package XString; use strict; use warnings; # ABSTRACT: Isolated String helpers from B BEGIN { our $VERSION = '0.005'; # VERSION: generated by DZP::OurPkgVersion require XSLoader; XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME XString - Isolated String helpers from B =head1 VERSION version 0.005 =head1 SYNOPSIS #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use XString; use B; is XString::cstring( q[a'string"with quotes] ), B::cstring( q[a'string"with quotes] ), q["a'string\"with quotes"]; is XString::perlstring( q[a'string"with quotes] ), B::perlstring( q[a'string"with quotes] ), q["a'string\"with quotes"]; done_testing; =head1 DESCRIPTION XString provides the L string helpers in one isolated package. Right now only L and L are available. =for markdown [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 cstring(STR) Similar to B::cstring; Returns a double-quote-surrounded escaped version of STR which can be used as a string in C source code. =head2 perlstring(STR) Similar to B::perlstring; Returns a double-quote-surrounded escaped version of STR which can be used as a string in Perl source code. =head1 AUTHOR Nicolas R =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by cPanel, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut