package Pod::Readme::Types; use v5.10.1; use feature 'state'; use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = 'v1.2.3'; use Exporter qw/ import /; use IO qw/ Handle /; use Path::Tiny; use Scalar::Util qw/ blessed /; use Type::Tiny 1.000000; use Types::Standard qw/ FileHandle Str /; # RECOMMEND PREREQ: Type::Tiny::XS our @EXPORT_OK = qw/ Dir File Indentation IO ReadIO WriteIO HeadingLevel TargetName DistZilla /; =head1 NAME Pod::Readme::Types - Types used by Pod::Readme =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pod::Readme::Types qw/ Indentation /; has verbatim_indent => ( is => 'ro', isa => Indentation, default => 2, ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides types for use with the modules in L. It is intended for internal use, although some of these may be useful for writing plugins (see L). =head1 EXPORTS None by default. All functions must be explicitly exported. =head2 C The indentation level used for verbatim text. Must be an integer greater than or equal to 2. =cut sub Indentation { state $type = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'Indentation', constraint => sub { $_ =~ /^\d+$/ && $_ >= 2 }, message => sub { 'must be an integer >= 2' }, ); return $type; } =head2 C A heading level, used for plugin headings. Must be either 1, 2 or 3. (Note that C<=head4> is not allowed, since some plugins use subheadings.) =cut sub HeadingLevel { state $type = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'HeadingLevel', constraint => sub { $_ =~ /^[123]$/ }, message => sub { 'must be an integer between 1 and 3' }, ); return $type; } =head2 C A name of a target, e.g. "readme". =cut sub TargetName { state $type = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'TargetName', constraint => sub { $_ =~ /^\w+$/ }, message => sub { 'must be an alphanumeric string' }, ); return $type; } =head2 C A directory. Can be a string or L object. =cut sub Dir { state $type = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'Dir', constraint => sub { blessed($_) && $_->isa('Path::Tiny') && -d $_; }, message => sub { "$_ must be be a directory" }, ); return $type->plus_coercions( Str, sub { path($_) }, ); } =head2 C A file. Can be a string or L object. =cut sub File { state $type = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'File', constraint => sub { blessed($_) && $_->isa('Path::Tiny'); }, message => sub { "$_ must be be a file" }, ); return $type->plus_coercions( Str, sub { path($_) }, ); } =head2 C An L or L object. =cut sub IO { state $type = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'IO', constraint => sub { blessed($_) && ( $_->isa('IO::Handle') || $_->isa('IO::String') ); }, message => sub { 'must be be an IO::Handle or IO::String' }, ); return $type; } =head2 C =head2 C L types, which coerce filehandles to read/write L, respectively. =cut sub ReadIO { state $type = IO->plus_coercions( # FileHandle, sub { IO::Handle->new_from_fd( $_, 'r' ) }, ); return $type; } sub WriteIO { state $type = IO->plus_coercions( # FileHandle, sub { IO::Handle->new_from_fd( $_, 'w' ) }, ); return $type; } 1;