package Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName; use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; use Readonly; use English qw{ -no_match_vars }; use Perl::Critic::Utils qw{ :severities :classification }; use parent 'Perl::Critic::Policy'; our $VERSION = '1.152'; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Readonly::Scalar my $DESC => q{Pod NAME on line %d does not match the package declaration}; Readonly::Scalar my $EXPL => q{}; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub supported_parameters { return () } sub default_severity { return $SEVERITY_LOWEST } sub default_themes { return qw( core cosmetic ) } sub applies_to { return 'PPI::Document' } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub prepare_to_scan_document { my ( $self, $document ) = @_; # idea: force NAME to match the file name in programs? return $document->is_module(); # mismatch is normal in program entry points } sub violates { my ( $self, $elem, $doc ) = @_; # No POD means no violation my $pods_ref = $doc->find('PPI::Token::Pod'); return if !$pods_ref; for my $pod (@{$pods_ref}) { my $content = $pod->content; next if $content !~ m{^=head1 [ \t]+ NAME [ \t]*$ \s*}cgxms; my $line_number = $pod->line_number() + ( substr( $content, 0, $LAST_MATCH_START[0] + 1 ) =~ tr/\n/\n/ ); my ($pod_pkg) = $content =~ m{\G (\S+) }cgxms; if (!$pod_pkg) { return $self->violation( sprintf( $DESC, $line_number ), q{Empty name declaration}, $pod ); } # idea: worry about POD escapes? $pod_pkg =~ s{\A [BCIL]<(.*)>\z}{$1}gxms; # unwrap $pod_pkg =~ s{\'}{::}gxms; # perl4 -> perl5 foreach my $stmt ( @{ $doc->find('PPI::Statement::Package') || [] } ) { my $pkg = $stmt->namespace(); $pkg =~ s{\'}{::}gxms; return if $pkg eq $pod_pkg; } return $self->violation( sprintf( $DESC, $line_number ), $EXPL, $pod ); } return; # no NAME section found } 1; __END__ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 NAME Perl::Critic::Policy::Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName - The C<=head1 NAME> section should match the package. =head1 AFFILIATION This Policy is part of the core L distribution. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 CONFIGURATION This Policy is not configurable except for the standard options. =head1 AUTHOR Chris Dolan =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2008-2023 Chris Dolan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module =cut # Local Variables: # mode: cperl # cperl-indent-level: 4 # fill-column: 78 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # c-indentation-style: bsd # End: # ex: set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 tw=78 ft=perl expandtab shiftround :