package Class::Inspector; use 5.006; # We don't want to use strict refs anywhere in this module, since we do a # lot of things in here that aren't strict refs friendly. use strict qw{vars subs}; use warnings; use File::Spec (); # ABSTRACT: Get information about a class and its structure our $VERSION = '1.36'; # VERSION # If Unicode is available, enable it so that the # pattern matches below match unicode method names. # We can safely ignore any failure here. BEGIN { local $@; eval { require utf8; utf8->import; }; } # Predefine some regexs our $RE_IDENTIFIER = qr/\A[^\W\d]\w*\z/s; our $RE_CLASS = qr/\A[^\W\d]\w*(?:(?:\'|::)\w+)*\z/s; # Are we on something Unix-like? our $UNIX = !! ( $File::Spec::ISA[0] eq 'File::Spec::Unix' ); ##################################################################### # Basic Methods sub _resolved_inc_handler { my $class = shift; my $filename = $class->_inc_filename(shift) or return undef; foreach my $inc ( @INC ) { my $ref = ref $inc; if($ref eq 'CODE') { my @ret = $inc->($inc, $filename); if(@ret == 1 && ! defined $ret[0]) { # do nothing. } elsif(@ret) { return 1; } } elsif($ref eq 'ARRAY' && ref($inc->[0]) eq 'CODE') { my @ret = $inc->[0]->($inc, $filename); if(@ret) { return 1; } } elsif($ref && eval { $inc->can('INC') }) { my @ret = $inc->INC($filename); if(@ret) { return 1; } } } ''; } sub installed { my $class = shift; !! ($class->loaded_filename($_[0]) or $class->resolved_filename($_[0]) or $class->_resolved_inc_handler($_[0])); } sub loaded { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef; $class->_loaded($name); } sub _loaded { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; # Handle by far the two most common cases # This is very fast and handles 99% of cases. return 1 if defined ${"${name}::VERSION"}; return 1 if @{"${name}::ISA"}; # Are there any symbol table entries other than other namespaces foreach ( keys %{"${name}::"} ) { next if substr($_, -2, 2) eq '::'; return 1 if defined &{"${name}::$_"}; } # No functions, and it doesn't have a version, and isn't anything. # As an absolute last resort, check for an entry in %INC my $filename = $class->_inc_filename($name); return 1 if defined $INC{$filename}; ''; } sub filename { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef; File::Spec->catfile( split /(?:\'|::)/, $name ) . '.pm'; } sub resolved_filename { my $class = shift; my $filename = $class->_inc_filename(shift) or return undef; my @try_first = @_; # Look through the @INC path to find the file foreach ( @try_first, @INC ) { my $full = "$_/$filename"; next unless -e $full; return $UNIX ? $full : $class->_inc_to_local($full); } # File not found ''; } sub loaded_filename { my $class = shift; my $filename = $class->_inc_filename(shift); $UNIX ? $INC{$filename} : $class->_inc_to_local($INC{$filename}); } ##################################################################### # Sub Related Methods sub functions { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef; return undef unless $class->loaded( $name ); # Get all the CODE symbol table entries my @functions = sort grep { /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o } grep { defined &{"${name}::$_"} } keys %{"${name}::"}; \@functions; } sub function_refs { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef; return undef unless $class->loaded( $name ); # Get all the CODE symbol table entries, but return # the actual CODE refs this time. my @functions = map { \&{"${name}::$_"} } sort grep { /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o } grep { defined &{"${name}::$_"} } keys %{"${name}::"}; \@functions; } sub function_exists { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class( shift ) or return undef; my $function = shift or return undef; # Only works if the class is loaded return undef unless $class->loaded( $name ); # Does the GLOB exist and its CODE part exist defined &{"${name}::$function"}; } sub methods { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class( shift ) or return undef; my @arguments = map { lc $_ } @_; # Process the arguments to determine the options my %options = (); foreach ( @arguments ) { if ( $_ eq 'public' ) { # Only get public methods return undef if $options{private}; $options{public} = 1; } elsif ( $_ eq 'private' ) { # Only get private methods return undef if $options{public}; $options{private} = 1; } elsif ( $_ eq 'full' ) { # Return the full method name return undef if $options{expanded}; $options{full} = 1; } elsif ( $_ eq 'expanded' ) { # Returns class, method and function