package Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AVAR'; $Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::VERSION = '0.20'; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use Lingua::EN::Inflect; use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number; use Lingua::EN::Tagger; use Lingua::EN::FindNumber '$number_re'; use Lingua::EN::Number::IsOrdinal 'is_ordinal'; =head1 NAME Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase - Inflect short English Phrases =cut =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase; use Test::More tests => 2; my $plural = Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::to_PL('green egg and ham'); is $plural, 'green eggs and ham'; my $singular = Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::to_S('green eggs and ham'); is $singular, 'green egg and ham'; =head1 DESCRIPTION Attempts to pluralize or singularize short English phrases. Does not throw exceptions at present, if you attempt to pluralize an already pluralized phrase, it will leave it unchanged (and vice versa.) The behavior of this module is subject to change as I tweak the heuristics, as some things get fixed others might regress. The processing of natural language is a messy business. If it doesn't work, please email or submit to RT the example you tried, and I'll try to fix it. =head1 OPTIONS By default, this module prefers to treat words as nouns (sometimes words can be interpreted as a verb or a noun without context.) This is better for things such as database table/column names, which is what this module is primarily for. This behavior can be switched with the variable C<$prefer_nouns>. The default is C<1>. For example: { local $Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::prefer_nouns = 0; is Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::to_S('sources split'), 'source splits'; } { local $Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::prefer_nouns = 1; is Lingua::EN::Inflect::Phrase::to_S('source splits'), 'source split'; } =head1 OPTIONAL EXPORTS L, L =cut our @EXPORT_OK = qw/to_PL to_S/; =head1 SUBROUTINES =cut our $prefer_nouns = 1; my $MAYBE_NOUN = qr{(\S+)/(?:NN[PS]?|CD|JJ)\b}; my $MAYBE_NOUN_TAG = qr{/(?:NN[PS]?|CD|JJ)\b}; my $NOUN_OR_VERB = qr{(\S+)/(?:NN[PS]?|CD|JJ|VB[A-Z]?)\b}; my $NOUN_OR_VERB_TAG = qr{/(?:NN[PS]?|CD|JJ|VB[A-Z]?)\b}; my $VERB_TAG = qr{/VB[A-z]?\b}; my $PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG = qr{/(?:CC|IN)\b}; my $tagger; sub _inflect_noun { my ($noun, $want_plural, $is_plural) = @_; my $want_singular = not $want_plural; $is_plural = Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::number($noun) ne 's' unless defined $is_plural; # fix "people" and "heroes" and a few others if ($noun =~ /^(?:people|person)\z/i) { return $want_singular ? 'person' : 'people'; } elsif ($noun =~ /^hero(?:es)?\z/i) { return $want_singular ? 'hero' : 'heroes'; } elsif ($want_singular && lc($noun) eq 'aliases') { return 'alias'; } elsif ($want_singular && lc($noun) eq 'statuses') { return 'status'; } elsif (lc($noun) eq 'belongs') { return undef; } elsif ($want_plural && lc($noun) eq 'two') { return 'twos'; } elsif ($noun =~ /^[A-Z].+ity\z/) { return $want_plural ? ucfirst(Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_PL(lc($noun))) : $noun; } elsif ($noun =~ /^[A-Z].+ities\z/) { return $want_plural ? $noun : ucfirst(Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_S(lc($noun))); } if ($want_plural && (not $is_plural)) { return Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_PL($noun); } elsif ($want_singular && $is_plural) { return Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_S($noun); } return undef; } sub _inflect { my ($phrase, $want_plural) = @_; my $want_singular = not $want_plural; # 'a' inflects to 'some', special-case it here if ($phrase eq 'a') { return $want_singular ? $phrase : 'as'; } # Do not tag initial number, if any. # Regex is from perldoc -q 'is a number'. my ($det, $number, $pad, $rest) = $phrase =~ m{^(\s*\S+/DET)?(\s*(?:[+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(?:\.\d*)?(?:[Ee](?:[+-]?\d+))?)(\s*)(.*)$}; $_ ||= '' for $det, $pad, $rest; my $tagged; $tagger ||= Lingua::EN::Tagger->new; # force plural unless number is '1' if ((grep { defined && length } ($number, $pad, $rest)) == 3) { my $tagged_rest = $tagger->get_readable($rest); $tagged = $det . $number . $pad . $tagged_rest; if ($number =~ /^\s*1(?:\.0*[Ee]?0*)?\z/ && $tagged_rest !~ m{^(?:\S+/CC|\d)}) { $want_plural = 0; $want_singular = 1; } else { $want_plural = 1; $want_singular = 0; } } else { $tagged = $tagger->get_readable($phrase); } # check for phrases like "one something" and force singular, # or "one and a half ..." and force plural if (my ($det, $number, $conj, $and_zero, $pad, $rest) = $tagged =~ m{ ^ (\s* \S+/DET)? (\s* (?:one|single))/(?:JJ|NN|CD)\b (\s*\S+/CC\b)? (?:(\s* (?:no|zero))/(?:DET|CD))? (\s*) (.*) }x) { $_ ||= '' for $det, $conj, $and_zero, $pad, $rest; $tagged = $det . $number . $conj . $and_zero . $pad . $rest; if (length $conj && (not $and_zero)) { $want_plural = 1; $want_singular = 0; } elsif (length $rest) { $want_plural = 0; $want_singular = 1; } } # handle other numbers as words at the start of the phrase # using Lingua::EN::FindNumber elsif ($tagged =~ m{^\s*(?:(\S+)/DET)?} && (substr $phrase, $+[1]||0) =~ /^\s*$number_re/) { $number = (sort { length $a <=> length $b } map $_||'', ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5))[-1]; if (not is_ordinal($number)) { my $tagged_number_re; foreach my $num_elem (split /\s+/, $number) { $tagged_number_re .= "\Q$num_elem\E/[A-Z]+\\s*"; } my $tagged_number; ($tagged_number, $pad, $rest) = $tagged =~ m/($tagged_number_re)(\s*)(.*)/; my @tagged_number_pos = ($-[1], $+[1]); if (length $rest) { substr($tagged, $tagged_number_pos[0], ($tagged_number_pos[1] - $tagged_number_pos[0])) = $number; $want_plural = 1; $want_singular = 0; } } } my ($noun, $tag); # last noun (or verb that could be a noun) before a preposition/conjunction # or last noun/verb if ( (($noun) = $tagged =~ m|${MAYBE_NOUN} (?! .* ${MAYBE_NOUN_TAG} .* ${PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG}) .* ${PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG}|x) or (($noun) = $tagged =~ m|${MAYBE_NOUN} (?!.*${MAYBE_NOUN_TAG})|x) or (($noun) = $tagged =~ m|${NOUN_OR_VERB} (?!.*${NOUN_OR_VERB_TAG} .* ${PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG}) .* ${PREPOSITION_OR_CONJUNCTION_TAG}|x) or (($noun) = $tagged =~ m|${NOUN_OR_VERB} (?! .* ${NOUN_OR_VERB_TAG})|x)) { my @pos = ($-[1], $+[1]); my $inflected_noun; $inflected_noun = _inflect_noun($noun, $want_plural); # check if there is a verb following the noun # the verb either needs to be pluarlized or be taken as the noun, # depending on the value of $prefer_nouns my ($verb) = substr($tagged, $pos[1]) =~ m|^/[A-Z]+\s+(\S+)${VERB_TAG}|; my @verb_pos = map $pos[1] + $_, grep defined, ($-[1], $+[1]); # the verb may be tagged as a noun unless singularized (pluralized as a noun.) if ((not $verb) && (not $prefer_nouns) && $tagger->get_readable(_inflect_noun($noun, 1, 0)) =~ $VERB_TAG) { # find the preceding noun if (my ($preceding_noun) = substr($tagged, 0, $pos[0]) =~ m|${MAYBE_NOUN}\s*\z|) { my @preceding_noun_pos = ($-[1], $+[1]); $verb = $noun; @verb_pos = @pos; $noun = $preceding_noun; @pos = @preceding_noun_pos; $inflected_noun = _inflect_noun($noun, $want_plural); } } if ($verb) { my $plural_verb = Lingua::EN::Inflect::PL_V($verb); if ($prefer_nouns) { if ($tagger->get_readable($plural_verb) =~ $MAYBE_NOUN || ( # noun singular verb plural should be handled as noun noun, unless something follows it, # and only for "VB" not "VBZ" or "VBN" $verb eq $plural_verb && $tagger->get_readable(_inflect_noun($verb, 1)) =~ $MAYBE_NOUN && substr($tagged, $verb_pos[1]) =~ m{^\s*/VB\s*$} )) { $inflected_noun = _inflect_noun($verb, $want_plural); @pos = @verb_pos; } } elsif ($inflected_noun) { if ($want_plural) { substr($tagged, $verb_pos[0], ($verb_pos[1] - $verb_pos[0])) = $plural_verb; } elsif ($want_singular) { # to singularize a verb we pluralize it as a noun my $singular_verb = _inflect_noun($verb, 1, 0); substr($tagged, $verb_pos[0], ($verb_pos[1] - $verb_pos[0])) = $singular_verb; } } } substr($tagged, $pos[0], ($pos[1] - $pos[0])) = $inflected_noun if $inflected_noun; ($phrase = $tagged) =~ s{/[A-Z]+}{}g; } # fallback else { my $number = Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::number($phrase); if ($want_plural && $number ne 'p') { return Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_PL($phrase); } elsif ($want_singular && $number ne 's') { return Lingua::EN::Inflect::Number::to_S($phrase); } } return $phrase; } =head2 to_PL Attempts to pluralizes a phrase unless already plural. =cut sub to_PL { return _inflect(shift, 1); } =head2 to_S Attempts to singularize a phrase unless already singular. =cut sub to_S { return _inflect(shift, 0); } =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C, or through the web interface at L. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 REPOSITORY git clone git:// lingua-en-inflect-phrase =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR rkitover: Rafael Kitover =head1 CONTRIBUTORS zakame: Zak B. Elep =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2018 Rafael Kitover ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut 1; # vim:et sts=2 sw=2 tw=0: