package Type::Tiny::Class; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { $Type::Tiny::Class::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK'; $Type::Tiny::Class::VERSION = '2.004000'; } $Type::Tiny::Class::VERSION =~ tr/_//d; use Scalar::Util qw< blessed >; sub _croak ($;@) { require Error::TypeTiny; goto \&Error::TypeTiny::croak } use Exporter::Tiny 1.004001 (); use Type::Tiny::ConstrainedObject (); our @ISA = qw( Type::Tiny::ConstrainedObject Exporter::Tiny ); sub _short_name { 'Class' } sub _exporter_fail { my ( $class, $name, $opts, $globals ) = @_; my $caller = $globals->{into}; $opts->{name} = $name unless exists $opts->{name}; $opts->{name} =~ s/:://g; $opts->{class} = $name unless exists $opts->{class}; my $type = $class->new($opts); $INC{'Type/'} ? 'Type::Registry'->for_class( $caller )->add_type( $type ) : ( $Type::Registry::DELAYED{$caller}{$type->name} = $type ) unless( ref($caller) or $caller eq '-lexical' or $globals->{'lexical'} ); return map +( $_->{name} => $_->{code} ), @{ $type->exportables }; } sub new { my $proto = shift; return $proto->class->new( @_ ) if blessed $proto; # DWIM my %opts = ( @_ == 1 ) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_; _croak "Need to supply class name" unless exists $opts{class}; if ( Type::Tiny::_USE_XS ) { my $xsub = Type::Tiny::XS::get_coderef_for( "InstanceOf[" . $opts{class} . "]" ); $opts{compiled_type_constraint} = $xsub if $xsub; } elsif ( Type::Tiny::_USE_MOUSE ) { require Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints; my $maker = "Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints"->can( "generate_isa_predicate_for" ); $opts{compiled_type_constraint} = $maker->( $opts{class} ) if $maker; } return $proto->SUPER::new( %opts ); } #/ sub new sub class { $_[0]{class} } sub inlined { $_[0]{inlined} ||= $_[0]->_build_inlined } sub has_inlined { !!1 } sub _is_null_constraint { 0 } sub _build_constraint { my $self = shift; my $class = $self->class; return sub { blessed( $_ ) and $_->isa( $class ) }; } sub _build_inlined { my $self = shift; my $class = $self->class; my $xsub; $xsub = Type::Tiny::XS::get_subname_for( "InstanceOf[$class]" ) if Type::Tiny::_USE_XS; sub { my $var = $_[1]; return qq{do { use Scalar::Util (); Scalar::Util::blessed($var) and $var->isa(q[$class]) }} if $Type::Tiny::AvoidCallbacks; return "$xsub\($var\)" if $xsub; qq{Scalar::Util::blessed($var) and $var->isa(q[$class])}; }; } #/ sub _build_inlined sub _build_default_message { no warnings 'uninitialized'; my $self = shift; my $c = $self->class; return sub { sprintf '%s did not pass type constraint (not isa %s)', Type::Tiny::_dd( $_[0] ), $c; } if $self->is_anon; my $name = "$self"; return sub { sprintf '%s did not pass type constraint "%s" (not isa %s)', Type::Tiny::_dd( $_[0] ), $name, $c; }; } #/ sub _build_default_message sub _instantiate_moose_type { my $self = shift; my %opts = @_; delete $opts{parent}; delete $opts{constraint}; delete $opts{inlined}; require Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class; return "Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class" ->new( %opts, class => $self->class ); } #/ sub _instantiate_moose_type sub plus_constructors { my $self = shift; unless ( @_ ) { require Types::Standard; push @_, Types::Standard::HashRef(), "new"; } require B; require Types::TypeTiny; my $class = B::perlstring( $self->class ); my @r; while ( @_ ) { my $source = shift; Types::TypeTiny::is_TypeTiny( $source ) or _croak "Expected type constraint; got $source"; my $constructor = shift; Types::TypeTiny::is_StringLike( $constructor ) or _croak "Expected string; got $constructor"; push @r, $source, sprintf( '%s->%s($_)', $class, $constructor ); } #/ while ( @_ ) return $self->plus_coercions( \@r ); } #/ sub plus_constructors sub parent { $_[0]{parent} ||= $_[0]->_build_parent; } sub _build_parent { my $self = shift; my $class = $self->class; # Some classes (I'm looking at you, Math::BigFloat) include a class in # their @ISA to inherit methods, but then override isa() to return false, # so that they don't appear to be a subclass. # # In these cases, we don't want to list the parent class as a parent # type constraint. # my @isa = grep $class->isa( $_ ), do { no strict "refs"; no warnings; @{"$class\::ISA"} }; if ( @isa == 0 ) { require Types::Standard; return Types::Standard::Object(); } if ( @isa == 1 ) { return ref( $self )->new( class => $isa[0] ); } require Type::Tiny::Intersection; "Type::Tiny::Intersection"->new( type_constraints => [ map ref( $self )->new( class => $_ ), @isa ], ); } #/ sub _build_parent *__get_linear_isa_dfs = eval { require mro } ? \&mro::get_linear_isa : sub { no strict 'refs'; my $classname = shift; my @lin = ( $classname ); my %stored; foreach my $parent ( @{"$classname\::ISA"} ) { my $plin = __get_linear_isa_dfs( $parent ); foreach ( @$plin ) { next if exists $stored{$_}; push( @lin, $_ ); $stored{$_} = 1; } } return \@lin; }; sub validate_explain { my $self = shift; my ( $value, $varname ) = @_; $varname = '$_' unless defined $varname; return undef if $self->check( $value ); return ["Not a blessed reference"] unless blessed( $value ); my @isa = @{ __get_linear_isa_dfs( ref $value ) }; my $display_var = $varname eq q{$_} ? '' : sprintf( ' (in %s)', $varname ); require Type::Utils; return [ sprintf( '"%s" requires that the reference isa %s', $self, $self->class ), sprintf( 'The reference%s isa %s', $display_var, Type::Utils::english_list( @isa ) ), ]; } #/ sub validate_explain 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Type::Tiny::Class - type constraints based on the "isa" method =head1 SYNOPSIS Using via L: package Local::Horse { use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str InstanceOf ); has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, ); has owner => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf[ 'Local::Person' ], default => sub { Local::Person->new }, ); } Using Type::Tiny::Class's export feature: package Local::Horse { use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str ); use Type::Tiny::Class 'Local::Person'; has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, ); has owner => ( is => 'ro', isa => LocalPerson, default => sub { LocalPerson->new }, ); } Using Type::Tiny::Class's object-oriented interface: package Local::Horse { use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str ); use Type::Tiny::Class; my $Person = Type::Tiny::Class->new( class => 'Local::Person' ); has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, ); has owner => ( is => 'ro', isa => $Person, default => sub { $Person->new }, ); } Using Type::Utils's functional interface: package Local::Horse { use Moo; use Types::Standard qw( Str ); use Type::Utils; my $Person = class_type 'Local::Person'; has name => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, ); has owner => ( is => 'ro', isa => $Person, default => sub { $Person->new }, ); } =head1 STATUS This module is covered by the L. =head1 DESCRIPTION Type constraints of the general form C<< { $_->isa("Some::Class") } >>. This package inherits from L; see that for most documentation. Major differences are listed below: =head2 Constructor =over =item C When the constructor is called on an I of Type::Tiny::Class, it passes the call through to the constructor of the class for the constraint. So for example: my $type = Type::Tiny::Class->new(class => "Foo::Bar"); my $obj = $type->new(hello => "World"); say ref($obj); # prints "Foo::Bar" This little bit of DWIM was borrowed from L, but Type::Tiny doesn't take the idea quite as far. =back =head2 Attributes =over =item C The class for the constraint. =item C Unlike Type::Tiny, you I pass a constraint coderef to the constructor. Instead rely on the default. =item C Unlike Type::Tiny, you I pass an inlining coderef to the constructor. Instead rely on the default. =item C Parent is automatically calculated, and cannot be passed to the constructor. =back =head2 Methods =over =item C<< plus_constructors($source, $method_name) >> Much like C but adds coercions that go via a constructor. (In fact, this is implemented as a wrapper for C.) Example: package MyApp::Minion; use Moose; extends "MyApp::Person"; use Types::Standard qw( HashRef Str ); use Type::Utils qw( class_type ); my $Person = class_type({ class => "MyApp::Person" }); has boss => ( is => "ro", isa => $Person->plus_constructors( HashRef, "new", Str, "_new_from_name", ), coerce => 1, ); package main; MyApp::Minion->new( ..., boss => "Bob", ## via MyApp::Person->_new_from_name ); MyApp::Minion->new( ..., boss => { name => "Bob" }, ## via MyApp::Person->new ); Because coercing C via constructor is a common desire, if you call C with no arguments at all, this is the default. $classtype->plus_constructors(HashRef, "new") $classtype->plus_constructors() ## identical to above This is handy for Moose/Mouse/Moo-based classes. =item C<< stringifies_to($constraint) >> See L. =item C<< numifies_to($constraint) >> See L. =item C<< with_attribute_values($attr1 => $constraint1, ...) >> See L. =back =head2 Exports Type::Tiny::Class can be used as an exporter. use Type::Tiny::Class 'HTTP::Tiny'; This will export the following functions into your namespace: =over =item C<< HTTPTiny >> =item C<< is_HTTPTiny( $value ) >> =item C<< assert_HTTPTiny( $value ) >> =item C<< to_HTTPTiny( $value ) >> =back You will also be able to use C<< HTTPTiny->new(...) >> as a shortcut for C<< HTTP::Tiny->new(...) >>. Multiple types can be exported at once: use Type::Tiny::Class qw( HTTP::Tiny LWP::UserAgent ); =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to L. =head1 SEE ALSO L. L. L. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster Etobyink@cpan.orgE. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2023 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.