_INT_OCTAL|$RE_INT_HEX}, code => \&represent_literal, ); if ($schema->bool_class) { for my $class (@{ $schema->bool_class }) { if ($class eq 'perl') { $schema->add_representer( bool => 1, code => \&represent_bool, ); next; } $schema->add_representer( class_equals => $class, code => \&represent_bool, ); } } return; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME YAML::PP::Schema::Core - YAML 1.2 Core Schema =head1 SYNOPSIS my $yp = YAML::PP->new( schema => ['Core'] ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This schema is the official recommended Core Schema for YAML 1.2. It loads additional values to the JSON schema as special types, for example C and C additional to C. Official Schema: L Here you can see all Schemas and examples implemented by YAML::PP: L =head1 METHODS =over =item register Called by YAML::PP::Schema =back =cut