package Code::TidyAll::Plugin::CSSUnminifier; use strict; use warnings; use Moo; extends 'Code::TidyAll::Plugin'; with 'Code::TidyAll::Role::RunsCommand'; our $VERSION = '0.84'; sub _build_cmd {'cssunminifier'} sub transform_file { my ( $self, $file ) = @_; $self->_run_or_die( $file, $file ); return; } 1; # ABSTACT: Use cssunminifier with tidyall __END__ =pod =head1 SYNOPSIS In configuration: [CSSUnminifier] select = static/**/*.css argv = -w=2 =head1 DESCRIPTION Runs L, a simple CSS tidier. =head1 INSTALLATION Install L, then run npm install cssunminifier -g =head1 CONFIGURATION This plugin accepts the following configuration options: =head2 argv Arguments to pass to C. =head2 cmd The path for the C command. By default this is just C, meaning that the user's C will be searched for the command. =cut