package Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy; use strict; use warnings; use 5.008_001; use parent qw(Plack::Middleware); our $VERSION = '0.16'; sub call { my $self = shift; my $env = shift; # in apache2 httpd.conf (RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-HTTPS %{HTTPS}s) $env->{HTTPS} = $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HTTPS'} if $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HTTPS'}; $env->{HTTPS} = 'ON' if $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'} && $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'} eq 'https'; # Pound $env->{'psgi.url_scheme'} = 'https' if $env->{HTTPS} && uc $env->{HTTPS} eq 'ON'; my $default_port = $env->{'psgi.url_scheme'} eq 'https' ? 443 : 80; # If we are running as a backend server, the user will always appear # as Select the most recent upstream IP (last in the list) if ( $env->{'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'} ) { my ( $ip, ) = $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR} =~ /([^,\s]+)$/; $env->{REMOTE_ADDR} = $ip; } if ( $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST} ) { # in apache1 ServerName if ( $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER} ) { my ( $host, ) = $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER} =~ /([^,\s]+)$/; if ( $host =~ /^(.+):(\d+)$/ ) { # $host = $1; $env->{SERVER_PORT} = $2; $env->{'psgi.url_scheme'} = 'https' if $env->{SERVER_PORT} == 443; } $env->{HTTP_HOST} = $host; } my ( $host, ) = $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST} =~ /([^,\s]+)$/; if ( $host =~ /^(.+):(\d+)$/ ) { # $host = $1; $env->{SERVER_PORT} = $2; } elsif ( $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT} ) { # in apache2 httpd.conf (RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port 8443) $env->{SERVER_PORT} = $env->{HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT}; $host .= ":$env->{SERVER_PORT}"; $env->{'psgi.url_scheme'} = 'https' if $env->{SERVER_PORT} == 443; } else { $env->{SERVER_PORT} = $default_port; } $env->{HTTP_HOST} = $host; } elsif ( $env->{HTTP_HOST} ) { my $host = $env->{HTTP_HOST}; if ($host =~ /^(.+):(\d+)$/ ) { # $env->{HTTP_HOST} = $1; $env->{SERVER_PORT} = $2; } elsif ($host =~ /^(.+)$/ ) { $env->{HTTP_HOST} = $1; $env->{SERVER_PORT} = $default_port; } } $self->app->($env); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy - Supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend =head1 SYNOPSIS builder { enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' } "Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy"; $app; }; =head1 DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::ReverseProxy resets some HTTP headers, which changed by reverse-proxy. You can specify the reverse proxy address and stop fake requests using 'enable_if' directive in your app.psgi. =head1 LICENSE This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009-2019 Tatsuhiko Miyagawa =head1 AUTHOR This module is originally written by Kazuhiro Osawa as L for L. Nobuo Danjou Masahiro Nagano Tatsuhiko Miyagawa =head1 SEE ALSO L L L L =cut