package MooseX::SimpleConfig; # git description: v0.10-12-gf8c77cf $MooseX::SimpleConfig::VERSION = '0.11'; # ABSTRACT: A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configuration file # KEYWORDS: moose extension command line options attributes configuration file use Moose::Role; with 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile'; use Config::Any 0.13 (); sub get_config_from_file { my ($class, $file) = @_; $file = $file->() if ref $file eq 'CODE'; my $files_ref = ref $file eq 'ARRAY' ? $file : [$file]; my $can_config_any_args = $class->can('config_any_args'); my $extra_args = $can_config_any_args ? $can_config_any_args->($class, $file) : {}; ; my $raw_cfany = Config::Any->load_files({ %$extra_args, use_ext => 1, files => $files_ref, flatten_to_hash => 1, } ); my %raw_config; foreach my $file_tested ( reverse @{$files_ref} ) { if ( ! exists $raw_cfany->{$file_tested} ) { warn qq{Specified configfile '$file_tested' does not exist, } . qq{is empty, or is not readable\n}; next; } my $cfany_hash = $raw_cfany->{$file_tested}; die "configfile must represent a hash structure in file: $file_tested" unless $cfany_hash && ref $cfany_hash && ref $cfany_hash eq 'HASH'; %raw_config = ( %raw_config, %{$cfany_hash} ); } \%raw_config; } no Moose::Role; 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME MooseX::SimpleConfig - A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configuration file =head1 VERSION version 0.11 =head1 SYNOPSIS ## A YAML configfile named /etc/my_app.yaml: foo: bar baz: 123 ## In your class package My::App; use Moose; with 'MooseX::SimpleConfig'; has 'foo' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); has 'baz' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', required => 1); # ... rest of the class here ## in your script #!/usr/bin/perl use My::App; my $app = My::App->new_with_config(configfile => '/etc/my_app.yaml'); # ... rest of the script here #################### ###### combined with MooseX::Getopt: ## In your class package My::App; use Moose; with 'MooseX::SimpleConfig'; with 'MooseX::Getopt'; has 'foo' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); has 'baz' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', required => 1); # ... rest of the class here ## in your script #!/usr/bin/perl use My::App; my $app = My::App->new_with_options(); # ... rest of the script here ## on the command line % perl -configfile /etc/my_app.yaml -otherthing 123 =head1 DESCRIPTION This role loads simple files to set object attributes. It is based on the abstract role L, and uses L to load your configuration file. L will in turn support any of a variety of different config formats, detected by the file extension. See L for more details about supported formats. To pass additional arguments to L you must provide a C method, for example: sub config_any_args { return { driver_args => { General => { '-InterPolateVars' => 1 } } }; } Like all L -derived file loaders, this module is automatically supported by the L role as well, which allows specifying C<-configfile> on the command line. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =for stopwords configfile =head2 configfile Provided by the base role L. You can provide a default configuration file pathname like so: has '+configfile' => ( default => '/etc/myapp.yaml' ); You can pass an array of filenames if you want, but as usual the array has to be wrapped in a sub ref. has '+configfile' => ( default => sub { [ '/etc/myapp.yaml', '/etc/myapp_local.yml' ] } ); Config files are trivially merged at the top level, with the right-hand files taking precedence. =head1 CLASS METHODS =head2 new_with_config Provided by the base role L. Acts just like regular C, but also accepts an argument C to specify the file from which to load other attributes. Explicit arguments to C will override anything loaded from the file. =head2 get_config_from_file Called internally by either C or L's C. Invokes L to parse C. =head1 AUTHOR Brandon L. Black =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Brandon L. Black . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Karen Etheridge Tomas Doran Brandon L Black Alexander Hartmaier lestrrat Сергей Романов Yuval Kogman Zbigniew Lukasiak Alex Howarth =over 4 =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Tomas Doran =item * Brandon L Black =item * Alexander Hartmaier =item * lestrrat =item * Сергей Романов =item * Yuval Kogman =item * Zbigniew Lukasiak =item * Alex Howarth =back =cut