package Mojo::File; use Mojo::Base -strict; use overload '@{}' => sub { shift->to_array }, bool => sub {1}, '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} }, fallback => 1; use Carp qw(croak); use Cwd qw(getcwd); use Exporter qw(import); use File::Basename (); use File::Copy qw(copy move); use File::Find qw(find); use File::Path (); use File::Spec::Functions qw(abs2rel canonpath catfile file_name_is_absolute rel2abs splitdir); use File::stat (); use File::Temp (); use IO::File (); use Mojo::Collection; use Mojo::Util qw(decode deprecated encode); our @EXPORT_OK = ('curfile', 'path', 'tempdir', 'tempfile'); sub basename { File::Basename::basename ${shift()}, @_ } sub child { $_[0]->new(${shift()}, @_) } sub chmod { my ($self, $mode) = @_; chmod $mode, $$self or croak qq{Can't chmod file "$$self": $!}; return $self; } sub copy_to { my ($self, $to) = @_; copy($$self, $to) or croak qq{Can't copy file "$$self" to "$to": $!}; return $self->new(-d $to ? ($to, File::Basename::basename $self) : $to); } sub curfile { __PACKAGE__->new(Cwd::realpath((caller)[1])) } sub dirname { $_[0]->new(scalar File::Basename::dirname ${$_[0]}) } sub extname { shift->basename =~ /.+\.([^.]+)$/ ? $1 : '' } sub is_abs { file_name_is_absolute ${shift()} } sub list { my ($self, $options) = (shift, shift // {}); return Mojo::Collection->new unless -d $$self; opendir(my $dir, $$self) or croak qq{Can't open directory "$$self": $!}; my @files = grep { $_ ne '.' && $_ ne '..' } readdir $dir; @files = grep { !/^\./ } @files unless $options->{hidden}; @files = map { catfile $$self, $_ } @files; @files = grep { !-d } @files unless $options->{dir}; return Mojo::Collection->new(map { $self->new($_) } sort @files); } sub list_tree { my ($self, $options) = (shift, shift // {}); # This may break in the future, but is worth it for performance local $File::Find::skip_pattern = qr/^\./ unless $options->{hidden}; # The File::Find documentation lies, this is needed for CIFS local $File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1 if $options->{dont_use_nlink}; my %all; my $wanted = sub { if ($options->{max_depth}) { (my $rel = $File::Find::name) =~ s!^\Q$$self\E/?!!; $File::Find::prune = 1 if splitdir($rel) >= $options->{max_depth}; } $all{$File::Find::name}++ if $options->{dir} || !-d $File::Find::name; }; find {wanted => $wanted, no_chdir => 1}, $$self if -d $$self; delete $all{$$self}; return Mojo::Collection->new(map { $self->new(canonpath $_) } sort keys %all); } sub lstat { File::stat::lstat(${shift()}) } sub make_path { my $self = shift; File::Path::make_path $$self, @_; return $self; } sub move_to { my ($self, $to) = @_; move($$self, $to) or croak qq{Can't move file "$$self" to "$to": $!}; return $self->new(-d $to ? ($to, File::Basename::basename $self) : $to); } sub new { my $class = shift; croak 'Invalid path' if grep { !defined } @_; my $value = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : @_ > 1 ? catfile @_ : canonpath getcwd; return bless \$value, ref $class || $class; } sub open { my $self = shift; my $handle = IO::File->new; $handle->open($$self, @_) or croak qq{Can't open file "$$self": $!}; return $handle; } sub path { __PACKAGE__->new(@_) } sub realpath { $_[0]->new(Cwd::realpath ${$_[0]}) } sub remove { my ($self, $mode) = @_; unlink $$self or croak qq{Can't remove file "$$self": $!} if -e $$self; return $self; } sub remove_tree { my $self = shift; File::Path::remove_tree $$self, @_; return $self; } sub sibling { my $self = shift; return $self->new(scalar File::Basename::dirname($self), @_); } sub slurp { my ($self, $encoding) = @_; CORE::open my $file, '<', $$self or croak qq{Can't open file "$$self": $!}; my $ret = my $content = ''; while ($ret = $file->sysread(my $buffer, 131072, 0)) { $content .= $buffer } croak qq{Can't read from file "$$self": $!} unless defined $ret; return $encoding ? decode($encoding, $content) : $content; } sub spew { my ($self, $content, $encoding) = @_; $content = encode($encoding, $content) if $encoding; CORE::open my $file, '>', $$self or croak qq{Can't open file "$$self": $!}; ($file->syswrite($content) // -1) == length $content or croak qq{Can't write to file "$$self": $!}; return $self; } # DEPRECATED! sub spurt { deprecated 'Mojo::File::spurt is deprecated in favor of Mojo::File::spew'; shift->spew(join '', @_); } sub stat { File::stat::stat(${shift()}) } sub tap { shift->Mojo::Base::tap(@_) } sub tempdir { __PACKAGE__->new(File::Temp->newdir(@_)) } sub tempfile { __PACKAGE__->new(File::Temp->new(@_)) } sub to_abs { $_[0]->new(rel2abs ${$_[0]}) } sub to_array { [splitdir ${shift()}] } sub to_rel { $_[0]->new(abs2rel(${$_[0]}, $_[1])) } sub to_string {"${$_[0]}"} sub touch { my $self = shift; $self->open('>') unless -e $$self; utime undef, undef, $$self or croak qq{Can't touch file "$$self": $!}; return $self; } sub with_roles { shift->Mojo::Base::with_roles(@_) } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::File - File system paths =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::File; # Portably deal with file system paths my $path = Mojo::File->new('/home/sri/.vimrc'); say $path->slurp; say $path->dirname; say $path->basename; say $path->extname; say $path->sibling('.bashrc'); # Use the alternative constructor use Mojo::File qw(path); my $path = path('/tmp/foo/bar')->make_path; $path->child('test.txt')->spew('Hello Mojo!'); =head1 DESCRIPTION L is a scalar-based container for file system paths that provides a friendly API for dealing with different operating systems. # Access scalar directly to manipulate path my $path = Mojo::File->new('/home/sri/test'); $$path .= '.txt'; =head1 FUNCTIONS L implements the following functions, which can be imported individually. =head2 curfile my $path = curfile; Construct a new scalar-based L object for the absolute path to the current source file. =head2 path my $path = path; my $path = path('/home/sri/.vimrc'); my $path = path('/home', 'sri', '.vimrc'); my $path = path(File::Temp->newdir); Construct a new scalar-based L object, defaults to using the current working directory. # "foo/bar/baz.txt" (on UNIX) path('foo', 'bar', 'baz.txt'); =head2 tempdir my $path = tempdir; my $path = tempdir('tempXXXXX'); Construct a new scalar-based L object for a temporary directory with L. # Longer version my $path = path(File::Temp->newdir('tempXXXXX')); =head2 tempfile my $path = tempfile; my $path = tempfile(DIR => '/tmp'); Construct a new scalar-based L object for a temporary file with L. # Longer version my $path = path(File::Temp->new(DIR => '/tmp')); =head1 METHODS L implements the following methods. =head2 basename my $name = $path->basename; my $name = $path->basename('.txt'); Return the last level of the path with L. # ".vimrc" (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/.vimrc')->basename; # "test" (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/test.txt')->basename('.txt'); =head2 child my $child = $path->child('.vimrc'); Return a new L object relative to the path. # "/home/sri/.vimrc" (on UNIX) path('/home')->child('sri', '.vimrc'); =head2 chmod $path = $path->chmod(0644); Change file permissions. =head2 copy_to my $destination = $path->copy_to('/home/sri'); my $destination = $path->copy_to('/home/sri/.vimrc.backup'); Copy file with L and return the destination as a L object. =head2 dirname my $name = $path->dirname; Return all but the last level of the path with L as a L object. # "/home/sri" (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/.vimrc')->dirname; =head2 extname my $ext = $path->extname; Return file extension of the path. # "js" path('/home/sri/test.js')->extname; =head2 is_abs my $bool = $path->is_abs; Check if the path is absolute. # True (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/.vimrc')->is_abs; # False (on UNIX) path('.vimrc')->is_abs; =head2 list my $collection = $path->list; my $collection = $path->list({hidden => 1}); List all files in the directory and return a L object containing the results as L objects. The list does not include C<.> and C<..>. # List files say for path('/home/sri/myapp')->list->each; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item dir dir => 1 Include directories. =item hidden hidden => 1 Include hidden files. =back =head2 list_tree my $collection = $path->list_tree; my $collection = $path->list_tree({hidden => 1}); List all files recursively in the directory and return a L object containing the results as L objects. The list does not include C<.> and C<..>. # List all templates say for path('/home/sri/myapp/templates')->list_tree->each; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item dir dir => 1 Include directories. =item dont_use_nlink dont_use_nlink => 1 Force L to always stat directories. =item hidden hidden => 1 Include hidden files and directories. =item max_depth max_depth => 3 Maximum number of levels to descend when searching for files. =back =head2 lstat my $stat = $path->lstat; Return a L object for the symlink. # Get symlink size say path('/usr/sbin/sendmail')->lstat->size; # Get symlink modification time say path('/usr/sbin/sendmail')->lstat->mtime; =head2 make_path $path = $path->make_path; $path = $path->make_path({mode => 0711}); Create the directories if they don't already exist, any additional arguments are passed through to L. =head2 move_to my $destination = $path->move_to('/home/sri'); my $destination = $path->move_to('/home/sri/.vimrc.backup'); Move file with L and return the destination as a L object. =head2 new my $path = Mojo::File->new; my $path = Mojo::File->new('/home/sri/.vimrc'); my $path = Mojo::File->new('/home', 'sri', '.vimrc'); my $path = Mojo::File->new(File::Temp->new); my $path = Mojo::File->new(File::Temp->newdir); Construct a new L object, defaults to using the current working directory. # "foo/bar/baz.txt" (on UNIX) Mojo::File->new('foo', 'bar', 'baz.txt'); =head2 open my $handle = $path->open('+<'); my $handle = $path->open('r+'); my $handle = $path->open(O_RDWR); my $handle = $path->open('<:encoding(UTF-8)'); Open file with L. # Combine "fcntl.h" constants use Fcntl qw(O_CREAT O_EXCL O_RDWR); my $handle = path('/home/sri/')->open(O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL); =head2 realpath my $realpath = $path->realpath; Resolve the path with L and return the result as a L object. =head2 remove $path = $path->remove; Delete file. =head2 remove_tree $path = $path->remove_tree; $path = $path->remove_tree({keep_root => 1}); Delete this directory and any files and subdirectories it may contain, any additional arguments are passed through to L. =head2 sibling my $sibling = $path->sibling('.vimrc'); Return a new L object relative to the directory part of the path. # "/home/sri/.vimrc" (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/.bashrc')->sibling('.vimrc'); # "/home/sri/.ssh/known_hosts" (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/.bashrc')->sibling('.ssh', 'known_hosts'); =head2 slurp my $bytes = $path->slurp; my $chars = $path->slurp('UTF-8'); Read all data at once from the file. If an encoding is provided, an attempt will be made to decode the content. =head2 spew $path = $path->spew($bytes); $path = $path->spew($chars, 'UTF-8'); Write all data at once to the file. If an encoding is provided, an attempt to encode the content will be made prior to writing. =head2 stat my $stat = $path->stat; Return a L object for the path. # Get file size say path('/home/sri/.bashrc')->stat->size; # Get file modification time say path('/home/sri/.bashrc')->stat->mtime; =head2 tap $path = $path->tap(sub {...}); Alias for L. =head2 to_abs my $absolute = $path->to_abs; Return absolute path as a L object, the path does not need to exist on the file system. =head2 to_array my $parts = $path->to_array; Split the path on directory separators. # "home:sri:.vimrc" (on UNIX) join ':', @{path('/home/sri/.vimrc')->to_array}; =head2 to_rel my $relative = $path->to_rel('/some/base/path'); Return a relative path from the original path to the destination path as a L object. # "sri/.vimrc" (on UNIX) path('/home/sri/.vimrc')->to_rel('/home'); =head2 to_string my $str = $path->to_string; Stringify the path. =head2 touch $path = $path->touch; Create file if it does not exist or change the modification and access time to the current time. # Safely read file say path('.bashrc')->touch->slurp; =head2 with_roles my $new_class = Mojo::File->with_roles('Mojo::File::Role::One'); my $new_class = Mojo::File->with_roles('+One', '+Two'); $path = $path->with_roles('+One', '+Two'); Alias for L. =head1 OPERATORS L overloads the following operators. =head2 array my @parts = @$path; Alias for L. =head2 bool my $bool = !!$path; Always true. =head2 stringify my $str = "$path"; Alias for L. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut