package Mojo::Reactor::EV; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll'; use Carp qw(croak); use EV 4.32; my $EV; sub DESTROY { undef $EV } sub again { my ($self, $id, $after) = @_; croak 'Timer not active' unless my $timer = $self->{timers}{$id}; my $w = $timer->{watcher}; defined $after ? $w->set($after, $w->repeat ? $after : 0) : $w->again; } # We have to fall back to Mojo::Reactor::Poll, since EV is unique sub new { $EV++ ? Mojo::Reactor::Poll->new : shift->SUPER::new } sub one_tick { my $self = shift; local $self->{running} = 1 unless $self->{running}; EV::run(EV::RUN_ONCE); } sub recurring { shift->_timer(1, @_) } sub start { my $self = shift; local $self->{running} = 1 unless $self->{running}; EV::run; } sub stop { EV::break(EV::BREAK_ALL) } sub timer { shift->_timer(0, @_) } sub watch { my ($self, $handle, $read, $write) = @_; my $fd = fileno $handle; croak 'I/O watcher not active' unless my $io = $self->{io}{$fd}; my $mode = 0; $mode |= EV::READ if $read; $mode |= EV::WRITE if $write; if ($mode == 0) { delete $io->{watcher} } elsif (my $w = $io->{watcher}) { $w->events($mode) } else { my $cb = sub { my ($w, $revents) = @_; $self->_try('I/O watcher', $self->{io}{$fd}{cb}, 0) if EV::READ & $revents; $self->_try('I/O watcher', $self->{io}{$fd}{cb}, 1) if EV::WRITE & $revents && $self->{io}{$fd}; }; $io->{watcher} = EV::io($fd, $mode, $cb); } return $self; } sub _timer { my ($self, $recurring, $after, $cb) = @_; $after ||= 0.0001 if $recurring; my $id = $self->_id; my $wrapper = sub { delete $self->{timers}{$id} unless $recurring; $self->_try('Timer', $cb); }; EV::now_update() if $after > 0; $self->{timers}{$id}{watcher} = EV::timer($after, $after, $wrapper); return $id; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::Reactor::EV - Low-level event reactor with libev support =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Reactor::EV; # Watch if handle becomes readable or writable my $reactor = Mojo::Reactor::EV->new; $reactor->io($first => sub ($reactor, $writable) { say $writable ? 'First handle is writable' : 'First handle is readable'; }); # Change to watching only if handle becomes writable $reactor->watch($first, 0, 1); # Turn file descriptor into handle and watch if it becomes readable my $second = IO::Handle->new_from_fd($fd, 'r'); $reactor->io($second => sub ($reactor, $writable) { say $writable ? 'Second handle is writable' : 'Second handle is readable'; })->watch($second, 1, 0); # Add a timer $reactor->timer(15 => sub ($reactor) { $reactor->remove($first); $reactor->remove($second); say 'Timeout!'; }); # Start reactor if necessary $reactor->start unless $reactor->is_running; =head1 DESCRIPTION L is a low-level event reactor based on L (4.32+). =head1 EVENTS L inherits all events from L. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 again $reactor->again($id); $reactor->again($id, 0.5); Restart timer and optionally change the invocation time. Note that this method requires an active timer. =head2 new my $reactor = Mojo::Reactor::EV->new; Construct a new L object. =head2 one_tick $reactor->one_tick; Run reactor until an event occurs or no events are being watched anymore. # Don't block longer than 0.5 seconds my $id = $reactor->timer(0.5 => sub {}); $reactor->one_tick; $reactor->remove($id); =head2 recurring my $id = $reactor->recurring(0.25 => sub {...}); Create a new recurring timer, invoking the callback repeatedly after a given amount of time in seconds. =head2 start $reactor->start; Start watching for I/O and timer events, this will block until L is called or no events are being watched anymore. # Start reactor only if it is not running already $reactor->start unless $reactor->is_running; =head2 stop $reactor->stop; Stop watching for I/O and timer events. =head2 timer my $id = $reactor->timer(0.5 => sub {...}); Create a new timer, invoking the callback after a given amount of time in seconds. =head2 watch $reactor = $reactor->watch($handle, $readable, $writable); Change I/O events to watch handle for with true and false values. Note that this method requires an active I/O watcher. # Watch only for readable events $reactor->watch($handle, 1, 0); # Watch only for writable events $reactor->watch($handle, 0, 1); # Watch for readable and writable events $reactor->watch($handle, 1, 1); # Pause watching for events $reactor->watch($handle, 0, 0); =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut