package Mojo::UserAgent::Server; use Mojo::Base -base; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::Server::Daemon; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); has ioloop => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton }; sub app { my ($self, $app) = @_; # Singleton application state $singleton; return $singleton = $app ? $app : $singleton unless ref $self; # Default to singleton application return $self->{app} || $singleton unless $app; $self->{app} = $app; return $self; } sub nb_url { shift->_url(1, @_) } sub restart { delete @{$_[0]}{qw(nb_port nb_server port server)} } sub url { shift->_url(0, @_) } sub _url { my ($self, $nb, $proto) = @_; if (!$self->{server} || $proto) { $proto = $self->{proto} = $proto || 'http'; # Blocking my $server = $self->{server} = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(ioloop => $self->ioloop, silent => 1); weaken $server->app($self->app)->{app}; my $port = $self->{port} ? ":$self->{port}" : ''; $self->{port} = $server->listen(["$proto://$port"])->start->ports->[0]; # Non-blocking $server = $self->{nb_server} = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(silent => 1); weaken $server->app($self->app)->{app}; $port = $self->{nb_port} ? ":$self->{nb_port}" : ''; $self->{nb_port} = $server->listen(["$proto://$port"])->start->ports->[0]; } my $port = $nb ? $self->{nb_port} : $self->{port}; return Mojo::URL->new("$self->{proto}://$port/"); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::UserAgent::Server - Application server =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::UserAgent::Server; my $server = Mojo::UserAgent::Server->new; say $server->url; =head1 DESCRIPTION L is an embedded web server based on L that processes requests for L. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 ioloop my $loop = $server->ioloop; $server = $server->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new); Event loop object to use for I/O operations, defaults to the global L singleton. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 app my $app = Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app; Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app(Mojolicious->new); my $app = $server->app; $server = $server->app(Mojolicious->new); Application this server handles, instance specific applications override the global default. # Change application behavior $server->app->defaults(testing => 'oh yea!'); =head2 nb_url my $url = $server->nb_url; my $url = $server->nb_url('http'); my $url = $server->nb_url('https'); Get absolute L object for server processing non-blocking requests with L and switch protocol if necessary. =head2 restart $server->restart; Restart server with new port. =head2 url my $url = $server->url; my $url = $server->url('http'); my $url = $server->url('https'); Get absolute L object for server processing blocking requests with L and switch protocol if necessary. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut