package Type::Library; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { $Type::Library::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK'; $Type::Library::VERSION = '2.004000'; } $Type::Library::VERSION =~ tr/_//d; use Eval::TypeTiny qw< eval_closure set_subname type_to_coderef NICE_PROTOTYPES >; use Scalar::Util qw< blessed refaddr >; use Type::Tiny (); use Types::TypeTiny (); require Exporter::Tiny; our @ISA = 'Exporter::Tiny'; sub _croak ($;@) { require Error::TypeTiny; goto \&Error::TypeTiny::croak } #### #### Hooks for Exporter::Tiny #### # Handling for -base, -extends, and -utils tags. # sub _exporter_validate_opts { my ( $class, $opts ) = ( shift, @_ ); $class->setup_type_library( @{$opts}{qw/ into utils extends /}, $opts ) if $_[0]{base} || $_[0]{extends}; return $class->SUPER::_exporter_validate_opts( @_ ); } # In Exporter::Tiny, this method takes a sub name, a 'value' (i.e. # potentially an options hashref for the export), and some global # options, and returns a list of name+coderef pairs to actually # export. We override it to provide some useful features. # sub _exporter_expand_sub { my ( $class, $name, $value, $globals ) = ( shift, @_ ); # Handle exporting '+Type'. # # Note that this recurses, so if used in conjunction with the other # special cases handled by this method, will still work. # if ( $name =~ /^\+(.+)/ and $class->has_type( "$1" ) ) { my $type = $class->get_type( "$1" ); my $exported = $type->exportables; return map $class->_exporter_expand_sub( $_->{name}, +{ %{ $value || {} } }, $globals, ), @$exported; } # Is the function being exported one which is associated with a # type constraint? If so, which one. If not, then forget the rest # and just use the superclass method. # if ( my $f = $class->meta->{'functions'}{$name} and defined $class->meta->{'functions'}{$name}{'type'} ) { my $type = $f->{type}; my $tag = $f->{tags}[0]; my $typename = $type->name; # If $value has `of` or `where` options, then this is a # custom type. # my $custom_type = 0; for my $param ( qw/ of where / ) { exists $value->{$param} or next; defined $value->{-as} or _croak( "Parameter '-as' not supplied" ); $type = $type->$param( $value->{$param} ); $name = $value->{-as}; ++$custom_type; } # If we're exporting a type itself, then export a custom # function if they customized the type or want a Moose/Mouse # type constraint. # if ( $tag eq 'types' ) { my $post_method = q(); $post_method = '->mouse_type' if $globals->{mouse}; $post_method = '->moose_type' if $globals->{moose}; return ( $name => type_to_coderef( $type, post_method => $post_method ) ) if $post_method || $custom_type; } # If they're exporting some other type of function, like # 'to', 'is', or 'assert', then find the correct exportable # by tag name, and return that. # # XXX: this will fail for tags like 'constants' where there # will be multiple exportables which match! # if ( $custom_type and $tag ne 'types' ) { my $exportable = $type->exportables_by_tag( $tag, $typename ); return ( $value->{-as} || $exportable->{name}, $exportable->{code} ); } } # In all other cases, the superclass method will work. # return $class->SUPER::_exporter_expand_sub( @_ ); } # Mostly just rely on superclass to do the actual export, but add # a couple of useful behaviours. # sub _exporter_install_sub { my ( $class, $name, $value, $globals, $sym ) = ( shift, @_ ); my $into = $globals->{into}; my $type = $class->meta->{'functions'}{$name}{'type'}; my $tags = $class->meta->{'functions'}{$name}{'tags'}; # Issue a warning if exporting a deprecated type constraint. # Exporter::Tiny::_carp( "Exporting deprecated type %s to %s", $type->qualified_name, ref( $into ) ? "reference" : "package $into", ) if ( defined $type and $type->deprecated and not $globals->{allow_deprecated} ); # If exporting a type constraint into a real package, then # add it to the package's type registry. # if ( !ref $into and $into ne '-lexical' and defined $type and grep $_ eq 'types', @$tags ) { # If they're renaming it, figure out what name, and use that. # XXX: `-as` can be a coderef, and can be in $globals in that case. my ( $prefix ) = grep defined, $value->{-prefix}, $globals->{prefix}, q(); my ( $suffix ) = grep defined, $value->{-suffix}, $globals->{suffix}, q(); my $as = $prefix . ( $value->{-as} || $name ) . $suffix; $INC{'Type/'} ? 'Type::Registry'->for_class( $into )->add_type( $type, $as ) : ( $Type::Registry::DELAYED{$into}{$as} = $type ); } $class->SUPER::_exporter_install_sub( @_ ); } #/ sub _exporter_install_sub sub _exporter_fail { my ( $class, $name, $value, $globals ) = ( shift, @_ ); # Passing the `-declare` flag means that if a type isn't found, then # we export a placeholder function instead of failing. if ( $globals->{declare} ) { return ( $name, type_to_coderef( undef, type_name => $name, type_library => $globals->{into} || _croak( "Parameter 'into' not supplied" ), ), ); } #/ if ( $globals->{declare...}) return $class->SUPER::_exporter_fail( @_ ); } #/ sub _exporter_fail #### #### Type library functionality #### sub setup_type_library { my ( $class, $type_library, $install_utils, $extends, $opts ) = ( shift, @_ ); my @extends = ref( $extends ) ? @$extends : $extends ? $extends : (); unshift @extends, $class if $class ne __PACKAGE__; if ( not ref $type_library ) { no strict "refs"; push @{"$type_library\::ISA"}, $class; ( my $file = $type_library ) =~ s{::}{/}g; $INC{"$"} ||= __FILE__; } if ( $install_utils ) { require Type::Utils; 'Type::Utils'->import( { %$opts, into => $type_library }, '-default', ); } if ( @extends and not ref $type_library ) { require Type::Utils; my $wrapper = eval "sub { package $type_library; &Type::Utils::extends; }"; $wrapper->( @extends ); } } sub meta { no strict "refs"; no warnings "once"; return $_[0] if blessed $_[0]; ${"$_[0]\::META"} ||= bless {}, $_[0]; } sub add_type { my $meta = shift->meta; my $class = blessed( $meta ) ; _croak( 'Type library is immutable' ) if $meta->{immutable}; my $type = ref( $_[0] ) =~ /^Type::Tiny\b/ ? $_[0] : blessed( $_[0] ) ? Types::TypeTiny::to_TypeTiny( $_[0] ) : ref( $_[0] ) eq q(HASH) ? 'Type::Tiny'->new( library => $class, %{ $_[0] } ) : "Type::Tiny"->new( library => $class, @_ ); my $name = $type->{name}; if ( $meta->has_type( $name ) ) { my $existing = $meta->get_type( $name ); return if $type->{uniq} == $existing->{uniq}; _croak( 'Type %s already exists in this library', $name ); } _croak( 'Type %s conflicts with coercion of same name', $name ) if $meta->has_coercion( $name ); _croak( 'Cannot add anonymous type to a library' ) if $type->is_anon; $meta->{types} ||= {}; $meta->{types}{$name} = $type; no strict "refs"; no warnings "redefine", "prototype"; for my $exportable ( @{ $type->exportables } ) { my $name = $exportable->{name}; my $code = $exportable->{code}; my $tags = $exportable->{tags}; _croak( 'Function %s is provided by types %s and %s', $name, $meta->{'functions'}{$name}{'type'}->name, $type->name ) if $meta->{'functions'}{$name}; *{"$class\::$name"} = set_subname( "$class\::$name", $code ); push @{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"}, $name; push @{ ${"$class\::EXPORT_TAGS"}{$_} ||= [] }, $name for @$tags; $meta->{'functions'}{$name} = { type => $type, tags => $tags }; } $INC{'Type/'} ? 'Type::Registry'->for_class( $class )->add_type( $type, $name ) : ( $Type::Registry::DELAYED{$class}{$name} = $type ); return $type; } #/ sub add_type # For Type::TinyX::Facets # Only use this if you know what you're doing! sub _remove_type { my $meta = shift->meta; my $type = $meta->get_type( $_[0] ); my $class = ref $meta; _croak( 'Type library is immutable' ) if $meta->{immutable}; delete $meta->{types}{$type->name}; no strict "refs"; no warnings "redefine", "prototype"; my @clean; my $_scrub = sub { my ( $arr, $name ) = @_; @$arr = grep $_ ne $name, @$arr; }; for my $exportable ( @{ $type->exportables } ) { my $name = $exportable->{name}; push @clean, $name; &$_scrub( \@{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"}, $name ); for my $t ( @{ $exportable->{tags} } ) { &$_scrub( ${"$class\::EXPORT_TAGS"}{$t} ||= [], $name ); } delete $meta->{'functions'}{$name}; } eval { require namespace::clean; 'namespace::clean'->clean_subroutines( $class, @clean ); }; delete 'Type::Registry'->for_class( $class )->{$type->name} if $INC{'Type/'}; delete $Type::Registry::DELAYED{$class}{$type->name}; return $type; } #/ sub _remove_type sub get_type { my $meta = shift->meta; $meta->{types}{ $_[0] }; } sub has_type { my $meta = shift->meta; exists $meta->{types}{ $_[0] }; } sub type_names { my $meta = shift->meta; keys %{ $meta->{types} }; } sub add_coercion { my $meta = shift->meta; my $class = blessed( $meta ); _croak( 'Type library is immutable' ) if $meta->{immutable}; require Type::Coercion; my $c = blessed( $_[0] ) ? $_[0] : "Type::Coercion"->new( @_ ); my $name = $c->name; _croak( 'Coercion %s already exists in this library', $name ) if $meta->has_coercion( $name ); _croak( 'Coercion %s conflicts with type of same name', $name ) if $meta->has_type( $name ); _croak( 'Cannot add anonymous type to a library' ) if $c->is_anon; $meta->{coercions} ||= {}; $meta->{coercions}{$name} = $c; no strict "refs"; no warnings "redefine", "prototype"; *{"$class\::$name"} = type_to_coderef( $c ); push @{"$class\::EXPORT_OK"}, $name; push @{ ${"$class\::EXPORT_TAGS"}{'coercions'} ||= [] }, $name; $meta->{'functions'}{$name} = { coercion => $c, tags => [ 'coercions' ] }; return $c; } #/ sub add_coercion sub get_coercion { my $meta = shift->meta; $meta->{coercions}{ $_[0] }; } sub has_coercion { my $meta = shift->meta; exists $meta->{coercions}{ $_[0] }; } sub coercion_names { my $meta = shift->meta; keys %{ $meta->{coercions} }; } sub make_immutable { my $meta = shift->meta; my $class = ref( $meta ); no strict "refs"; no warnings "redefine", "prototype"; for my $type ( values %{ $meta->{types} } ) { $type->coercion->freeze; next unless $type->has_coercion && $type->coercion->frozen; for my $e ( $type->exportables_by_tag( 'to' ) ) { my $qualified_name = $class . '::' . $e->{name}; *$qualified_name = set_subname( $qualified_name, $e->{code} ); } } $meta->{immutable} = 1; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =for stopwords Moo(se)-compatible MooseX::Types-like =head1 NAME Type::Library - tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type libraries =head1 SYNOPSIS =for test_synopsis BEGIN { die "SKIP: crams multiple modules into single example" }; package Types::Mine { use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Type::Library -base; use Type::Tiny; my $NUM = "Type::Tiny"->new( name => "Number", constraint => sub { looks_like_number($_) }, message => sub { "$_ ain't a number" }, ); __PACKAGE__->meta->add_type($NUM); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; } package Ermintrude { use Moo; use Types::Mine qw(Number); has favourite_number => (is => "ro", isa => Number); } package Bullwinkle { use Moose; use Types::Mine qw(Number); has favourite_number => (is => "ro", isa => Number); } package Maisy { use Mouse; use Types::Mine qw(Number); has favourite_number => (is => "ro", isa => Number); } =head1 STATUS This module is covered by the L. =head1 DESCRIPTION L is a tiny class for creating MooseX::Types-like type libraries which are compatible with Moo, Moose and Mouse. If you're reading this because you want to create a type library, then you're probably better off reading L. =head2 Type library methods A type library is a singleton class. Use the C method to get a blessed object which other methods can get called on. For example: Types::Mine->meta->add_type($foo); =begin trustme =item meta =end trustme =over =item C<< add_type($type) >> or C<< add_type(%opts) >> Add a type to the library. If C<< %opts >> is given, then this method calls C<< Type::Tiny->new(%opts) >> first, and adds the resultant type. Adding a type named "Foo" to the library will automatically define four functions in the library's namespace: =over =item C<< Foo >> Returns the Type::Tiny object. =item C<< is_Foo($value) >> Returns true iff $value passes the type constraint. =item C<< assert_Foo($value) >> Returns $value iff $value passes the type constraint. Dies otherwise. =item C<< to_Foo($value) >> Coerces the value to the type. =back =item C<< get_type($name) >> Gets the C object corresponding to the name. =item C<< has_type($name) >> Boolean; returns true if the type exists in the library. =item C<< type_names >> List all types defined by the library. =item C<< add_coercion($c) >> or C<< add_coercion(%opts) >> Add a standalone coercion to the library. If C<< %opts >> is given, then this method calls C<< Type::Coercion->new(%opts) >> first, and adds the resultant coercion. Adding a coercion named "FooFromBar" to the library will automatically define a function in the library's namespace: =over =item C<< FooFromBar >> Returns the Type::Coercion object. =back =item C<< get_coercion($name) >> Gets the C object corresponding to the name. =item C<< has_coercion($name) >> Boolean; returns true if the coercion exists in the library. =item C<< coercion_names >> List all standalone coercions defined by the library. =item C<< import(@args) >> Type::Library-based libraries are exporters. =item C<< make_immutable >> Prevents new type constraints and coercions from being added to the library, and also calls C<< $type->coercion->freeze >> on every type constraint in the library. (Prior to Type::Library v2, C would call C<< $type->coercion->freeze >> on every constraint in the library, but not prevent new type constraints and coercions from being added to the library.) =back =head2 Type library exported functions Type libraries are exporters. For the purposes of the following examples, assume that the C library defines types C and C. # Exports nothing. # use Types::Mine; # Exports a function "String" which is a constant returning # the String type constraint. # use Types::Mine qw( String ); # Exports both String and Number as above. # use Types::Mine qw( String Number ); # Same. # use Types::Mine qw( :types ); # Exports "coerce_String" and "coerce_Number", as well as any other # coercions # use Types::Mine qw( :coercions ); # Exports a sub "is_String" so that "is_String($foo)" is equivalent # to "String->check($foo)". # use Types::Mine qw( is_String ); # Exports "is_String" and "is_Number". # use Types::Mine qw( :is ); # Exports a sub "assert_String" so that "assert_String($foo)" is # equivalent to "String->assert_return($foo)". # use Types::Mine qw( assert_String ); # Exports "assert_String" and "assert_Number". # use Types::Mine qw( :assert ); # Exports a sub "to_String" so that "to_String($foo)" is equivalent # to "String->coerce($foo)". # use Types::Mine qw( to_String ); # Exports "to_String" and "to_Number". # use Types::Mine qw( :to ); # Exports "String", "is_String", "assert_String" and "coerce_String". # use Types::Mine qw( +String ); # Exports everything. # use Types::Mine qw( :all ); Type libraries automatically inherit from L; see the documentation of that module for tips and tricks importing from libraries. =head2 Type::Library's methods The above sections describe the characteristics of libraries built with Type::Library. The following methods are available on Type::Library itself. =over =item C<< setup_type_library( $package, $utils, \@extends ) >> Sets up a package to be a type library. C<< $utils >> is a boolean indicating whether to import L into the package. C<< @extends >> is a list of existing type libraries the package should extend. =back =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to L. =head1 SEE ALSO L. L, L, L, L. L, L. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster Etobyink@cpan.orgE. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014, 2017-2023 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.