package Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions; use strict; use parent qw(Plack::Middleware); use Plack::Util::Accessor qw(rethrow); use Carp (); use Try::Tiny; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; use HTTP::Status (); sub prepare_app { my $self = shift; $self->rethrow(1) if ($ENV{PLACK_ENV} || '') eq 'development'; } sub call { my($self, $env) = @_; my $res = try { $self->app->($env); } catch { $self->transform_error($_, $env); }; return $res if ref $res eq 'ARRAY'; return sub { my $respond = shift; my $writer; try { $res->(sub { return $writer = $respond->(@_) }); } catch { if ($writer) { Carp::cluck $_; $writer->close; } else { my $res = $self->transform_error($_, $env); $respond->($res); } }; }; } sub transform_error { my($self, $e, $env) = @_; my($code, $message); if (blessed $e && $e->can('as_psgi')) { return $e->as_psgi; } if (blessed $e && $e->can('code')) { $code = $e->code; $message = $e->can('as_string') ? $e->as_string : overload::Method($e, '""') ? "$e" : undef; } else { if ($self->rethrow) { die $e; } else { $code = 500; $env->{'psgi.errors'}->print($e); } } if ($code !~ /^[3-5]\d\d$/) { die $e; # rethrow } $message ||= HTTP::Status::status_message($code); my @headers = ( 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain', 'Content-Length' => length($message), ); if ($code =~ /^3/ && (my $loc = eval { $e->location })) { push(@headers, Location => $loc); } return [ $code, \@headers, [ $message ] ]; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions - Catch HTTP exceptions =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTTP::Exception; my $app = sub { # ... HTTP::Exception::500->throw; }; builder { enable "HTTPExceptions", rethrow => 1; $app; }; =head1 DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::HTTPExceptions is a PSGI middleware component to catch exceptions from applications that can be translated into HTTP status codes. Your application is supposed to throw an object that implements a C method which returns the HTTP status code, such as 501 or 404. This middleware catches them and creates a valid response out of the code. If the C method returns a code that is not an HTTP redirect or error code (3xx, 4xx, or 5xx), the exception will be rethrown. The exception object may also implement C or overload stringification to represent the text of the error. The text defaults to the status message of the error code, such as I for C<503>. Finally, the exception object may implement C, and the result of this will be returned directly as the PSGI response. If the code is in the 3xx range and the exception implements the 'location' method (HTTP::Exception::3xx does), the Location header will be set in the response, so you can do redirects this way. There are CPAN modules L and L, and they are perfect to throw from your application to let this middleware catch and display, but you can also implement your own exception class to throw. If the thrown exception is not an object that implements either a C or an C method, a 500 error will be returned, and the exception is printed to the psgi.errors stream. Alternatively, you can pass a true value for the C parameter for this middleware, and the exception will instead be rethrown. This is enabled by default when C is set to C, so that the L middleware can catch it instead. =head1 AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa =head1 SEE ALSO paste.httpexceptions L L =cut