package Devel::Dwarn; use Data::Dumper::Concise::Sugar; sub import { Data::Dumper::Concise::Sugar->export_to_level(1, @_); } =head1 NAME Devel::Dwarn - Combine warns and Data::Dumper::Concise =head1 SYNOPSIS use Devel::Dwarn; return Dwarn some_call(...) is equivalent to: use Data::Dumper::Concise; if (wantarray) { my @return = some_call(...); warn Dumper(@return); return @return; } else { my $return = some_call(...); warn Dumper($return); return $return; } but shorter. If you need to force scalar context on the value, use Devel::Dwarn; return DwarnS some_call(...) is equivalent to: use Data::Dumper::Concise; my $return = some_call(...); warn Dumper($return); return $return; If you need to force list context on the value, use Devel::Dwarn; return DwarnL some_call(...) is equivalent to: use Data::Dumper::Concise; my @return = some_call(...); warn Dumper(@return); return @return; If you want to label your output, try DwarnN use Devel::Dwarn; return DwarnN $foo is equivalent to: use Data::Dumper::Concise; my @return = some_call(...); warn '$foo => ' . Dumper(@return); return @return; If you want to output a reference returned by a method easily, try $Dwarn $foo->bar->{baz}->$Dwarn is equivalent to: my $return = $foo->bar->{baz}; warn Dumper($return); return $return; If you want to immediately die after outputting the data structure, every Dwarn subroutine has a paired Ddie version, so just replace the warn with die. For example: DdieL 'foo', { bar => 'baz' }; =head1 TIPS AND TRICKS =head2 global usage Instead of always just doing: use Devel::Dwarn; Dwarn ... We tend to do: perl -MDevel::Dwarn (and then in the perl code:) ::Dwarn ... That way, if you leave them in and run without the C<< use Devel::Dwarn >> the program will fail to compile and you are less likely to check it in by accident. Furthmore it allows that much less friction to add debug messages. =head2 method chaining One trick which is useful when doing method chaining is the following: my $foo = Bar->new; $foo->bar->baz->Devel::Dwarn::DwarnS->biff; which is the same as: my $foo = Bar->new; (DwarnS $foo->bar->baz)->biff; =head1 SEE ALSO This module is really just a shortcut for L, check it out for more complete documentation. =cut 1;