package String::ToIdentifier::EN; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AVAR'; $String::ToIdentifier::EN::VERSION = '0.12'; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use Text::Unidecode 'unidecode'; use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase 'to_PL'; use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo'; use namespace::clean; use Exporter 'import'; =head1 NAME String::ToIdentifier::EN - Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers =head1 SYNOPSIS use utf8; use String::ToIdentifier::EN 'to_identifier'; to_identifier 'foo-bar'; # fooDashBar to_identifier 'foo-bar', '_'; # foo_dash_bar to_identifier '', '_'; # foo_dot_bar to_identifier "foo\x{4EB0}bar"; # fooJingBar to_identifier "foo\x00bar"; # fooNullCharBar to_identifier "foo\x00\x00bar"; # foo2NullCharsBar to_identifier "foo\x00\x00bar", '_'; # foo_2_null_chars_bar { no utf8; to_identifier "foo\xFF\xFFbar.baz"; # foo_2_0xFF_BarDotBaz to_identifier "foo\xFF\xFFbar.baz", '_'; # foo_2_0xFF_bar_dot_baz } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a utility method, L for converting an arbitrary string into a readable representation using the ASCII subset of C<\w> for use as an identifier in a computer program. The intent is to make unique identifier names from which the content of the original string can be easily inferred by a human just by reading the identifier. If you need the full set of C<\w> including Unicode, see the subclass L. Currently, this process is one way only, and will likely remain this way. The default is to create camelCase identifiers, or you may pass in a separator char of your choice such as C<_>. Binary char groups will be separated by C<_> even in camelCase identifiers to make them easier to read, e.g.: C. =head1 EXPORT Optionally exports the L function. =cut our @EXPORT_OK = qw/to_identifier/; =head1 SUBROUTINES =cut our %ASCII_MAP = ( 0x00 => ['null'], 0x01 => ['start', 'of', 'heading'], 0x02 => ['start', 'of', 'text'], 0x03 => ['end', 'of', 'text'], 0x04 => ['end', 'of', 'transmission'], 0x05 => ['enquiry', 'char'], 0x06 => ['ack'], 0x07 => ['bell', 'char'], 0x08 => ['backspace'], 0x09 => ['tab', 'char'], 0x0A => ['newline'], 0x0B => ['vertical', 'tab'], 0x0C => ['form', 'feed'], 0x0D => ['carriage', 'return'], 0x0E => ['shift', 'out'], 0x0F => ['shift', 'in'], 0x10 => ['data', 'link', 'escape'], 0x11 => ['device', 'control1'], 0x12 => ['device', 'control2'], 0x13 => ['device', 'control3'], 0x14 => ['device', 'control4'], 0x15 => ['negative', 'ack'], 0x16 => ['synchronous', 'idle'], 0x17 => ['end', 'of', 'transmission', 'block'], 0x18 => ['cancel', 'char'], 0x19 => ['end', 'of', 'medium'], 0x1A => ['substitute', 'char'], 0x1B => ['escape', 'char'], 0x1C => ['file', 'separator'], 0x1D => ['group', 'separator'], 0x1E => ['record', 'separator'], 0x1F => ['unit', 'separator'], 0x20 => ['space', 'char'], 0x21 => ['exclamation', 'mark'], 0x22 => ['double', 'quote'], 0x23 => ['hash', 'mark'], 0x24 => ['dollar', 'sign'], 0x25 => ['percent', 'sign'], 0x26 => ['ampersand'], 0x27 => ['single', 'quote'], 0x28 => ['left', 'paren'], 0x29 => ['right', 'paren'], 0x2A => ['asterisk'], 0x2B => ['plus', 'sign'], 0x2C => ['comma'], 0x2D => ['dash'], 0x2E => ['dot'], 0x2F => ['slash'], 0x3A => ['colon'], 0x3B => ['semicolon'], 0x3C => ['left', 'angle', 'bracket'], 0x3D => ['equals', 'sign'], 0x3E => ['right', 'angle', 'bracket'], 0x3F => ['question', 'mark'], 0x40 => ['at', 'sign'], 0x5B => ['left', 'bracket'], 0x5C => ['backslash'], 0x5D => ['right', 'bracket'], 0x5E => ['caret'], 0x60 => ['backtick'], 0x7B => ['left', 'brace'], 0x7C => ['pipe', 'char'], 0x7D => ['right', 'brace'], 0x7E => ['tilde'], 0x7F => ['delete', 'char'], ); # fixup for perl <= 5.8.3 $ASCII_MAP{0} = ['null']; =head2 to_identifier Takes the string to be converted to an identifier, and optionally a separator char such as C<_>. If a separator char is not provided, a camelCase identifier will be returned. =cut sub to_identifier { return __PACKAGE__->string_to_identifier(@_); } # Override some pluralizations Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase gets wrong here, if # needed. sub _pluralize_phrase { my ($self, $phrase) = @_; return to_PL($phrase); } # for overriding in ::Unicode sub _non_identifier_char { return qr/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/; } =head1 METHODS =head2 string_to_identifier The class method version of L, if you want to use the object oriented interface. =cut sub string_to_identifier { my ($self, $str, $sep_char) = @_; my $is_utf8 = utf8::is_utf8($str); my $char_to_match = $self->_non_identifier_char; my $phrase_at_start = 0; while ($str =~ /((${char_to_match})\2*)/sg) { my $to_replace = $1; my $pos = $-[1]; my $count = length $to_replace; my $char = substr $to_replace, 0, 1; my $replacement_phrase; my $use_underscore = 0; if (ord $char < 128) { $replacement_phrase = join ' ', @{ $ASCII_MAP{ord $char} }; } elsif ($is_utf8) { my $decoded = lcfirst unidecode $char; $decoded =~ s/^\s+//; $decoded =~ s/\s+\z//; (my $decoded_without_spaces = $decoded) =~ s/\s+//g; my $bad_chars =()= $decoded_without_spaces =~ /$char_to_match/sg; # If Text::Unidecode gives us non-identifier chars, we use # either it or the UCD charname, whichever has fewer # non-identifier chars, after recursively passing the strings # through ->string_to_identifier. if ($bad_chars) { my $charname = lc charinfo(ord $char)->{name}; $charname =~ s/^\s+//; $charname =~ s/\s+\z//; (my $charname_without_spaces = $charname) =~ s/\s+//g; my $charname_bad_chars =()= $charname_without_spaces =~ /$char_to_match/sg; $decoded = $charname if $charname_bad_chars < $bad_chars; $decoded = join ' ', map $self->string_to_identifier($_), split /\s+/, $decoded; } $replacement_phrase = $decoded; } else { # binary $replacement_phrase = sprintf '0x%X', ord $char; $use_underscore = 1; } # For single char replacements, no separation or camelcasing is # necessary. if (length $replacement_phrase > 1) { $phrase_at_start = 1 if $pos == 0; $replacement_phrase = $self->_pluralize_phrase("$count $replacement_phrase") if $count > 1; { my $sep_char = $use_underscore ? '_' : $sep_char; if ($sep_char) { $replacement_phrase = join($sep_char, split /\s+/, $replacement_phrase); $replacement_phrase = $sep_char . $replacement_phrase unless $pos == 0; # Insert sep_char at the end of replacement text unless # position is at the end of the string. $replacement_phrase .= $sep_char unless $pos + length($to_replace) == length($str); } else { $replacement_phrase = join '', map "\u$_", split /\s+/, $replacement_phrase; } } # titlecase the following text for camelCase identifiers substr($str, $pos + length($to_replace), 1) = ucfirst substr($str, $pos + length($to_replace), 1) if not $sep_char; } else { # For single char replacements we want to match the case. if (substr($str, $pos, 1) =~ /^\p{Lu}\z/) { $replacement_phrase = ucfirst $replacement_phrase; } else { $replacement_phrase = lcfirst $replacement_phrase; } } substr($str, $pos, length($to_replace)) = $replacement_phrase; } $str = lcfirst $str if $phrase_at_start; return $str; } =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Rafael Kitover, C<< >> =head1 REPOSITORY L =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael Kitover . This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut 1; # End of String::ToIdentifier::EN