package Test::Memory::Cycle; use strict; use warnings; =head1 NAME Test::Memory::Cycle - Check for memory leaks and circular memory references =head1 VERSION Version 1.06 =cut our $VERSION = '1.06'; =head1 SYNOPSIS Perl's garbage collection has one big problem: Circular references can't get cleaned up. A circular reference can be as simple as two references that refer to each other: my $mom = { name => "Marilyn Lester", }; my $me = { name => "Andy Lester", mother => $mom, }; $mom->{son} = $me; C is built on top of C to give you an easy way to check for these circular references. use Test::Memory::Cycle; my $object = new MyObject; # Do stuff with the object. memory_cycle_ok( $object ); You can also use C to make sure that you have a cycle where you expect to have one. =cut use Devel::Cycle qw( find_cycle find_weakened_cycle ); use Test::Builder; my $Test = Test::Builder->new; sub import { my $self = shift; my $caller = caller; no strict 'refs'; *{$caller.'::memory_cycle_ok'} = \&memory_cycle_ok; *{$caller.'::memory_cycle_exists'} = \&memory_cycle_exists; *{$caller.'::weakened_memory_cycle_ok'} = \&weakened_memory_cycle_ok; *{$caller.'::weakened_memory_cycle_exists'} = \&weakened_memory_cycle_exists; *{$caller.'::memory_cycle_exists'} = \&memory_cycle_exists; *{$caller.'::weakened_memory_cycle_ok'} = \&weakened_memory_cycle_ok; *{$caller.'::weakened_memory_cycle_exists'} = \&weakened_memory_cycle_exists; $Test->exported_to($caller); $Test->plan(@_); return; } =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 C, I<$msg> )> Checks that I<$reference> doesn't have any circular memory references. =cut sub memory_cycle_ok { my $ref = shift; my $msg = shift; my $cycle_no = 0; my @diags; # Callback function that is called once for each memory cycle found. my $callback = sub { my $path = shift; $cycle_no++; push( @diags, "Cycle #$cycle_no" ); foreach (@$path) { my ($type,$index,$ref,$value) = @$_; my $str = 'Unknown! This should never happen!'; my $refdisp = _ref_shortname( $ref ); my $valuedisp = _ref_shortname( $value ); $str = sprintf( ' %s => %s', $refdisp, $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'SCALAR'; $str = sprintf( ' %s => %s', "${refdisp}->[$index]", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'ARRAY'; $str = sprintf( ' %s => %s', "${refdisp}->{$index}", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'HASH'; $str = sprintf( ' closure %s => %s', "${refdisp}, $index", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'CODE'; push( @diags, $str ); } }; find_cycle( $ref, $callback ); my $ok = !$cycle_no; $Test->ok( $ok, $msg ); $Test->diag( join( "\n", @diags, '' ) ) unless $ok; return $ok; } # memory_cycle_ok =head2 C, I<$msg> )> Checks that I<$reference> B have any circular memory references. =cut sub memory_cycle_exists { my $ref = shift; my $msg = shift; my $cycle_no = 0; # Callback function that is called once for each memory cycle found. my $callback = sub { $cycle_no++ }; find_cycle( $ref, $callback ); my $ok = $cycle_no; $Test->ok( $ok, $msg ); return $ok; } # memory_cycle_exists =head2 C, I<$msg> )> Checks that I<$reference> doesn't have any circular memory references, but unlike C this will also check for weakened cycles produced with Scalar::Util's C. =cut sub weakened_memory_cycle_ok { my $ref = shift; my $msg = shift; my $cycle_no = 0; my @diags; # Callback function that is called once for each memory cycle found. my $callback = sub { my $path = shift; $cycle_no++; push( @diags, "Cycle #$cycle_no" ); foreach (@$path) { my ($type,$index,$ref,$value,$is_weakened) = @$_; my $str = "Unknown! This should never happen!"; my $refdisp = _ref_shortname( $ref ); my $valuedisp = _ref_shortname( $value ); my $weak = $is_weakened ? 'w->' : ''; $str = sprintf( ' %s%s => %s', $weak, $refdisp, $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'SCALAR'; $str = sprintf( ' %s%s => %s', $weak, "${refdisp}->[$index]", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'ARRAY'; $str = sprintf( ' %s%s => %s', $weak, "${refdisp}->{$index}", $valuedisp ) if $type eq 'HASH'; push( @diags, $str ); } }; find_weakened_cycle( $ref, $callback ); my $ok = !$cycle_no; $Test->ok( $ok, $msg ); $Test->diag( join( "\n", @diags, "" ) ) unless $ok; return $ok; } # weakened_memory_cycle_ok =head2 C, I<$msg> )> Checks that I<$reference> B have any circular memory references, but unlike C this will also check for weakened cycles produced with Scalar::Util's C. =cut sub weakened_memory_cycle_exists { my $ref = shift; my $msg = shift; my $cycle_no = 0; # Callback function that is called once for each memory cycle found. my $callback = sub { $cycle_no++ }; find_weakened_cycle( $ref, $callback ); my $ok = $cycle_no; $Test->ok( $ok, $msg ); return $ok; } # weakened_memory_cycle_exists my %shortnames; my $new_shortname = "A"; sub _ref_shortname { my $ref = shift; my $refstr = "$ref"; my $refdisp = $shortnames{ $refstr }; if ( !$refdisp ) { my $sigil = ref($ref) . " "; $sigil = '%' if $sigil eq "HASH "; $sigil = '@' if $sigil eq "ARRAY "; $sigil = '$' if $sigil eq "REF "; $sigil = '&' if $sigil eq "CODE "; $refdisp = $shortnames{ $refstr } = $sigil . $new_shortname++; } return $refdisp; } =head1 AUTHOR Written by Andy Lester, C<< >>. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Test::Memory::Cycle You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L =item * CPAN Ratings L =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker L =item * Search CPAN L =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to the contributions of Stevan Little, and to Lincoln Stein for writing Devel::Cycle. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003-2016 Andy Lester. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0. See or the LICENSE file that comes with the Test::Memory::Cycle distribution. =cut 1;