package PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace; =pod =head1 NAME PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace - Isolated unmatched brace =head1 SYNOPSIS sub foo { 1; } } # <--- This is an unmatched brace =head1 INHERITANCE PPI::Statement::UnmatchedBrace isa PPI::Statement isa PPI::Node isa PPI::Element =head1 DESCRIPTION The C class is a miscellaneous utility class. Objects of this type should be rare, or not exist at all in normal valid L objects. It can be either a round ')', square ']' or curly '}' brace, this class does not distinguish. Objects of this type are only allocated at a structural level, not a lexical level (as they are lexically invalid anyway). The presence of a C indicated a broken or invalid document. Or maybe a bug in PPI, but B more likely a broken Document. :) =head1 METHODS C has no additional methods beyond the default ones provided by L, L and L. =cut use strict; use PPI::Statement (); our $VERSION = '1.279'; our @ISA = "PPI::Statement"; # Once we've hit a naked unmatched brace we can never truly be complete. # So instead we always just call it a day... sub _complete () { 1 } 1; =pod =head1 SUPPORT See the L in the main module. =head1 AUTHOR Adam Kennedy Eadamk@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 - 2011 Adam Kennedy. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. =cut