package IO::Wrap; use strict; use Exporter; use FileHandle; use Carp; our $VERSION = '2.113'; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(wraphandle); #------------------------------ # wraphandle RAW #------------------------------ sub wraphandle { my $raw = shift; new IO::Wrap $raw; } #------------------------------ # new STREAM #------------------------------ sub new { my ($class, $stream) = @_; no strict 'refs'; ### Convert raw scalar to globref: ref($stream) or $stream = \*$stream; ### Wrap globref and incomplete objects: if ((ref($stream) eq 'GLOB') or ### globref (ref($stream) eq 'FileHandle') && !defined(&FileHandle::read)) { return bless \$stream, $class; } $stream; ### already okay! } #------------------------------ # I/O methods... #------------------------------ sub close { my $self = shift; return close($$self); } sub fileno { my $self = shift; my $fh = $$self; return fileno($fh); } sub getline { my $self = shift; my $fh = $$self; return scalar(<$fh>); } sub getlines { my $self = shift; wantarray or croak("Can't call getlines in scalar context!"); my $fh = $$self; <$fh>; } sub print { my $self = shift; print { $$self } @_; } sub read { my $self = shift; return read($$self, $_[0], $_[1]); } sub seek { my $self = shift; return seek($$self, $_[0], $_[1]); } sub tell { my $self = shift; return tell($$self); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME IO::Wrap - Wrap raw filehandles in the IO::Handle interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use strict; use warnings; use IO::Wrap; # this is a fairly senseless use case as IO::Handle already does this. my $wrap_fh = IO::Wrap->new(\*STDIN); my $line = $wrap_fh->getline(); # Do stuff with any kind of filehandle (including a bare globref), or # any kind of blessed object that responds to a print() message. # already have a globref? a FileHandle? a scalar filehandle name? $wrap_fh = IO::Wrap->new($some_unknown_thing); # At this point, we know we have an IO::Handle-like object! YAY $wrap_fh->print("Hey there!"); You can also do this using a convenience wrapper function use strict; use warnings; use IO::Wrap qw(wraphandle); # this is a fairly senseless use case as IO::Handle already does this. my $wrap_fh = wraphandle(\*STDIN); my $line = $wrap_fh->getline(); # Do stuff with any kind of filehandle (including a bare globref), or # any kind of blessed object that responds to a print() message. # already have a globref? a FileHandle? a scalar filehandle name? $wrap_fh = wraphandle($some_unknown_thing); # At this point, we know we have an IO::Handle-like object! YAY $wrap_fh->print("Hey there!"); =head1 DESCRIPTION Let's say you want to write some code which does I/O, but you don't want to force the caller to provide you with a L or L object. You want them to be able to say: do_stuff(\*STDOUT); do_stuff('STDERR'); do_stuff($some_FileHandle_object); do_stuff($some_IO_Handle_object); And even: do_stuff($any_object_with_a_print_method); Sure, one way to do it is to force the caller to use C. But that puts the burden on them. Another way to do it is to use B. Clearly, when wrapping a raw external filehandle (like C<\*STDOUT>), I didn't want to close the file descriptor when the wrapper object is destroyed; the user might not appreciate that! Hence, there's no C method in this class. When wrapping a L object, however, I believe that Perl will invoke the C when the last reference goes away, so in that case, the filehandle is closed if the wrapped L really was the last reference to it. =head1 FUNCTIONS L makes the following functions available. =head2 wraphandle # wrap a filehandle glob my $fh = wraphandle(\*STDIN); # wrap a raw filehandle glob by name $fh = wraphandle('STDIN'); # wrap a handle in an object $fh = wraphandle('Class::HANDLE'); # wrap a blessed FileHandle object use FileHandle; my $fho = FileHandle->new("/tmp/foo.txt", "r"); $fh = wraphandle($fho); # wrap any other blessed object that shares IO::Handle's interface $fh = wraphandle($some_object); This function is simply a wrapper to the L constructor method. =head1 METHODS L implements the following methods. =head2 close $fh->close(); The C method will attempt to close the system file descriptor. For a more complete description, read L. =head2 fileno my $int = $fh->fileno(); The C method returns the file descriptor for the wrapped filehandle. See L for more information. =head2 getline my $data = $fh->getline(); The C method mimics the function by the same name in L. It's like calling C<< my $data = <$fh>; >> but only in scalar context. =head2 getlines my @data = $fh->getlines(); The C method mimics the function by the same name in L. It's like calling C<< my @data = <$fh>; >> but only in list context. Calling this method in scalar context will result in a croak. =head2 new # wrap a filehandle glob my $fh = IO::Wrap->new(\*STDIN); # wrap a raw filehandle glob by name $fh = IO::Wrap->new('STDIN'); # wrap a handle in an object $fh = IO::Wrap->new('Class::HANDLE'); # wrap a blessed FileHandle object use FileHandle; my $fho = FileHandle->new("/tmp/foo.txt", "r"); $fh = IO::Wrap->new($fho); # wrap any other blessed object that shares IO::Handle's interface $fh = IO::Wrap->new($some_object); The C constructor method takes in a single argument and decides to wrap it or not it based on what it seems to be. A raw scalar file handle name, like C<"STDOUT"> or C<"Class::HANDLE"> can be wrapped, returning an L object instance. A raw filehandle glob, like C<\*STDOUT> can also be wrapped, returning an L object instance. A blessed L object can also be wrapped. This is a special case where an L object instance will only be returned in the case that your L object doesn't support the C method. Also, any other kind of blessed object that conforms to the L interface can be passed in. In this case, you just get back that object. In other words, we only wrap it into an L object when what you've supplied doesn't already conform to the L interface. If you get back an L object, it will obey a basic subset of the C interface. It will do so with object B, not B. =head3 CAVEATS This module does not allow you to wrap filehandle names which are given as strings that lack the package they were opened in. That is, if a user opens FOO in package Foo, they must pass it to you either as C<\*FOO> or as C<"Foo::FOO">. However, C<"STDIN"> and friends will work just fine. =head2 print $fh->print("Some string"); $fh->print("more", " than one", " string"); The C method will attempt to print a string or list of strings to the filehandle. For a more complete description, read L. =head2 read my $buffer; # try to read 30 chars into the buffer starting at the # current cursor position. my $num_chars_read = $fh->read($buffer, 30); The L method attempts to read a number of characters, starting at the filehandle's current cursor position. It returns the number of characters actually read. See L for more information. =head2 seek use Fcntl qw(:seek); # import the SEEK_CUR, SEEK_SET, SEEK_END constants # seek to the position in bytes $fh->seek(0, SEEK_SET); # seek to the position in bytes from the current position $fh->seek(22, SEEK_CUR); # seek to the EOF plus bytes $fh->seek(0, SEEK_END); The C method will attempt to set the cursor to a given position in bytes for the wrapped file handle. See L for more information. =head2 tell my $bytes = $fh->tell(); The C method will attempt to return the current position of the cursor in bytes for the wrapped file handle. See L for more information. =head1 AUTHOR Eryq (F). President, ZeeGee Software Inc (F). =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Dianne Skoll (F). =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 1997 Erik (Eryq) Dorfman, ZeeGee Software, Inc. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut