package MooseX::Types::Base; # ABSTRACT: Type library base class our $VERSION = '0.50'; use Moose; use Carp::Clan qw( ^MooseX::Types ); use Sub::Exporter qw( build_exporter ); use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw( find_type_constraint ); use namespace::autoclean; #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod You normally won't need to interact with this class by yourself. It is #pod merely a collection of functionality that type libraries need to #pod interact with moose and the rest of the L module. #pod #pod =cut my $UndefMsg = q{Unable to find type '%s' in library '%s'}; #pod =head1 METHODS #pod #pod =cut #pod =head2 import #pod #pod Provides the import mechanism for your library. See #pod L for syntax details on this. #pod #pod =cut sub import { my ($class, @args) = @_; # filter or create options hash for S:E my $options = (@args and (ref($args[0]) eq 'HASH')) ? $args[0] : undef; # preserve additional options, to ensure types are installed into the type library's namespace my %ex_spec = %{ $options || {} }; delete @ex_spec{ qw(-wrapper -into -full) }; unless ($options) { $options = {}; unshift @args, $options; } # all types known to us my @types = $class->type_names; # determine the wrapper, -into is supported for compatibility reasons my $wrapper = $options->{ -wrapper } || 'MooseX::Types'; $args[0]->{into} = $options->{ -into } if exists $options->{ -into }; my %ex_util; TYPE: for my $type_short (@types) { # find type name and object, create undefined message my $type_full = $class->get_type($type_short) or croak "No fully qualified type name stored for '$type_short'"; my $type_cons = find_type_constraint($type_full); my $undef_msg = sprintf($UndefMsg, $type_short, $class); # the type itself push @{ $ex_spec{exports} }, $type_short, sub { bless $wrapper->type_export_generator($type_short, $type_full), 'MooseX::Types::EXPORTED_TYPE_CONSTRAINT'; }; # the check helper my $check_name = "is_${type_short}"; push @{ $ex_spec{exports} }, $check_name, sub { $wrapper->check_export_generator($type_short, $type_full, $undef_msg) }; # only export coercion helper if full (for libraries) or coercion is defined next TYPE unless $options->{ -full } or ($type_cons and $type_cons->has_coercion); my $coercion_name = "to_${type_short}"; push @{ $ex_spec{exports} }, $coercion_name, sub { $wrapper->coercion_export_generator($type_short, $type_full, $undef_msg) }; $ex_util{ $type_short }{to}++; # shortcut to remember this exists } # create S:E exporter and increase export level unless specified explicitly my $exporter = build_exporter \%ex_spec; $options->{into_level}++ unless $options->{into}; # remember requested symbols to determine what helpers to auto-export my %was_requested = map { ($_ => 1) } grep { not ref } @args; # determine which additional symbols (helpers) to export along my %add; EXPORT: for my $type (grep { exists $was_requested{ $_ } } @types) { $add{ "is_$type" }++ unless $was_requested{ "is_$type" }; next EXPORT unless exists $ex_util{ $type }{to}; $add{ "to_$type" }++ unless $was_requested{ "to_$type" }; } # and on to the real exporter my @new_args = (@args, keys %add); return $class->$exporter(@new_args); } #pod =head2 get_type #pod #pod This returns a type from the library's store by its name. #pod #pod =cut sub get_type { my ($class, $type) = @_; # useful message if the type couldn't be found croak "Unknown type '$type' in library '$class'" unless $class->has_type($type); # return real name of the type return $class->type_storage->{ $type }; } #pod =head2 type_names #pod #pod Returns a list of all known types by their name. #pod #pod =cut sub type_names { my ($class) = @_; # return short names of all stored types return keys %{ $class->type_storage }; } #pod =head2 add_type #pod #pod Adds a new type to the library. #pod #pod =cut sub add_type { my ($class, $type) = @_; # store type with library prefix as real name $class->type_storage->{ $type } = "${class}::${type}"; } #pod =head2 has_type #pod #pod Returns true or false depending on if this library knows a type by that #pod name. #pod #pod =cut sub has_type { my ($class, $type) = @_; # check if we stored a type under that name return ! ! $class->type_storage->{ $type }; } #pod =head2 type_storage #pod #pod Returns the library's type storage hash reference. You shouldn't use this #pod method directly unless you know what you are doing. It is not an internal #pod method because overriding it makes virtual libraries very easy. #pod #pod =cut sub type_storage { my ($class) = @_; # return a reference to the storage in ourself { no strict 'refs'; return \%{ $class . '::__MOOSEX_TYPELIBRARY_STORAGE' }; } } #pod =head2 registered_class_types #pod #pod Returns the class types registered within this library. Don't use directly. #pod #pod =cut sub registered_class_types { my ($class) = @_; { no strict 'refs'; return \%{ $class . '::__MOOSEX_TYPELIBRARY_CLASS_TYPES' }; } } #pod =head2 register_class_type #pod #pod Register a C for use in this library by class name. #pod #pod =cut sub register_class_type { my ($class, $type) = @_; croak "Not a class_type" unless $type->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Class'); $class->registered_class_types->{$type->class} = $type; } #pod =head2 get_registered_class_type #pod #pod Get a C registered in this library by name. #pod #pod =cut sub get_registered_class_type { my ($class, $name) = @_; $class->registered_class_types->{$name}; } #pod =head2 registered_role_types #pod #pod Returns the role types registered within this library. Don't use directly. #pod #pod =cut sub registered_role_types { my ($class) = @_; { no strict 'refs'; return \%{ $class . '::__MOOSEX_TYPELIBRARY_ROLE_TYPES' }; } } #pod =head2 register_role_type #pod #pod Register a C for use in this library by role name. #pod #pod =cut sub register_role_type { my ($class, $type) = @_; croak "Not a role_type" unless $type->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Role'); $class->registered_role_types->{$type->role} = $type; } #pod =head2 get_registered_role_type #pod #pod Get a C registered in this library by role name. #pod #pod =cut sub get_registered_role_type { my ($class, $name) = @_; $class->registered_role_types->{$name}; } #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod L #pod #pod =cut 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME MooseX::Types::Base - Type library base class =head1 VERSION version 0.50 =head1 DESCRIPTION You normally won't need to interact with this class by yourself. It is merely a collection of functionality that type libraries need to interact with moose and the rest of the L module. =head1 METHODS =head2 import Provides the import mechanism for your library. See L for syntax details on this. =head2 get_type This returns a type from the library's store by its name. =head2 type_names Returns a list of all known types by their name. =head2 add_type Adds a new type to the library. =head2 has_type Returns true or false depending on if this library knows a type by that name. =head2 type_storage Returns the library's type storage hash reference. You shouldn't use this method directly unless you know what you are doing. It is not an internal method because overriding it makes virtual libraries very easy. =head2 registered_class_types Returns the class types registered within this library. Don't use directly. =head2 register_class_type Register a C for use in this library by class name. =head2 get_registered_class_type Get a C registered in this library by name. =head2 registered_role_types Returns the role types registered within this library. Don't use directly. =head2 register_role_type Register a C for use in this library by role name. =head2 get_registered_role_type Get a C registered in this library by role name. =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through L (or L). There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at L. There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at L on C|irc://>. =head1 AUTHOR Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Robert "phaylon" Sedlacek. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut