package HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Checkbox; # ABSTRACT: HTML attributes field role $HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Checkbox::VERSION = '0.40068'; use Moose::Role; use namespace::autoclean; use HTML::FormHandler::Render::Util ('process_attrs'); sub render_element { my ( $self, $result ) = @_; $result ||= $self->result; my $checkbox_value = $self->checkbox_value; my $output = 'fif eq $checkbox_value; $output .= process_attrs($self->element_attributes($result)); $output .= ' />'; return $output; } sub render { my ( $self, $result ) = @_; $result ||= $self->result; die "No result for form field '" . $self->full_name . "'. Field may be inactive." unless $result; my $output = $self->render_element( $result ); return $self->wrap_field( $result, $output ); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME HTML::FormHandler::Widget::Field::Checkbox - HTML attributes field role =head1 VERSION version 0.40068 =head1 SYNOPSIS Checkbox field renderer =head1 AUTHOR FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gerda Shank. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut