package Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail 2.601; # ABSTRACT: send mail via sendmail(1) use Moo; with 'Email::Sender::Transport'; use MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base qw(Str); #pod =head2 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This transport sends mail by piping it to the F command. If the #pod location of the F command is not provided in the constructor (see #pod below) then the library will look for an executable file called F in #pod the path. #pod #pod To specify the location of sendmail: #pod #pod my $sender = Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail->new({ sendmail => $path }); #pod #pod =cut use File::Spec (); has 'sendmail' => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, required => 1, lazy => 1, default => sub { # This should not have to be lazy, but Moose has a bug(?) that prevents the # instance or partial-instance from being passed in to the default sub. # Laziness doesn't hurt much, though, because (ugh) of the BUILD below. # -- rjbs, 2008-12-04 # return $ENV{PERL_SENDMAIL_PATH} if $ENV{PERL_SENDMAIL_PATH}; # ??? return $_[0]->_find_sendmail('sendmail'); }, ); sub BUILD { $_[0]->sendmail; # force population -- rjbs, 2009-06-08 } sub _find_sendmail { my ($self, $program_name) = @_; $program_name ||= 'sendmail'; my @path = File::Spec->path; if ($program_name eq 'sendmail') { # for 'real' sendmail we will look in common locations -- rjbs, 2009-07-12 push @path, ( File::Spec->catfile('', qw(usr sbin)), File::Spec->catfile('', qw(usr lib)), ); } for my $dir (@path) { my $sendmail = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $program_name); return $sendmail if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') ? -f $sendmail : -x $sendmail; } Carp::confess("couldn't find a sendmail executable"); } sub _sendmail_pipe { my ($self, $envelope) = @_; my $prog = $self->sendmail; my ($first, @args) = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? qq(| "$prog" -i -f $envelope->{from} @{$envelope->{to}}) : (q{|-}, $prog, '-i', '-f', $envelope->{from}, '--', @{$envelope->{to}}); no warnings 'exec'; ## no critic my $pipe; Email::Sender::Failure->throw("couldn't open pipe to sendmail ($prog): $!") unless open($pipe, $first, @args); return $pipe; } sub send_email { my ($self, $email, $envelope) = @_; my $pipe = $self->_sendmail_pipe($envelope); my $string = $email->as_string; $string =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g unless $^O eq 'MSWin32'; print $pipe $string or Email::Sender::Failure->throw("couldn't send message to sendmail: $!"); close $pipe or Email::Sender::Failure->throw("error when closing pipe to sendmail: $!"); return $self->success; } no Moo; 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail - send mail via sendmail(1) =head1 VERSION version 2.601 =head1 PERL VERSION This library should run on perls released even a long time ago. It should work on any version of perl released in the last five years. Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the minimum required version will not be increased. The version may be increased for any reason, and there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower the minimum required perl. =head2 DESCRIPTION This transport sends mail by piping it to the F command. If the location of the F command is not provided in the constructor (see below) then the library will look for an executable file called F in the path. To specify the location of sendmail: my $sender = Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail->new({ sendmail => $path }); =head1 AUTHOR Ricardo Signes =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Ricardo Signes. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut