package Dancer2::Core::Error; # ABSTRACT: Class representing fatal errors $Dancer2::Core::Error::VERSION = '1.1.0'; use Moo; use Carp; use Dancer2::Core::Types; use Dancer2::Core::HTTP; use Data::Dumper; use Dancer2::FileUtils qw/path open_file/; use Sub::Quote; use Module::Runtime 'require_module'; use Ref::Util qw< is_hashref >; use Clone qw(clone); has app => ( is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['Dancer2::Core::App'], predicate => 'has_app', ); has show_stacktrace => ( is => 'ro', isa => Bool, default => sub { my $self = shift; $self->has_app and return $self->app->setting('show_stacktrace'); }, ); has charset => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, default => sub {'UTF-8'}, ); has type => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, default => sub {'Runtime Error'}, ); has title => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, lazy => 1, builder => '_build_title', ); sub _build_title { my ($self) = @_; my $title = 'Error ' . $self->status; if ( my $msg = Dancer2::Core::HTTP->status_message($self->status) ) { $title .= ' - ' . $msg; } return $title; } has template => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_error_template', ); sub _build_error_template { my ($self) = @_; # look for a template named after the status number. # E.g.: views/ for a TT template my $engine = $self->app->template_engine; return $self->status if $engine->pathname_exists( $engine->view_pathname( $self->status ) ); return; } has static_page => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_static_page', ); sub _build_static_page { my ($self) = @_; # TODO there must be a better way to get it my $public_dir = $ENV{DANCER_PUBLIC} || ( $self->has_app && $self->app->config->{public_dir} ); my $filename = sprintf "%s/%d.html", $public_dir, $self->status; open my $fh, '<', $filename or return; local $/ = undef; # slurp time return <$fh>; } sub default_error_page { my $self = shift; require_module('Template::Tiny'); my $uri_base = $self->has_app && $self->app->has_request ? $self->app->request->uri_base : ''; # GH#1001 stack trace if show_stacktrace is true and this is a 'server' error (5xx) my $show_fullmsg = $self->show_stacktrace && $self->status =~ /^5/; my $opts = { title => $self->title, charset => $self->charset, content => $show_fullmsg ? $self->full_message : _html_encode($self->message) || 'Wooops, something went wrong', version => Dancer2->VERSION, uri_base => $uri_base, }; Template::Tiny->new->process( \<<"END_TEMPLATE", $opts, \my $output ); [% title %]

[% title %]

[% content %]
END_TEMPLATE return $output; } # status and message are 'rw' to permit modification in core.error.before hooks has status => ( is => 'rw', default => sub {500}, isa => Num, ); has message => ( is => 'rw', isa => Str, lazy => 1, default => sub { '' }, ); sub full_message { my ($self) = @_; my $html_output = "

" . $self->type . "

"; $html_output .= $self->backtrace; $html_output .= $self->environment; return $html_output; } has serializer => ( is => 'ro', isa => Maybe[ConsumerOf['Dancer2::Core::Role::Serializer']], builder => '_build_serializer', ); sub _build_serializer { my ($self) = @_; $self->has_app && $self->app->has_serializer_engine and return $self->app->serializer_engine; return; } sub BUILD { my ($self) = @_; $self->has_app && $self->app->execute_hook( 'core.error.init', $self ); } has exception => ( is => 'ro', isa => Str, predicate => 1, coerce => sub { # Until we properly support exception objects, we shouldn't barf on # them because that hides the actual error, if object overloads "", # which most exception objects do, this will result in a nicer string. # other references will produce a meaningless error, but that is # better than a meaningless stacktrace return "$_[0]" } ); has response => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; my $serializer = $self->serializer; # include server tokens in response ? my $no_server_tokens = $self->has_app ? $self->app->config->{'no_server_tokens'} : defined $ENV{DANCER_NO_SERVER_TOKENS} ? $ENV{DANCER_NO_SERVER_TOKENS} : 0; return Dancer2::Core::Response->new( server_tokens => !$no_server_tokens, ( serializer => $serializer )x!! $serializer ); } ); has content_type => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; $self->serializer ? $self->serializer->content_type : 'text/html' }, ); has content => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_content', ); sub _build_content { my $self = shift; # return a hashref if a serializer is available if ( $self->serializer ) { my $content = { message => $self->message, title => $self->title, status => $self->status, }; $content->{exception} = $self->exception if $self->has_exception; return $content; } # otherwise we check for a template, for a static file, # for configured error_template, and, if all else fails, # the default error page if ( $self->has_app and $self->template ) { # Render the template using apps' template engine. # This may well be what caused the initial error, in which # case we fall back to static page if any error was thrown. # Note: this calls before/after render hooks. my $content = eval { $self->app->template( $self->template, { title => $self->title, content => $self->message, exception => $self->exception, status => $self->status, } ); }; $@ && $self->app->engine('logger')->log( warning => $@ ); # return rendered content unless there was an error. return $content if defined $content; } # It doesn't make sense to return a static page for a 500 if show_stacktrace is on if ( !($self->show_stacktrace && $self->status eq '500') ) { if ( my $content = $self->static_page ) { return $content; } } if ($self->has_app && $self->app->config->{error_template}) { my $content = eval { $self->app->template( $self->app->config->{error_template}, { title => $self->title, content => $self->message, exception => $self->exception, status => $self->status, } ); }; $@ && $self->app->engine('logger')->log( warning => $@ ); # return rendered content unless there was an error. return $content if defined $content; } return $self->default_error_page; } sub throw { my $self = shift; $self->response(shift) if @_; $self->response or croak "error has no response to throw at"; $self->has_app && $self->app->execute_hook( 'core.error.before', $self ); my $message = $self->content; $self->response->status( $self->status ); $self->response->content_type( $self->content_type ); $self->response->content($message); $self->has_app && $self->app->execute_hook('core.error.after', $self->response); $self->response->is_halted(1); return $self->response; } sub backtrace { my ($self) = @_; my $message = $self->message; if ($self->exception) { $message .= "\n" if $message; $message .= $self->exception; } $message ||= 'Wooops, something went wrong'; my $html = '
' . _html_encode($message) . "
\n"; # the default perl warning/error pattern my ($file, $line) = $message =~ /at (\S+) line (\d+)/; # the Devel::SimpleTrace pattern ($file, $line) = $message =~ /at.*\((\S+):(\d+)\)/ unless $file and $line; # no file/line found, cannot open a file for context return $html unless $file and $line; # file and line are located, let's read the source Luke! my $fh = eval { open_file('<', $file) } or return $html; my @lines = <$fh>; close $fh; $html .= qq|
$file around line $line
|; # get 5 lines of context my $start = $line - 5 > 1 ? $line - 5 : 1; my $stop = $line + 5 < @lines ? $line + 5 : @lines; $html .= qq|
    for my $l ($start .. $stop) {
        chomp $lines[$l - 1];

        $html .= $l == $line ? '' : '';
        $html .= "\n";
    $html .= "
$l" . _html_encode($lines[$l - 1]) . "
\n"; return $html; } sub dumper { my $obj = shift; # Take a copy of the data, so we can mask sensitive-looking stuff: my $data = clone($obj); my $censored = _censor( $data ); #use Data::Dumper; my $dd = Data::Dumper->new( [ $data ] ); my $hash_separator = ' @@!%,+$$#._(-- '; # Very unlikely string to exist already my $prefix_padding = ' #+#+@%.,$_-!(( '; # Very unlikely string to exist already $dd->Terse(1)->Quotekeys(0)->Indent(1)->Sortkeys(1)->Pair($hash_separator)->Pad($prefix_padding); my $content = _html_encode( $dd->Dump ); $content =~ s/^.+//; # Remove the first line $content =~ s/\n.+$//; # Remove the last line $content =~ s/^\Q$prefix_padding\E //gm; # Remove the padding $content =~ s{^(\s*)(.+)\Q$hash_separator}{$1$2 => }gm; if ($censored) { $content .= "\n\nNote: Values of $censored sensitive-looking keys hidden\n"; } return $content; } sub environment { my ($self) = @_; my $stack = $self->get_caller; my $settings = $self->has_app && $self->app->settings; my $session = $self->has_app && $self->app->_has_session && $self->app->session->data; my $env = $self->has_app && $self->app->has_request && $self->app->request->env; # Get a sanitised dump of the settings, session and environment $_ = $_ ? dumper($_) : 'undefined' for $settings, $session, $env; return <<"END_HTML";
END_HTML } sub get_caller { my ($self) = @_; my @stack; my $deepness = 0; while ( my ( $package, $file, $line ) = caller( $deepness++ ) ) { push @stack, "$package in $file l. $line"; } return join( "\n", reverse(@stack) ); } # private # Given a hashref, censor anything that looks sensitive. Returns number of # items which were "censored". sub _censor { my $hash = shift; my $visited = shift || {}; unless ( $hash && is_hashref($hash) ) { carp "_censor given incorrect input: $hash"; return; } my $censored = 0; for my $key ( keys %$hash ) { if ( is_hashref( $hash->{$key} ) ) { if (!$visited->{ $hash->{$key} }) { # mark the new ref as visited $visited->{ $hash->{$key} } = 1; $censored += _censor( $hash->{$key}, $visited ); } } elsif ( $key =~ /(pass|card?num|pan|secret)/i ) { $hash->{$key} = "Hidden (looks potentially sensitive)"; $censored++; } } return $censored; } # Replaces the entities that are illegal in (X)HTML. sub _html_encode { my $value = shift; return if !defined $value; $value =~ s/&/&/g; $value =~ s//>/g; $value =~ s/'/'/g; $value =~ s/"/"/g; return $value; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Dancer2::Core::Error - Class representing fatal errors =head1 VERSION version 1.1.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Dancer2::Core::Error; my $error = Dancer2::Core::Error->new( status => 404, message => "No such file: `$path'" ); $error->throw; =head1 DESCRIPTION With Dancer2::Core::Error you can throw reasonable-looking errors to the user instead of crashing the application and filling up the logs. This is usually used in debugging environments, and it's what Dancer2 uses as well under debugging to catch errors and show them on screen. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 show_stacktrace =head2 charset =head2 type The error type. =head2 title The title of the error page. This is only an attribute getter, you'll have to set it at C. =head2 status The status that caused the error. This is only an attribute getter, you'll have to set it at C. =head2 message The message of the error page. =head1 METHODS =head2 my $error=new Dancer2::Core::Error(status => 404, message => "No such file: `$path'"); Create a new Dancer2::Core::Error object. For available arguments see ATTRIBUTES. =head2 supported_hooks (); =head2 throw($response) Populates the content of the response with the error's information. If I<$response> is not given, acts on the I attribute's response. =head2 backtrace Show the surrounding lines of context at the line where the error was thrown. This method tries to find out where the error appeared according to the actual error message (using the C attribute) and tries to parse it (supporting the regular/default Perl warning or error pattern and the L output) and then returns an error-highlighted C. =head2 environment A main function to render environment information: the caller (using C), the settings and environment (using C) and more. =head2 get_caller Creates a stack trace of callers. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 _censor An private function that tries to censor out content which should be protected. C calls this method to censor things like passwords and such. =head2 my $string=_html_encode ($string); Private function that replaces illegal entities in (X)HTML with their escaped representations. html_encode() doesn't do any UTF black magic. =head2 dumper This uses L to create nice content output with a few predefined options. =head1 AUTHOR Dancer Core Developers =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Alexis Sukrieh. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut