package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild 6.031; # ABSTRACT: build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build use Moose; with ( 'Dist::Zilla::Role::BuildPL', 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PrereqSource', 'Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer', 'Dist::Zilla::Role::TextTemplate', ); use Dist::Zilla::Pragmas; use namespace::autoclean; use CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.121; # requirements_for_module use Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory; use List::Util 'first'; use Data::Dumper; #pod =head1 DESCRIPTION #pod #pod This plugin will create a F for installing the dist using #pod L. #pod #pod =cut #pod =attr mb_version #pod #pod B Specify the minimum version of L to depend on. #pod #pod Defaults to 0.3601 if a sharedir is being used, otherwise 0.28. #pod #pod =attr mb_class #pod #pod B Specify the class to use to create the build object. Defaults #pod to C itself. If another class is specified, then the value #pod of mb_lib will be used to generate a line like C to be added #pod to the generated Build.PL file. #pod #pod =attr mb_lib #pod #pod B Specify the list of directories to be passed to lib when using #pod mb_class. Defaults to C. #pod #pod =attr build_element #pod #pod Anything given in a C option will be added as a build element #pod with Module::Build's L method. #pod #pod =cut has 'mb_version' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; keys %{$self->zilla->_share_dir_map} ? '0.3601' : '0.28'; }, ); has 'mb_class' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => 'Module::Build', ); has 'mb_lib' => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'rw', default => 'inc' ); has 'build_element' => ( isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]', is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }, ); sub mvp_multivalue_args { return qw(build_element) } my $template = q| # This file was automatically generated by {{ $generated_by }}. use strict; use warnings; use Module::Build {{ $plugin->mb_version }}; {{ $plugin->_use_custom_class }} my {{ $module_build_args }} my {{ $fallback_build_prereqs }} unless ( eval { Module::Build->VERSION(0.4004) } ) { delete $module_build_args{test_requires}; $module_build_args{build_requires} = \%fallback_build_requires; } my $build = {{ $plugin->mb_class }}->new(%module_build_args); {{ $plugin->_add_build_elements }} $build->create_build_script; |; sub _use_custom_class { my ($self) = @_; my $class = $self->mb_class; if ( $class eq 'Module::Build' ) { return ""; } else { return sprintf "use lib qw{%s}; use $class;", join ' ', split ',', $self->mb_lib; } } sub _dump_as { my ($self, $ref, $name) = @_; require Data::Dumper; my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new( [ $ref ], [ $name ] ); $dumper->Sortkeys( 1 ); $dumper->Indent( 1 ); $dumper->Useqq( 1 ); return $dumper->Dump; } sub _add_build_elements { my @elems = @{ shift->build_element } or return ''; return '$build->add_build_element($_) for qw(' . join(' ', @elems) . ');'; } sub register_prereqs { my ($self) = @_; $self->zilla->register_prereqs( { phase => 'configure' }, 'Module::Build' => $self->mb_version, ); $self->zilla->register_prereqs( { phase => 'build' }, 'Module::Build' => $self->mb_version, ); } sub module_build_args { my ($self) = @_; my @exe_files = map { $_->name } @{ $self->zilla->find_files(':ExecFiles') }; $self->log_fatal("can't install files with whitespace in their names") if grep { /\s/ } @exe_files; my $prereqs = $self->zilla->prereqs; my %prereqs = ( configure_requires => $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(configure requires)), build_requires => $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(build requires)), test_requires => $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(test requires)), requires => $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(runtime requires)), recommends => $prereqs->requirements_for(qw(runtime recommends)), ); my $name = $self->zilla->name =~ s/-/::/gr; return { module_name => $name, license => $self->zilla->license->meta_yml_name, dist_abstract => $self->zilla->abstract, dist_name => $self->zilla->name, dist_version => $self->zilla->version, dist_author => [ @{ $self->zilla->authors } ], @exe_files ? ( script_files => [ sort @exe_files ] ) : (), ( keys %{$self->zilla->_share_dir_map} ? (share_dir => $self->zilla->_share_dir_map) : ()), (map {; my $modules = $prereqs{$_}->as_string_hash; keys %$modules ? ( $_ => $modules ) : () } keys %prereqs), recursive_test_files => 1, }; } sub fallback_build_requires { my $self = shift; my $prereqs = $self->zilla->prereqs; my $merged = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new; for my $phase ( qw/build test/ ) { my $req = $prereqs->requirements_for($phase, 'requires'); $merged->add_requirements( $req ); }; return $self->_dump_as( $merged->as_string_hash, '*fallback_build_requires' ); } sub gather_files { my ($self) = @_; require Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory; my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new({ name => 'Build.PL', content => $template, # template evaluated later }); $self->add_file($file); return; } sub setup_installer { my ($self) = @_; $self->log_fatal("can't build Build.PL; license has no known META.yml value") unless $self->zilla->license->meta_yml_name; my $module_build_args = $self->module_build_args; $self->__module_build_args($module_build_args); my $dumped_args = $self->_dump_as($module_build_args, '*module_build_args'); my $fallback_build_requires = $self->fallback_build_requires; my $file = first { $_->name eq 'Build.PL' } @{$self->zilla->files}; $self->log_debug([ 'updating contents of Build.PL in memory' ]); my $content = $self->fill_in_string( $file->content, { plugin => \$self, module_build_args => \$dumped_args, fallback_build_prereqs => \$fallback_build_requires, generated_by => \sprintf("%s v%s", ref($self), $self->VERSION || '(dev)'), }, ); $file->content($content); return; } # XXX: Just here to facilitate testing. -- rjbs, 2010-03-20 has __module_build_args => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', ); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; #pod =head1 SEE ALSO #pod #pod Core Dist::Zilla plugins: #pod L<@Basic|Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Basic>, #pod L<@Filter|Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Filter>, #pod L, #pod L. #pod #pod Dist::Zilla roles: #pod L. #pod #pod =cut __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ModuleBuild - build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build =head1 VERSION version 6.031 =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin will create a F for installing the dist using L. =head1 PERL VERSION This module should work on any version of perl still receiving updates from the Perl 5 Porters. This means it should work on any version of perl released in the last two to three years. (That is, if the most recently released version is v5.40, then this module should work on both v5.40 and v5.38.) Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the minimum required version will not be increased. The version may be increased for any reason, and there is no promise that patches will be accepted to lower the minimum required perl. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 mb_version B Specify the minimum version of L to depend on. Defaults to 0.3601 if a sharedir is being used, otherwise 0.28. =head2 mb_class B Specify the class to use to create the build object. Defaults to C itself. If another class is specified, then the value of mb_lib will be used to generate a line like C to be added to the generated Build.PL file. =head2 mb_lib B Specify the list of directories to be passed to lib when using mb_class. Defaults to C. =head2 build_element Anything given in a C option will be added as a build element with Module::Build's L method. =head1 SEE ALSO Core Dist::Zilla plugins: L<@Basic|Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Basic>, L<@Filter|Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Filter>, L, L. Dist::Zilla roles: L. =head1 AUTHOR Ricardo SIGNES 😏 =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Ricardo SIGNES. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut