package Plack::Loader; use strict; use Carp (); use Plack::Util; use Try::Tiny; sub new { my $class = shift; bless {}, $class; } sub watch { # do nothing. Override in subclass } sub auto { my($class, @args) = @_; my $backend = $class->guess or Carp::croak("Couldn't auto-guess server server implementation. Set it with PLACK_SERVER"); my $server = try { $class->load($backend, @args); } catch { if (($ENV{PLACK_ENV}||'') eq 'development' or !/^Can't locate /) { warn "Autoloading '$backend' backend failed. Falling back to the Standalone. ", "(You might need to install Plack::Handler::$backend from CPAN. Caught error was: $_)\n" if $ENV{PLACK_ENV} && $ENV{PLACK_ENV} eq 'development'; } $class->load('Standalone' => @args); }; return $server; } sub load { my($class, $server, @args) = @_; my($server_class, $error); try { $server_class = Plack::Util::load_class($server, 'Plack::Handler'); } catch { $error ||= $_; }; if ($server_class) { $server_class->new(@args); } else { die $error; } } sub preload_app { my($self, $builder) = @_; $self->{app} = $builder->(); } sub guess { my $class = shift; my $env = $class->env; return $env->{PLACK_SERVER} if $env->{PLACK_SERVER}; if ($env->{PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN} || $env->{FCGI_ROLE} || $env->{FCGI_SOCKET_PATH}) { return "FCGI"; } elsif ($env->{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}) { return "CGI"; } elsif (exists $INC{""}) { return "Corona"; } elsif (exists $INC{""}) { return "Twiggy"; } elsif (exists $INC{""}) { return "POE"; } else { return "Standalone"; } } sub env { \%ENV } sub run { my($self, $server) = @_; $server->run($self->{app}); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Plack::Loader - (auto)load Plack Servers =head1 SYNOPSIS # auto-select server backends based on env vars use Plack::Loader; Plack::Loader->auto(%args)->run($app); # specify the implementation with a name Plack::Loader->load('FCGI', %args)->run($app); =head1 DESCRIPTION Plack::Loader is a factory class to load one of Plack::Handler subclasses based on the environment. =head1 AUTOLOADING C<< Plack::Loader->auto(%args) >> will autoload the most correct server implementation by guessing from environment variables and Perl INC hashes. =over 4 =item PLACK_SERVER env PLACK_SERVER=AnyEvent ... Plack users can specify the specific implementation they want to load using the C environment variable. =item PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN, GATEWAY_INTERFACE If there's one of FastCGI or CGI specific environment variables set, use the corresponding server implementation. =item %INC If one of L, L or L is loaded, the relevant server implementation such as L, L or L will be loaded, if they're available. =back =cut