package Moo::Role; use strict; use warnings; use Moo::_Utils qw( _check_tracked _getglob _getstash _install_coderef _install_modifier _install_tracked _load_module _name_coderef _set_loaded _unimport_coderefs ); use Carp qw(croak); use Role::Tiny (); BEGIN { our @ISA = qw(Role::Tiny) } BEGIN { our @CARP_NOT = qw( Method::Generate::Accessor Method::Generate::Constructor Moo::sification Moo::_Utils Role::Tiny ); } our $VERSION = '2.005005'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; require Moo::sification; Moo::sification->import; BEGIN { *INFO = \%Role::Tiny::INFO; *APPLIED_TO = \%Role::Tiny::APPLIED_TO; *COMPOSED = \%Role::Tiny::COMPOSED; *ON_ROLE_CREATE = \@Role::Tiny::ON_ROLE_CREATE; } our %INFO; our %APPLIED_TO; our %APPLY_DEFAULTS; our %COMPOSED; our @ON_ROLE_CREATE; sub import { my $target = caller; if ($Moo::MAKERS{$target} and $Moo::MAKERS{$target}{is_class}) { croak "Cannot import Moo::Role into a Moo class"; } _set_loaded(caller); goto &Role::Tiny::import; } sub _accessor_maker_for { my ($class, $target) = @_; ($INFO{$target}{accessor_maker} ||= do { require Method::Generate::Accessor; Method::Generate::Accessor->new }); } sub _install_subs { my ($me, $target) = @_; my %install = $me->_gen_subs($target); _install_tracked $target => $_ => $install{$_} for sort keys %install; *{_getglob("${target}::meta")} = $me->can('meta'); return; } sub _require_module { _load_module($_[1]); } sub _gen_subs { my ($me, $target) = @_; return ( has => sub { my $name_proto = shift; my @name_proto = ref $name_proto eq 'ARRAY' ? @$name_proto : $name_proto; if (@_ % 2 != 0) { croak("Invalid options for " . join(', ', map "'$_'", @name_proto) . " attribute(s): even number of arguments expected, got " . scalar @_) } my %spec = @_; foreach my $name (@name_proto) { my $spec_ref = @name_proto > 1 ? +{%spec} : \%spec; $me->_accessor_maker_for($target) ->generate_method($target, $name, $spec_ref); push @{$INFO{$target}{attributes}||=[]}, $name, $spec_ref; $me->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target); } }, (map { my $type = $_; ( $type => sub { push @{$INFO{$target}{modifiers}||=[]}, [ $type => @_ ]; $me->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target); }, ) } qw(before after around)), requires => sub { push @{$INFO{$target}{requires}||=[]}, @_; $me->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target); }, with => sub { $me->apply_roles_to_package($target, @_); $me->_maybe_reset_handlemoose($target); }, ); } push @ON_ROLE_CREATE, sub { my $target = shift; if ($INC{'Moo/'} && !$Moo::sification::disabled) { Moo::HandleMoose::inject_fake_metaclass_for($target); } }; # duplicate from Moo::Object sub meta { require Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass; my $class = ref($_[0])||$_[0]; bless({ name => $class }, 'Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass'); } sub unimport { my $target = caller; _unimport_coderefs($target); } sub _maybe_reset_handlemoose { my ($class, $target) = @_; if ($INC{'Moo/'} && !$Moo::sification::disabled) { Moo::HandleMoose::maybe_reinject_fake_metaclass_for($target); } } sub _non_methods { my $self = shift; my ($role) = @_; my $non_methods = $self->SUPER::_non_methods(@_); my $all_subs = $self->_all_subs($role); $non_methods->{$_} = $all_subs->{$_} for _check_tracked($role, [ keys %$all_subs ]); return $non_methods; } sub is_role { my ($self, $role) = @_; $self->_inhale_if_moose($role); $self->SUPER::is_role($role); } sub _inhale_if_moose { my ($self, $role) = @_; my $meta; if (!$self->SUPER::is_role($role) and ( $INC{""} and $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($role) and ref $meta ne 'Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass' and $meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role') ) or ( Mouse::Util->can('find_meta') and $meta = Mouse::Util::find_meta($role) and $meta->isa('Mouse::Meta::Role') ) ) { my $is_mouse = $meta->isa('Mouse::Meta::Role'); $INFO{$role}{methods} = { map +($_ => $role->can($_)), grep $role->can($_), grep !($is_mouse && $_ eq 'meta'), grep !$meta->get_method($_)->isa('Class::MOP::Method::Meta'), $meta->get_method_list }; $APPLIED_TO{$role} = { map +($_->name => 1), $meta->calculate_all_roles }; $INFO{$role}{requires} = [ $meta->get_required_method_list ]; $INFO{$role}{attributes} = [ map +($_ => do { my $attr = $meta->get_attribute($_); my $spec = { %{ $is_mouse ? $attr : $attr->original_options } }; if ($spec->{isa}) { require Sub::Quote; my $get_constraint = do { my $pkg = $is_mouse ? 'Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints' : 'Moose::Util::TypeConstraints'; _load_module($pkg); $pkg->can('find_or_create_isa_type_constraint'); }; my $tc = $get_constraint->($spec->{isa}); my $check = $tc->_compiled_type_constraint; my $tc_var = '$_check_for_'.Sub::Quote::sanitize_identifier($tc->name); $spec->{isa} = Sub::Quote::quote_sub( qq{ &${tc_var} or Carp::croak "Type constraint failed for \$_[0]" }, { $tc_var => \$check }, { package => $role, }, ); if ($spec->{coerce}) { # Mouse has _compiled_type_coercion straight on the TC object $spec->{coerce} = $tc->${\( $tc->can('coercion')||sub { $_[0] } )}->_compiled_type_coercion; } } $spec; }), $meta->get_attribute_list ]; my $mods = $INFO{$role}{modifiers} = []; foreach my $type (qw(before after around)) { # Mouse pokes its own internals so we have to fall back to doing # the same thing in the absence of the Moose API method my $map = $meta->${\( $meta->can("get_${type}_method_modifiers_map") or sub { shift->{"${type}_method_modifiers"} } )}; foreach my $method (keys %$map) { foreach my $mod (@{$map->{$method}}) { push @$mods, [ $type => $method => $mod ]; } } } $INFO{$role}{inhaled_from_moose} = 1; $INFO{$role}{is_role} = 1; } } sub _maybe_make_accessors { my ($self, $target, $role) = @_; my $m; if ($INFO{$role} && $INFO{$role}{inhaled_from_moose} or $INC{""} and $m = Moo->_accessor_maker_for($target) and ref($m) ne 'Method::Generate::Accessor') { $self->_make_accessors($target, $role); } } sub _make_accessors_if_moose { my ($self, $target, $role) = @_; if ($INFO{$role} && $INFO{$role}{inhaled_from_moose}) { $self->_make_accessors($target, $role); } } sub _make_accessors { my ($self, $target, $role) = @_; my $acc_gen = ($Moo::MAKERS{$target}{accessor} ||= do { require Method::Generate::Accessor; Method::Generate::Accessor->new }); my $con_gen = $Moo::MAKERS{$target}{constructor}; my @attrs = @{$INFO{$role}{attributes}||[]}; while (my ($name, $spec) = splice @attrs, 0, 2) { # needed to ensure we got an index for an arrayref based generator if ($con_gen) { $spec = $con_gen->all_attribute_specs->{$name}; } $acc_gen->generate_method($target, $name, $spec); } } sub _undefer_subs { my ($self, $target, $role) = @_; if ($INC{'Sub/'}) { Sub::Defer::undefer_package($role); } } sub role_application_steps { qw(_handle_constructor _undefer_subs _maybe_make_accessors), $_[0]->SUPER::role_application_steps; } sub _build_class_with_roles { my ($me, $new_name, $superclass, @roles) = @_; $Moo::MAKERS{$new_name} = {is_class => 1}; $me->SUPER::_build_class_with_roles($new_name, $superclass, @roles); if ($INC{'Moo/'} && !$Moo::sification::disabled) { Moo::HandleMoose::inject_fake_metaclass_for($new_name); } my $lvl = 0; my $file; while ((my $pack, $file) = caller($lvl++)) { if ($pack ne __PACKAGE__ && $pack ne 'Role::Tiny' && !$pack->isa($me)) { last; } } _set_loaded($new_name, $file || (caller)[1]); return $new_name; } sub _gen_apply_defaults_for { my ($me, $class, @roles) = @_; my @attrs = map @{$INFO{$_}{attributes}||[]}, @roles; my $con_gen; my $m; return undef unless $INC{''} and @attrs and $con_gen = Moo->_constructor_maker_for($class) and $m = Moo->_accessor_maker_for($class); my $specs = $con_gen->all_attribute_specs; my %seen; my %captures; my @set; while (my ($name, $spec) = splice @attrs, 0, 2) { next if $seen{$name}++; next unless $m->has_eager_default($name, $spec); my ($has, $has_cap) = $m->generate_simple_has('$_[0]', $name, $spec); my ($set, $pop_cap) = $m->generate_use_default('$_[0]', $name, $spec, $has); @captures{keys %$has_cap, keys %$pop_cap} = (values %$has_cap, values %$pop_cap); push @set, $set; } return undef if !@set; my $code = join '', map "($_),", @set; no warnings 'void'; require Sub::Quote; return Sub::Quote::quote_sub( "${class}::_apply_defaults", $code, \%captures, { package => $class, no_install => 1, no_defer => 1, } ); } sub apply_roles_to_object { my ($me, $object, @roles) = @_; my $new = $me->SUPER::apply_roles_to_object($object, @roles); my $class = ref $new; _set_loaded($class, (caller)[1]); if (!exists $APPLY_DEFAULTS{$class}) { $APPLY_DEFAULTS{$class} = $me->_gen_apply_defaults_for($class, @roles); } if (my $apply_defaults = $APPLY_DEFAULTS{$class}) { local $Carp::Internal{+__PACKAGE__} = 1; local $Carp::Internal{$class} = 1; $new->$apply_defaults; } return $new; } sub _install_single_modifier { my ($me, @args) = @_; _install_modifier(@args); } sub _install_does { my ($me, $to) = @_; # If Role::Tiny actually installed the DOES, give it a name my $new = $me->SUPER::_install_does($to) or return; return _name_coderef("${to}::DOES", $new); } sub does_role { my ($proto, $role) = @_; return 1 if Role::Tiny::does_role($proto, $role); my $meta; if ($INC{''} and $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($proto) and ref $meta ne 'Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass' and $meta->can('does_role') ) { return $meta->does_role($role); } return 0; } sub _handle_constructor { my ($me, $to, $role) = @_; my $attr_info = $INFO{$role} && $INFO{$role}{attributes}; return unless $attr_info && @$attr_info; my $info = $INFO{$to}; my $con = $INC{""} && Moo->_constructor_maker_for($to); my %existing = $info ? @{$info->{attributes} || []} : $con ? %{$con->all_attribute_specs || {}} : (); my @attr_info = map { @{$attr_info}[$_, $_+1] } grep { ! $existing{$attr_info->[$_]} } map { 2 * $_ } 0..@$attr_info/2-1; if ($info) { push @{$info->{attributes}||=[]}, @attr_info; } elsif ($con) { # shallow copy of the specs since the constructor will assign an index $con->register_attribute_specs(map ref() ? { %$_ } : $_, @attr_info); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Moo::Role - Minimal Object Orientation support for Roles =head1 SYNOPSIS package My::Role; use Moo::Role; use strictures 2; sub foo { ... } sub bar { ... } has baz => ( is => 'ro', ); 1; And elsewhere: package Some::Class; use Moo; use strictures 2; # bar gets imported, but not foo with 'My::Role'; sub foo { ... } 1; =head1 DESCRIPTION C builds upon L, so look there for most of the documentation on how this works (in particular, using C also enables L and L). The main addition here is extra bits to make the roles more "Moosey;" which is to say, it adds L. =head1 IMPORTED SUBROUTINES See L for all the other subroutines that are imported by this module. =head2 has has attr => ( is => 'ro', ); Declares an attribute for the class to be composed into. See L for all options. =head1 CLEANING UP IMPORTS L cleans up its own imported methods and any imports declared before the C statement automatically. Anything imported after C will be composed into consuming packages. A package that consumes this role: package My::Role::ID; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Moo::Role; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex); requires 'name'; sub as_md5 { my ($self) = @_; return md5_hex($self->name); } sub as_sha1 { my ($self) = @_; return sha1_hex($self->name); } 1; ..will now have a C<< $self->sha1_hex() >> method available to it that probably does not do what you expect. On the other hand, a call to C<< $self->md5_hex() >> will die with the helpful error message: C. See L for more details. =head1 SUPPORT See L for support and contact information. =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE See L for the copyright and license. =cut