package Plack::Middleware::Conditional; use strict; use parent qw(Plack::Middleware); use Plack::Util::Accessor qw( condition middleware builder ); sub prepare_app { my $self = shift; $self->middleware( $self->builder->($self->app) ); } sub call { my($self, $env) = @_; my $app = $self->condition->($env) ? $self->middleware : $self->app; return $app->($env); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Plack::Middleware::Conditional - Conditional wrapper for Plack middleware =head1 SYNOPSIS use Plack::Builder; builder { enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' } 'StackTrace', force => 1; $app; }; # or using the OO interface: $app = Plack::Middleware::Conditional->wrap( $app, condition => sub { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' }, builder => sub { Plack::Middleware::StackTrace->wrap($_[0], force => 1) }, ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Plack::Middleware::Conditional is a piece of meta-middleware, to run a specific middleware component under runtime conditions. The goal of this middleware is to avoid baking runtime configuration options in individual middleware components, and rather share them as another middleware component. =head1 EXAMPLES Note that some of the middleware component names are just made up for the explanation and might not exist. # Minify JavaScript if the browser is Firefox enable_if { $_[0]->{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /Firefox/ } 'JavaScriptMinifier'; # Enable Stacktrace when being accessed from the local network enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^10\.0\.1\.*/ } 'StackTrace'; # Work with other conditional setter middleware: # Transcode Jpeg on the fly for mobile clients builder { enable 'MobileDetector'; enable_if { $_[0]->{'plack.mobile_detected'} } 'TranscodeJpeg', max_size => 30_000; $app; }; Note that in the last example I should come first because the conditional check runs in I conditions, which is from outer to inner: that is, from the top to the bottom in the Builder DSL code. =head1 AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Steve Cook =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut