use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; package Test::API; # ABSTRACT: Test a list of subroutines provided by a module our $VERSION = '0.010'; use Symbol (); use Test::Builder::Module 0.86; our @ISA = qw/Test::Builder::Module/; our @EXPORT = qw/public_ok import_ok class_api_ok/; #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub import_ok ($;@) { ## no critic my $package = shift; my %spec = @_; for my $key (qw/export export_ok/) { $spec{$key} ||= []; $spec{$key} = [ $spec{$key} ] unless ref $spec{$key} eq 'ARRAY'; } my $tb = _builder(); my @errors; my %flagged; my $label = "importing from $package"; return 0 unless _check_loaded( $package, $label ); # test export { my $test_pkg = *{ Symbol::gensym() }{NAME}; eval "package $test_pkg; use $package;"; ## no critic my ( $ok, $missing, $extra ) = _public_ok( $test_pkg, @{ $spec{export} } ); if ( !$ok ) { push @errors, "not exported: @$missing" if @$missing; @flagged{@$missing} = (1) x @$missing if @$missing; push @errors, "unexpectedly exported: @$extra" if @$extra; @flagged{@$extra} = (1) x @$extra if @$extra; } } # test export_ok my @exportable; for my $fcn ( _public_fcns($package) ) { next if $flagged{$fcn}; # already complaining about this so skip next if grep { $fcn eq $_ } @{ $spec{export} }; # exported by default my $pkg_name = *{ Symbol::gensym() }{NAME}; eval "package $pkg_name; use $package '$fcn';"; ## no critic my ( $ok, $missing, $extra ) = _public_ok( $pkg_name, $fcn ); if ($ok) { push @exportable, $fcn; } } my ( $missing, $extra ) = _difference( $spec{export_ok}, \@exportable, ); push @errors, "not optionally exportable: @$missing" if @$missing; push @errors, "extra optionally exportable: @$extra" if @$extra; # notify of results $tb->ok( !@errors, "importing from $package" ); $tb->diag($_) for @errors; return !@errors; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub public_ok ($;@) { ## no critic my ( $package, @expected ) = @_; my $tb = _builder(); my $label = "public API for $package"; return 0 unless _check_loaded( $package, $label ); my ( $ok, $missing, $extra ) = _public_ok( $package, @expected ); $tb->ok( $ok, $label ); if ( !$ok ) { $tb->diag("missing: @$missing") if @$missing; $tb->diag("extra: @$extra") if @$extra; } return $ok; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub class_api_ok ($;@) { ## no critic my ( $package, @expected ) = @_; my $tb = _builder(); my $label = "public API for class $package"; return 0 unless _check_loaded( $package, $label ); my ( $ok, $missing, $extra ) = _public_ok( $package, @expected ); # Call ->can to check if missing methods might be provided # by parent classes... if ( !$ok ) { @$missing = grep { not $package->can($_) } @$missing; $ok = not( scalar(@$missing) + scalar(@$extra) ); } $tb->ok( $ok, $label ); if ( !$ok ) { $tb->diag("missing: @$missing") if @$missing; $tb->diag("extra: @$extra") if @$extra; } return $ok; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _builder { return __PACKAGE__->builder; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _check_loaded { my ( $package, $label ) = @_; ( my $path = $package ) =~ s{::}{/}g; $path .= ".pm"; if ( $INC{$path} ) { return 1; } else { my $tb = _builder(); local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; $tb->ok( 0, $label ); $tb->diag("Module '$package' not loaded"); return; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _difference { my ( $array1, $array2 ) = @_; my ( %only1, %only2 ); @only1{@$array1} = (1) x @$array1; delete @only1{@$array2}; @only2{@$array2} = (1) x @$array2; delete @only2{@$array1}; return ( [ sort keys %only1 ], [ sort keys %only2 ] ); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # list adapted from Pod::Coverage my %private = map { ; $_ => 1 } qw( import unimport bootstrap AUTOLOAD BUILD BUILDARGS CLONE CLONE_SKIP DESTROY DEMOLISH meta TIESCALAR TIEARRAY TIEHASH TIEHANDLE FETCH STORE UNTIE FETCHSIZE STORESIZE POP PUSH SHIFT UNSHIFT SPLICE DELETE EXISTS EXTEND CLEAR FIRSTKEY NEXTKEY PRINT PRINTF WRITE READLINE GETC READ CLOSE BINMODE OPEN EOF FILENO SEEK TELL SCALAR MODIFY_REF_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_HASH_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_GLOB_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_IO_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_REF_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_HASH_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_GLOB_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_IO_ATTRIBUTES ); sub _public_fcns { my ($package) = @_; no strict qw(refs); my $stash = \%{"$package\::"}; my @syms; for (keys %$stash) { push @syms, ref \$stash->{$_} eq 'GLOB' ? \$stash->{$_} : \*{"$package:\:$_"} } return grep { substr( $_, 0, 1 ) ne '_' && !$private{$_} && $_ !~ /^\(/ } map { ( my $f = *$_ ) =~ s/^\*$package\:://; $f } grep { defined( *$_{CODE} ) } @syms; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub _public_ok ($;@) { ## no critic my ( $package, @expected ) = @_; my @fcns = _public_fcns($package); my ( $missing, $extra ) = _difference( \@expected, \@fcns ); return ( !@$missing && !@$extra, $missing, $extra ); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Test::API - Test a list of subroutines provided by a module =head1 VERSION version 0.010 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::More tests => 3; use Test::API; require_ok( 'My::Package' ); public_ok ( 'My::Package', @names ); import_ok ( 'My::Package', export => [ 'foo', 'bar' ], export_ok => [ 'baz', 'bam' ], ); class_api_ok( 'My::Class', @methods ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This simple test module checks the subroutines provided by a module. This is useful for confirming a planned API in testing and ensuring that other functions aren't unintentionally included via import. =head1 USAGE Note: Subroutines starting with an underscore are ignored, as are a number of other methods not intended to be called directly by end-users. import unimport bootstrap AUTOLOAD BUILD BUILDARGS CLONE CLONE_SKIP DESTROY DEMOLISH TIESCALAR TIEARRAY TIEHASH TIEHANDLE FETCH STORE UNTIE FETCHSIZE STORESIZE POP PUSH SHIFT UNSHIFT SPLICE DELETE EXISTS EXTEND CLEAR FIRSTKEY NEXTKEY PRINT PRINTF WRITE READLINE GETC READ CLOSE BINMODE OPEN EOF FILENO SEEK TELL SCALAR MODIFY_REF_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_HASH_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_GLOB_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTES MODIFY_IO_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_REF_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_SCALAR_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_HASH_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_CODE_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_GLOB_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTES FETCH_IO_ATTRIBUTES Therefore, do not include any of these in a list of expected subroutines. =head2 public_ok public_ok( $package, @names ); This function checks that all of the C<@names> provided are available within the C<$package> namespace and that *only* these subroutines are available. This means that subroutines imported from other modules will cause this test to fail unless they are explicitly included in C<@names>. =head2 class_api_ok class_api_ok( $class, @names ); A variation of C for object-oriented modules. Allows superclasses to fill in "missing" subroutines, but "extra" methods provided by superclasses will not cause the test to fail. =head2 import_ok import_ok ( $package, %spec ); This function checks that C<$package> correctly exports an expected list of subroutines and *only* these subroutines. The C<%spec> generally follows the style used by [Exporter], but in lower case: %spec = ( export => [ 'foo', 'bar' ], # exported automatically export_ok => [ 'baz', 'bam' ], # optional exports ); For C, the test will check for public functions not listed in C or C that can be imported and will fail if any are found. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L -- more geared towards class trees with inheritance =back =for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan =head1 SUPPORT =head2 Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at L. You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue. =head2 Source Code This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license. L git clone =head1 AUTHOR David Golden =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords cpansprout Toby Inkster =over 4 =item * cpansprout =item * Toby Inkster =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by David Golden. This is free software, licensed under: The Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 =cut