package HTML::FormHandler::Manual::FromDFV;
# ABSTRACT: converting from Data::FormValidator
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
HTML::FormHandler::Manual::FromDFV - converting from Data::FormValidator
=head1 VERSION
version 0.40068
Cheatsheet for converting from L.
Information that's useful when switching from Data::FormValidator to
HTML::FormHandler. There's not a lot here yet, so if you have something
to add, patches are welcome.
In a general way, FormHandler doesn't have nearly so many "special"
checks as Data::FormValidator. It would be possible to implement many
of them, but there hasn't been much demand for them. So far FormHandler
users seem to be satisfied with the "do your own checks in a Perl method"
solution. Because of the greater complexity of FormHandler's data model -
with Repeatable arrays and nested compounds, etc - it's somewhat harder
to do some of them automatically.
=head1 Differences/conversions
=over 4
=item dependencies
In FormHandler, 'dependency' is the equivalent of 'dependency_group',
without the key names.
The other variations of dependencies in DFV are not implemented in
FormHandler, and would normally be done in a form's 'validate' sub.
=item trim, filters
A 'trim' filter is installed by default in FormHandler; it's a
special version of an apply action, and can be set to a transform
or Moose type. See the documentation in L.
Transforms and inflations/deflations do not change what is presented in
the form unless you set the 'fif_from_value' flag on the field.
=item FV_length_between, FV_max_length, FV_min_length
Use text fields with 'minlength' and 'maxlength' attributes.
=item FV_eq_with
Perform your own checks in the form 'validate' sub.
sub validate {
my $self = shift;
if( $self->field('one')->value eq $self->field('two')->value ) {
=head1 Constraints
The simple constraints from L can be used
directly in a FormHandler form:
use Data::FormValidator::Constraints ('match_state');
has_field 'my_state' => (
apply => [ { check => \&match_state, message => 'Invalid State' } ] );
=over 4
=item email
Use the 'Email' field type, or use the FH Moose Type, 'email'.
has_field 'email' => ( type => 'Email' );
-- or --
use HTML::FormHandler::Types ('Email');
has_field 'email' => ( apply => [ Email ] );
=head1 AUTHOR
FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gerda Shank.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.