package HTTP::Body; $HTTP::Body::VERSION = '1.23'; use strict; use Carp qw[ ]; our $TYPES = { 'application/octet-stream' => 'HTTP::Body::OctetStream', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' => 'HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded', 'multipart/form-data' => 'HTTP::Body::MultiPart', 'multipart/related' => 'HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart', 'application/xml' => 'HTTP::Body::XForms', 'application/json' => 'HTTP::Body::OctetStream', }; require HTTP::Body::OctetStream; require HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded; require HTTP::Body::MultiPart; require HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart; require HTTP::Body::XForms; use HTTP::Headers; use HTTP::Message; =head1 NAME HTTP::Body - HTTP Body Parser =head1 SYNOPSIS use HTTP::Body; sub handler : method { my ( $class, $r ) = @_; my $content_type = $r->headers_in->get('Content-Type'); my $content_length = $r->headers_in->get('Content-Length'); my $body = HTTP::Body->new( $content_type, $content_length ); my $length = $content_length; while ( $length ) { $r->read( my $buffer, ( $length < 8192 ) ? $length : 8192 ); $length -= length($buffer); $body->add($buffer); } my $uploads = $body->upload; # hashref my $params = $body->param; # hashref my $param_order = $body->param_order # arrayref my $body = $body->body; # IO::Handle } =head1 DESCRIPTION HTTP::Body parses chunks of HTTP POST data and supports application/octet-stream, application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and multipart/form-data. Chunked bodies are supported by not passing a length value to new(). It is currently used by L, L, L, L and L. =head1 NOTES When parsing multipart bodies, temporary files are created to store any uploaded files. You must delete these temporary files yourself after processing them, or set $body->cleanup(1) to automatically delete them at DESTROY-time. With version 1.23, we have changed the basic behavior of how temporary files are prepared for uploads. The extension of the file is no longer transferred to the temporary file, the extension will always be C<.upload>. We have also introduced variables that make it possible to set the behavior as required. =over 4 =item $HTTP::Body::MultiPart::file_temp_suffix This is the extension that is given to all multipart files. The default setting here is C<.upload>. If you want the old behavior from before version 1.23, simply undefine the value here. =item $HTTP::Body::MultiPart::basename_regexp This is the regexp used to determine out the file extension. This is of course no longer necessary, unless you undefine C. =item $HTTP::Body::MultiPart::file_temp_template This gets passed through to the L TEMPLATE parameter. There is no special default in our module. =item %HTTP::Body::MultiPart::file_temp_parameters In this hash you can add up custom settings for the L invokation. Those override every other setting. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new Constructor. Takes content type and content length as parameters, returns a L object. =cut sub new { my ( $class, $content_type, $content_length ) = @_; unless ( @_ >= 2 ) { Carp::croak( $class, '->new( $content_type, [ $content_length ] )' ); } my $type; my $earliest_index; foreach my $supported ( keys %{$TYPES} ) { my $index = index( lc($content_type), $supported ); if ($index >= 0 && (!defined $earliest_index || $index < $earliest_index)) { $type = $supported; $earliest_index = $index; } } my $body = $TYPES->{ $type || 'application/octet-stream' }; my $self = { cleanup => 0, buffer => '', chunk_buffer => '', body => undef, chunked => !defined $content_length, content_length => defined $content_length ? $content_length : -1, content_type => $content_type, length => 0, param => {}, param_order => [], state => 'buffering', upload => {}, part_data => {}, tmpdir => File::Spec->tmpdir(), }; bless( $self, $body ); return $self->init; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{cleanup} ) { my @temps = (); for my $upload ( values %{ $self->{upload} } ) { push @temps, map { $_->{tempname} || () } ( ref $upload eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$upload} : $upload ); } unlink map { $_ } grep { -e $_ } @temps; } } =item add Add string to internal buffer. Will call spin unless done. returns length before adding self. =cut sub add { my $self = shift; if ( $self->{chunked} ) { $self->{chunk_buffer} .= $_[0]; while ( $self->{chunk_buffer} =~ m/^([\da-fA-F]+).*\x0D\x0A/ ) { my $chunk_len = hex($1); if ( $chunk_len == 0 ) { # Strip chunk len $self->{chunk_buffer} =~ s/^([\da-fA-F]+).*\x0D\x0A//; # End of data, there may be trailing headers if ( my ($headers) = $self->{chunk_buffer} =~ m/(.*)\x0D\x0A/s ) { if ( my $message = HTTP::Message->parse( $headers ) ) { $self->{trailing_headers} = $message->headers; } } $self->{chunk_buffer} = ''; # Set content_length equal to the amount of data we read, # so the spin methods can finish up. $self->{content_length} = $self->{length}; } else { # Make sure we have the whole chunk in the buffer (+CRLF) if ( length( $self->{chunk_buffer} ) >= $chunk_len ) { # Strip chunk len $self->{chunk_buffer} =~ s/^([\da-fA-F]+).*\x0D\x0A//; # Pull chunk data out of chunk buffer into real buffer $self->{buffer} .= substr $self->{chunk_buffer}, 0, $chunk_len, ''; # Strip remaining CRLF $self->{chunk_buffer} =~ s/^\x0D\x0A//; $self->{length} += $chunk_len; } else { # Not enough data for this chunk, wait for more calls to add() return; } } unless ( $self->{state} eq 'done' ) { $self->spin; } } return; } my $cl = $self->content_length; if ( defined $_[0] ) { $self->{length} += length( $_[0] ); # Don't allow buffer data to exceed content-length if ( $self->{length} > $cl ) { $_[0] = substr $_[0], 0, $cl - $self->{length}; $self->{length} = $cl; } $self->{buffer} .= $_[0]; } unless ( $self->state eq 'done' ) { $self->spin; } return ( $self->length - $cl ); } =item body accessor for the body. =cut sub body { my $self = shift; $self->{body} = shift if @_; return $self->{body}; } =item chunked Returns 1 if the request is chunked. =cut sub chunked { return shift->{chunked}; } =item cleanup Set to 1 to enable automatic deletion of temporary files at DESTROY-time. =cut sub cleanup { my $self = shift; $self->{cleanup} = shift if @_; return $self->{cleanup}; } =item content_length Returns the content-length for the body data if known. Returns -1 if the request is chunked. =cut sub content_length { return shift->{content_length}; } =item content_type Returns the content-type of the body data. =cut sub content_type { return shift->{content_type}; } =item init return self. =cut sub init { return $_[0]; } =item length Returns the total length of data we expect to read if known. In the case of a chunked request, returns the amount of data read so far. =cut sub length { return shift->{length}; } =item trailing_headers If a chunked request body had trailing headers, trailing_headers will return an HTTP::Headers object populated with those headers. =cut sub trailing_headers { return shift->{trailing_headers}; } =item spin Abstract method to spin the io handle. =cut sub spin { Carp::croak('Define abstract method spin() in implementation'); } =item state Returns the current state of the parser. =cut sub state { my $self = shift; $self->{state} = shift if @_; return $self->{state}; } =item param Get/set body parameters. =cut sub param { my $self = shift; if ( @_ == 2 ) { my ( $name, $value ) = @_; if ( exists $self->{param}->{$name} ) { for ( $self->{param}->{$name} ) { $_ = [$_] unless ref($_) eq "ARRAY"; push( @$_, $value ); } } else { $self->{param}->{$name} = $value; } push @{$self->{param_order}}, $name; } return $self->{param}; } =item upload Get/set file uploads. =cut sub upload { my $self = shift; if ( @_ == 2 ) { my ( $name, $upload ) = @_; if ( exists $self->{upload}->{$name} ) { for ( $self->{upload}->{$name} ) { $_ = [$_] unless ref($_) eq "ARRAY"; push( @$_, $upload ); } } else { $self->{upload}->{$name} = $upload; } } return $self->{upload}; } =item part_data Just like 'param' but gives you a hash of the full data associated with the part in a multipart type POST/PUT. Example: { data => "test", done => 1, headers => { "Content-Disposition" => "form-data; name=\"arg2\"", "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, name => "arg2", size => 4 } =cut sub part_data { my $self = shift; if ( @_ == 2 ) { my ( $name, $data ) = @_; if ( exists $self->{part_data}->{$name} ) { for ( $self->{part_data}->{$name} ) { $_ = [$_] unless ref($_) eq "ARRAY"; push( @$_, $data ); } } else { $self->{part_data}->{$name} = $data; } } return $self->{part_data}; } =item tmpdir Specify a different path for temporary files. Defaults to the system temporary path. =cut sub tmpdir { my $self = shift; $self->{tmpdir} = shift if @_; return $self->{tmpdir}; } =item param_order Returns the array ref of the param keys in the order how they appeared on the body =cut sub param_order { return shift->{param_order}; } =back =head1 SUPPORT Since its original creation this module has been taken over by the Catalyst development team. If you need general support using this module: IRC: Join #catalyst on Mailing Lists: If you want to contribute patches, these will be your primary contact points: IRC: Join #catalyst-dev on Mailing Lists: =head1 AUTHOR Christian Hansen, C Sebastian Riedel, C Andy Grundman, C =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Simon Elliott C Kent Fredric C Christian Walde C Torsten Raudssus C =head1 LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself. =cut 1;