use strict; use warnings; package YAML::PP::Emitter; our $VERSION = 'v0.38.0'; # VERSION use Data::Dumper; use YAML::PP::Common qw/ YAML_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE YAML_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE YAML_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE /; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{YAML_PP_EMIT_DEBUG} ? 1 : 0; use constant DEFAULT_WIDTH => 80; sub new { my ($class, %args) = @_; my $self = bless { indent => $args{indent} || 2, writer => $args{writer}, width => $args{width} || DEFAULT_WIDTH, }, $class; $self->init; return $self; } sub clone { my ($self) = @_; my $clone = { indent => $self->indent, }; return bless $clone, ref $self; } sub event_stack { return $_[0]->{event_stack} } sub set_event_stack { $_[0]->{event_stack} = $_[1] } sub indent { return $_[0]->{indent} } sub width { return $_[0]->{width} } sub line { return $_[0]->{line} } sub column { return $_[0]->{column} } sub set_indent { $_[0]->{indent} = $_[1] } sub writer { $_[0]->{writer} } sub set_writer { $_[0]->{writer} = $_[1] } sub tagmap { return $_[0]->{tagmap} } sub set_tagmap { $_[0]->{tagmap} = $_[1] } sub init { my ($self) = @_; unless ($self->writer) { $self->set_writer(YAML::PP::Writer->new); } $self->set_tagmap({ ',2002:' => '!!', }); $self->{open_ended} = 0; $self->{line} = 0; $self->{column} = 0; $self->writer->init; } sub mapping_start_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ mapping_start_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $indent = $last->{indent}; my $new_indent = $indent; my $yaml = ''; my $props = ''; my $anchor = $info->{anchor}; my $tag = $info->{tag}; if (defined $anchor) { $anchor = "&$anchor"; } if (defined $tag) { $tag = $self->_emit_tag('map', $tag); } $props = join ' ', grep defined, ($anchor, $tag); my $flow = $last->{flow} || 0; $flow++ if ($info->{style} || 0) eq YAML_FLOW_MAPPING_STYLE; my $newline = 0; if ($flow > 1) { if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { if ($last->{newline}) { $yaml .= ' '; } if ($last->{index} == 0) { $yaml .= "["; } else { $yaml .= ","; } } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { if ($last->{newline}) { $yaml .= ' '; } if ($last->{index} == 0) { $yaml .= "{"; } else { $yaml .= ","; } } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { die "Should not happen (index 0 in MAPVALUE)"; } $yaml .= ": "; } if ($props) { $yaml .= " $props "; } $new_indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; } else { if ($last->{type} eq 'DOC') { $newline = $last->{newline}; } else { if ($last->{newline}) { $yaml .= "\n"; $last->{column} = 0; } if ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { $new_indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; $newline = 1; } else { $new_indent = $indent; if (not $props and $self->indent == 1) { $new_indent .= ' ' x 2; } else { $new_indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; } if ($last->{column}) { my $space = $self->indent > 1 ? ' ' x ($self->indent - 1) : ' '; $yaml .= $space; } else { $yaml .= $indent; } if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { $yaml .= '-'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { $yaml .= "?"; $last->{type} = 'COMPLEX'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEXVALUE') { $yaml .= ":"; } else { die "Should not happen ($last->{type} in mapping_start)"; } $last->{column} = 1; } $last->{newline} = 0; } if ($props) { $yaml .= $last->{column} ? ' ' : $indent; $yaml .= $props; $newline = 1; } } $self->_write($yaml); my $new_info = { index => 0, indent => $new_indent, info => $info, newline => $newline, column => $self->column, flow => $flow, }; $new_info->{type} = 'MAP'; push @{ $stack }, $new_info; $last->{index}++; $self->{open_ended} = 0; } sub mapping_end_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ mapping_end_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = pop @{ $stack }; if ($last->{index} == 0) { my $indent = $last->{indent}; my $zero_indent = $last->{zero_indent}; if ($last->{zero_indent}) { $indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; } if ($self->column) { $self->_write(" {}\n"); } else { $self->_write("$indent\{}\n"); } } elsif ($last->{flow}) { my $yaml = "}"; if ($last->{flow} == 1) { $yaml .= "\n"; } $self->_write("$yaml"); } $last = $stack->[-1]; $last->{column} = $self->column; if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { $last->{type} = 'MAPVALUE'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEX') { $last->{type} = 'COMPLEXVALUE'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEXVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } } sub sequence_start_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ sequence_start_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $indent = $last->{indent}; my $new_indent = $indent; my $yaml = ''; my $props = ''; my $anchor = $info->{anchor}; my $tag = $info->{tag}; if (defined $anchor) { $anchor = "&$anchor"; } if (defined $tag) { $tag = $self->_emit_tag('seq', $tag); } $props = join ' ', grep defined, ($anchor, $tag); my $flow = $last->{flow} || 0; $flow++ if $flow or ($info->{style} || 0) eq YAML_FLOW_SEQUENCE_STYLE; my $newline = 0; my $zero_indent = 0; if ($flow > 1) { if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { if ($last->{newline}) { $yaml .= ' '; } if ($last->{index} == 0) { $yaml .= "["; } else { $yaml .= ","; } } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { if ($last->{newline}) { $yaml .= ' '; } if ($last->{index} == 0) { $yaml .= "{"; } else { $yaml .= ","; } } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { die "Should not happen (index 0 in MAPVALUE)"; } $yaml .= ": "; } if ($props) { $yaml .= " $props "; } $new_indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; } else { if ($last->{type} eq 'DOC') { $newline = $last->{newline}; } else { if ($last->{newline}) { $yaml .= "\n"; $last->{column} = 0; } if ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { $zero_indent = 1; $newline = 1; } else { if (not $props and $self->indent == 1) { $new_indent .= ' ' x 2; } else { $new_indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; } if ($last->{column}) { my $space = $self->indent > 1 ? ' ' x ($self->indent - 1) : ' '; $yaml .= $space; } else { $yaml .= $indent; } if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { $yaml .= "-"; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { $last->{type} = 'COMPLEX'; $zero_indent = 1; $yaml .= "?"; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEXVALUE') { $yaml .= ":"; $zero_indent = 1; } else { die "Should not happen ($last->{type} in sequence_start)"; } $last->{column} = 1; } $last->{newline} = 0; } if ($props) { $yaml .= $last->{column} ? ' ' : $indent; $yaml .= $props; $newline = 1; } } $self->_write($yaml); $last->{index}++; my $new_info = { index => 0, indent => $new_indent, info => $info, zero_indent => $zero_indent, newline => $newline, column => $self->column, flow => $flow, }; $new_info->{type} = 'SEQ'; push @{ $stack }, $new_info; $self->{open_ended} = 0; } sub sequence_end_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ sequence_end_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = pop @{ $stack }; if ($last->{index} == 0) { my $indent = $last->{indent}; my $zero_indent = $last->{zero_indent}; if ($last->{zero_indent}) { $indent .= ' ' x $self->indent; } my $yaml .= $self->column ? ' ' : $indent; $yaml .= "[]"; if ($last->{flow} < 2) { $yaml .= "\n"; } $self->_write($yaml); } elsif ($last->{flow}) { my $yaml = "]"; if ($last->{flow} == 1) { $yaml .= "\n"; } $self->_write($yaml); } $last = $stack->[-1]; $last->{column} = $self->column; if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { $last->{type} = 'MAPVALUE'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEX') { $last->{type} = 'COMPLEXVALUE'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEXVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } } my %forbidden_first = (qw/ ! 1 & 1 * 1 { 1 } 1 [ 1 ] 1 | 1 > 1 @ 1 ` 1 " 1 ' 1 /, '#' => 1, '%' => 1, ',' => 1, " " => 1); my %forbidden_first_plus_space = (qw/ ? 1 - 1 : 1 /); my %control = ( "\x00" => '\0', "\x01" => '\x01', "\x02" => '\x02', "\x03" => '\x03', "\x04" => '\x04', "\x05" => '\x05', "\x06" => '\x06', "\x07" => '\a', "\x08" => '\b', "\x0b" => '\v', "\x0c" => '\f', "\x0e" => '\x0e', "\x0f" => '\x0f', "\x10" => '\x10', "\x11" => '\x11', "\x12" => '\x12', "\x13" => '\x13', "\x14" => '\x14', "\x15" => '\x15', "\x16" => '\x16', "\x17" => '\x17', "\x18" => '\x18', "\x19" => '\x19', "\x1a" => '\x1a', "\x1b" => '\e', "\x1c" => '\x1c', "\x1d" => '\x1d', "\x1e" => '\x1e', "\x1f" => '\x1f', "\x7f" => '\x7f', "\x80" => '\x80', "\x81" => '\x81', "\x82" => '\x82', "\x83" => '\x83', "\x84" => '\x84', "\x86" => '\x86', "\x87" => '\x87', "\x88" => '\x88', "\x89" => '\x89', "\x8a" => '\x8a', "\x8b" => '\x8b', "\x8c" => '\x8c', "\x8d" => '\x8d', "\x8e" => '\x8e', "\x8f" => '\x8f', "\x90" => '\x90', "\x91" => '\x91', "\x92" => '\x92', "\x93" => '\x93', "\x94" => '\x94', "\x95" => '\x95', "\x96" => '\x96', "\x97" => '\x97', "\x98" => '\x98', "\x99" => '\x99', "\x9a" => '\x9a', "\x9b" => '\x9b', "\x9c" => '\x9c', "\x9d" => '\x9d', "\x9e" => '\x9e', "\x9f" => '\x9f', "\x{2029}" => '\P', "\x{2028}" => '\L', "\x85" => '\N', "\xa0" => '\_', ); my $control_re = '\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f-\x84\x86-\x9f\x{d800}-\x{dfff}\x{fffe}\x{ffff}\x{2028}\x{2029}\x85\xa0'; my %to_escape = ( "\n" => '\n', "\t" => '\t', "\r" => '\r', '\\' => '\\\\', '"' => '\\"', %control, ); my $escape_re = $control_re . '\n\t\r'; my $escape_re_without_lb = $control_re . '\t\r'; sub scalar_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ scalar_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $indent = $last->{indent}; my $value = $info->{value}; my $flow = $last->{flow}; my $props = ''; my $anchor = $info->{anchor}; my $tag = $info->{tag}; if (defined $anchor) { $anchor = "&$anchor"; } if (defined $tag) { $tag = $self->_emit_tag('scalar', $tag); } $props = join ' ', grep defined, ($anchor, $tag); DEBUG and local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; $value = '' unless defined $value; my $style = $self->_find_best_scalar_style( info => $info, value => $value, ); my $open_ended = 0; if ($style == YAML_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE) { $value =~ s/\n/\n\n/g; } elsif ($style == YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE) { my $new_indent = $last->{indent} . (' ' x $self->indent); $value =~ s/(\n+)/"\n" x (1 + (length $1))/eg; my @lines = split m/\n/, $value, -1; if (@lines > 1) { for my $line (@lines[1 .. $#lines]) { $line = $new_indent . $line if length $line; } } $value = join "\n", @lines; $value =~ s/'/''/g; $value = "'" . $value . "'"; } elsif ($style == YAML_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE) { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.$".Data::Dumper->Dump([\$value], ['value']); my $indicators = ''; if ($value =~ m/\A\n* +/) { $indicators .= $self->indent; } my $indent = $indent . ' ' x $self->indent; if ($value !~ m/\n\z/) { $indicators .= '-'; $value .= "\n"; } elsif ($value =~ m/(\n|\A)\n\z/) { $indicators .= '+'; $open_ended = 1; } $value =~ s/^(?=.)/$indent/gm; $value = "|$indicators\n$value"; } elsif ($style == YAML_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE) { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.$".Data::Dumper->Dump([\$value], ['value']); my @lines = split /\n/, $value, -1; DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.$".Data::Dumper->Dump([\@lines], ['lines']); my $trailing = -1; while (@lines) { last if $lines[-1] ne ''; pop @lines; $trailing++; } my %start_with_space; for my $i (0 .. $#lines) { if ($lines[ $i ] =~ m/^[ \t]+/) { $start_with_space{ $i } = 1; } } my $indicators = ''; if ($value =~ m/\A\n* +/) { $indicators .= $self->indent; } my $indent = $indent . ' ' x $self->indent; if ($trailing > 0) { $indicators .= '+'; $open_ended = 1; } elsif ($trailing < 0) { $indicators .= '-'; } $value = ">$indicators\n"; my $got_content = 0; for my $i (0 .. $#lines) { my $line = $lines[ $i ]; my $sp = $start_with_space{ $i } || 0; my $spnext = $i == $#lines ? 1 : $start_with_space{ $i+1 } || 0; my $spprev = $i == 0 ? 1 : $start_with_space{ $i-1 } || 0; my $empty = length $line ? 0 : 1; my $emptynext = $i == $#lines ? '' : length $lines[$i+1] ? 0 : 1; my $nl = 0; if ($empty) { if ($spnext and $spprev) { $nl = 1; } elsif (not $spnext) { $nl = 1; } elsif (not $got_content) { $nl = 1; } } else { $got_content = 1; $value .= "$indent$line\n"; if (not $sp and not $spnext) { $nl = 1; } } if ($nl) { $value .= "\n"; } } $value .= "\n" x ($trailing) if $trailing > 0; } else { $value =~ s/([$escape_re"\\])/$to_escape{ $1 } || sprintf '\\u%04x', ord($1)/eg; $value = '"' . $value . '"'; } DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": (@$stack)\n"; my $yaml = $self->_emit_scalar( indent => $indent, props => $props, value => $value, style => $style, ); $last->{index}++; $last->{newline} = 0; $self->_write($yaml); $last->{column} = $self->column; $self->{open_ended} = $open_ended; } sub _find_best_scalar_style { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $info = $args{info}; my $style = $info->{style}; my $value = $args{value}; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $flow = $last->{flow}; my $first = substr($value, 0, 1); if ($value eq '') { if ($flow and $last->{type} ne 'MAPVALUE' and $last->{type} ne 'MAP') { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif (not $style) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } } # no control characters anywhere elsif ($value =~ m/[$control_re]/) { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } $style ||= YAML_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE; if ($style == YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE) { if ($value =~ m/ \n/ or $value =~ m/\n / or $value =~ m/^\n/ or $value =~ m/\n$/) { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value eq "\n") { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } } elsif ($style == YAML_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE or $style == YAML_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE) { if ($value eq '') { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($flow) { # no block scalars in flow if ($value =~ tr/\n//) { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } else { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } } } elsif ($style == YAML_PLAIN_SCALAR_STYLE) { if (not length $value) { } elsif ($value =~ m/[$escape_re_without_lb]/) { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value eq "\n") { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value !~ tr/ //c) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value !~ tr/ \n//c) { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value =~ tr/\n//) { $style = $flow ? YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE : YAML_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($forbidden_first{ $first }) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($flow and $value =~ tr/,[]{}//) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif (substr($value, 0, 3) =~ m/^(?:---|\.\.\.)/) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value =~ m/: /) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value =~ m/ #/) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value =~ m/[: \t]\z/) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($value =~ m/[^\x20-\x3A\x3B-\x7E\x85\xA0-\x{D7FF}\x{E000}-\x{FEFE}\x{FF00}-\x{FFFD}\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } elsif ($forbidden_first_plus_space{ $first }) { if (length ($value) == 1 or substr($value, 1, 1) =~ m/^\s/) { $style = YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } } } if ($style == YAML_SINGLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE and not $info->{style}) { if ($value =~ tr/'// and $value !~ tr/"//) { $style = YAML_DOUBLE_QUOTED_SCALAR_STYLE; } } return $style; } sub _emit_scalar { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $props = $args{props}; my $value = $args{value}; my $style = $args{style}; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $flow = $last->{flow}; my $yaml = ''; my $pvalue = $props; if ($props and length $value) { $pvalue .= " $value"; } elsif (length $value) { $pvalue .= $value; } if ($flow) { if ($props and not length $value) { $pvalue .= ' '; } $yaml = $self->_emit_flow_scalar( value => $value, pvalue => $pvalue, style => $args{style}, ); } else { $yaml = $self->_emit_block_scalar( props => $props, value => $value, pvalue => $pvalue, indent => $args{indent}, style => $args{style}, ); } return $yaml; } sub _emit_block_scalar { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $props = $args{props}; my $value = $args{value}; my $pvalue = $args{pvalue}; my $indent = $args{indent}; my $style = $args{style}; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $yaml; if ($last->{type} eq 'MAP' or $last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { if ($last->{index} == 0 and $last->{newline}) { $yaml .= "\n"; $last->{column} = 0; $last->{newline} = 0; } } my $space = ' '; my $multiline = ($style == YAML_LITERAL_SCALAR_STYLE or $style == YAML_FOLDED_SCALAR_STYLE); if ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { if ($last->{column}) { my $space = $self->indent > 1 ? ' ' x ($self->indent - 1) : ' '; $yaml .= $space; } else { $yaml .= $indent; } if ($props and not length $value) { $pvalue .= ' '; } $last->{type} = 'MAPVALUE'; if ($multiline) { # oops, a complex key $yaml .= "? "; $last->{type} = 'COMPLEXVALUE'; } if (not $multiline) { $pvalue .= ":"; } } else { if ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'DOC') { } else { if ($last->{column}) { my $space = $self->indent > 1 ? ' ' x ($self->indent - 1) : ' '; $yaml .= $space; } else { $yaml .= $indent; } if ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEXVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; $yaml .= ":"; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { $yaml .= "-"; } else { die "Should not happen ($last->{type} in scalar_event)"; } $last->{column} = 1; } if (length $pvalue) { if ($last->{column}) { $pvalue = "$space$pvalue"; } } if (not $multiline) { $pvalue .= "\n"; } } $yaml .= $pvalue; return $yaml; } sub _emit_flow_scalar { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $value = $args{value}; my $pvalue = $args{pvalue}; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $yaml; if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { if ($self->column) { $yaml .= ' '; } $yaml .= "["; } else { $yaml .= ", "; } } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { if ($self->column) { $yaml .= ' '; } $yaml .= "{"; } else { $yaml .= ", "; } $last->{type} = 'MAPVALUE'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { die "Should not happen (index 0 in MAPVALUE)"; } $yaml .= ": "; $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } if ($self->column + length $pvalue > $self->width) { $yaml .= "\n"; $yaml .= $last->{indent}; $yaml .= ' ' x $self->indent; } $yaml .= $pvalue; return $yaml; } sub alias_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ alias_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $stack = $self->event_stack; my $last = $stack->[-1]; my $indent = $last->{indent}; my $flow = $last->{flow}; my $alias = '*' . $info->{value}; my $yaml = ''; if ($last->{type} eq 'MAP' or $last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { if ($last->{index} == 0 and $last->{newline}) { $yaml .= "\n"; $last->{column} = 0; $last->{newline} = 0; } } $yaml .= $last->{column} ? ' ' : $indent; if ($flow) { my $space = ''; if ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { if ($flow == 1) { $yaml .= ' '; } $yaml .= "["; } else { $yaml .= ", "; } } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { if ($flow == 1) { $yaml .= ' '; } $yaml .= "{"; } else { $yaml .= ", "; } $last->{type} = 'MAPVALUE'; $space = ' '; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { if ($last->{index} == 0) { die 23; if ($flow == 1) { $yaml .= ' '; } $yaml .= "{"; } else { $yaml .= ": "; } $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } $yaml .= "$alias$space"; } else { if ($last->{type} eq 'MAP') { $yaml .= "$alias :"; $last->{type} = 'MAPVALUE'; } else { if ($last->{type} eq 'MAPVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'DOC') { # TODO an alias at document level isn't actually valid } else { if ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEXVALUE') { $last->{type} = 'MAP'; $yaml .= ": "; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'COMPLEX') { $yaml .= ": "; } elsif ($last->{type} eq 'SEQ') { $yaml .= "- "; } else { die "Unexpected"; } } $yaml .= "$alias\n"; } } $self->_write("$yaml"); $last->{index}++; $last->{column} = $self->column; $self->{open_ended} = 0; } sub document_start_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ document_start_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; my $newline = 0; my $implicit = $info->{implicit}; if ($info->{version_directive}) { if ($self->{open_ended}) { $self->_write("...\n"); } $self->_write("%YAML $info->{version_directive}->{major}.$info->{version_directive}->{minor}\n"); $self->{open_ended} = 0; $implicit = 0; # we need --- } unless ($implicit) { $newline = 1; $self->_write("---"); } $self->set_event_stack([ { type => 'DOC', index => 0, indent => '', info => $info, newline => $newline, column => $self->column, } ]); } sub document_end_event { DEBUG and warn __PACKAGE__.':'.__LINE__.": +++ document_end_event\n"; my ($self, $info) = @_; $self->set_event_stack([]); if ($self->{open_ended} or not $info->{implicit}) { $self->_write("...\n"); $self->{open_ended} = 0; } else { $self->{open_ended} = 1; } } sub stream_start_event { } sub stream_end_event { } sub _emit_tag { my ($self, $type, $tag) = @_; my $map = $self->tagmap; for my $key (sort keys %$map) { if ($tag =~ m/^\Q$key\E(.*)/) { $tag = $map->{ $key } . $1; return $tag; } } if ($tag =~ m/^(!.*)/) { $tag = "$1"; } else { $tag = "!<$tag>"; } return $tag; } sub finish { my ($self) = @_; $self->writer->finish; } sub _write { my ($self, $yaml) = @_; return unless length $yaml; my @lines = split m/\n/, $yaml, -1; my $newlines = @lines - 1; $self->{line} += $newlines; if (length $lines[-1]) { if ($newlines) { $self->{column} = length $lines[-1]; } else { $self->{column} += length $lines[-1]; } } else { $self->{column} = 0; } $self->writer->write($yaml); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME YAML::PP::Emitter - Emitting events =head1 SYNOPSIS my $emitter = YAML::PP::Emitter->new( indent => 4, ); $emitter->init; $emitter->stream_start_event; $emitter->document_start_event({ implicit => 1 }); $emitter->sequence_start_event; $emitter->scalar_event({ value => $input, style => $style }); $emitter->sequence_end_event; $emitter->document_end_event({ implicit => 1 }); $emitter->stream_end_event; my $yaml = $emitter->writer->output; $emitter->finish; =head1 DESCRIPTION The emitter emits events to YAML. It provides methods for each event type. The arguments are mostly the same as the events from L. =head1 METHODS =over =item new my $emitter = YAML::PP::Emitter->new( indent => 4, ); Constructor. Currently takes these options: =over =item indent =item writer =back =item stream_start_event, stream_end_event, document_start_event, document_end_event, sequence_start_event, sequence_end_event, mapping_start_event, mapping_end_event, scalar_event, alias_event =item indent, set_indent Getter/setter for number of indentation spaces. TODO: Currently sequences are always zero-indented. =item writer, set_writer Getter/setter for the writer object. By default L. You can pass your own writer if you want to output the resulting YAML yourself. =item init Initialize =item finish =back =cut