package Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI; use strict; # for temporary backward compat use parent qw( HTTP::Server::PSGI ); sub new { my($class, %args) = @_; bless { %args }, $class; } sub run { my($self, $app) = @_; $self->_server->run($app); } sub _server { my $self = shift; HTTP::Server::PSGI->new(%$self); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Plack::Handler::HTTP::Server::PSGI - adapter for HTTP::Server::PSGI =head1 SYNOPSIS % plackup -s HTTP::Server::PSGI \ --host --port 9091 --timeout 120 =head1 BACKWARD COMPATIBLITY Since Plack 0.99_22 this handler doesn't support preforking configuration i.e. C<--max-workers>. Use L or L if you need preforking PSGI web server. =head1 CONFIGURATIONS =over 4 =item host Host the server binds to. Defaults to all interfaces. =item port Port number the server listens on. Defaults to 8080. =item timeout Number of seconds a request times out. Defaults to 300. =item max-reqs-per-child Number of requests per worker to process. Defaults to 100. =back =head1 AUTHOR Kazuho Oku Tatsuhiko Miyagawa =head1 SEE ALSO L L =cut