ref return undef if $options{full}; $options{expanded} = 1; } else { # Unknown or unsupported options return undef; } } # Only works if the class is loaded return undef unless $class->loaded( $name ); # Get the super path ( not including UNIVERSAL ) # Rather than using Class::ISA, we'll use an inlined version # that implements the same basic algorithm. my @path = (); my @queue = ( $name ); my %seen = ( $name => 1 ); while ( my $cl = shift @queue ) { push @path, $cl; unshift @queue, grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } map { s/^::/main::/; s/\'/::/g; $_ } ## no critic map { "$_" } ( @{"${cl}::ISA"} ); } # Find and merge the function names across the entire super path. # Sort alphabetically and return. my %methods = (); foreach my $namespace ( @path ) { my @functions = grep { ! $methods{$_} } grep { /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o } grep { defined &{"${namespace}::$_"} } keys %{"${namespace}::"}; foreach ( @functions ) { $methods{$_} = $namespace; } } # Filter to public or private methods if needed my @methodlist = sort keys %methods; @methodlist = grep { ! /^\_/ } @methodlist if $options{public}; @methodlist = grep { /^\_/ } @methodlist if $options{private}; # Return in the correct format @methodlist = map { "$methods{$_}::$_" } @methodlist if $options{full}; @methodlist = map { [ "$methods{$_}::$_", $methods{$_}, $_, \&{"$methods{$_}::$_"} ] } @methodlist if $options{expanded}; \@methodlist; } ##################################################################### # Search Methods sub subclasses { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class( shift ) or return undef; # Prepare the search queue my @found = (); my @queue = grep { $_ ne 'main' } $class->_subnames(''); while ( @queue ) { my $c = shift(@queue); # c for class if ( $class->_loaded($c) ) { # At least one person has managed to misengineer # a situation in which ->isa could die, even if the # class is real. Trap these cases and just skip # over that (bizarre) class. That would at limit # problems with finding subclasses to only the # modules that have broken ->isa implementation. local $@; eval { if ( $c->isa($name) ) { # Add to the found list, but don't add the class itself push @found, $c unless $c eq $name; } }; } # Add any child namespaces to the head of the queue. # This keeps the queue length shorted, and allows us # not to have to do another sort at the end. unshift @queue, map { "${c}::$_" } $class->_subnames($c); } @found ? \@found : ''; } sub _subnames { my ($class, $name) = @_; return sort grep { ## no critic substr($_, -2, 2, '') eq '::' and /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o } keys %{"${name}::"}; } ##################################################################### # Children Related Methods # These can go undocumented for now, until I decide if its best to # just search the children in namespace only, or if I should do it via # the file system. # Find all the loaded classes below us sub children { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return (); # Find all the Foo:: elements in our symbol table no strict 'refs'; map { "${name}::$_" } sort grep { s/::$// } keys %{"${name}::"}; ## no critic } # As above, but recursively sub recursive_children { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return (); my @children = ( $name ); # Do the search using a nicer, more memory efficient # variant of actual recursion. my $i = 0; no strict 'refs'; while ( my $namespace = $children[$i++] ) { push @children, map { "${namespace}::$_" } grep { ! /^::/ } # Ignore things like ::ISA::CACHE:: grep { s/::$// } ## no critic keys %{"${namespace}::"}; } sort @children; } ##################################################################### # Private Methods # Checks and expands ( if needed ) a class name sub _class { my $class = shift; my $name = shift or return ''; # Handle main shorthand return 'main' if $name eq '::'; $name =~ s/\A::/main::/; # Check the class name is valid $name =~ /$RE_CLASS/o ? $name : ''; } # Create a INC-specific filename, which always uses '/' # regardless of platform. sub _inc_filename { my $class = shift; my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef; join( '/', split /(?:\'|::)/, $name ) . '.pm'; } # Convert INC-specific file name to local file name sub _inc_to_local { # Shortcut in the Unix case return $_[1] if $UNIX; # On other places, we have to deal with an unusual path that might look # like C:/foo/ which doesn't fit ANY normal pattern. # Putting it through splitpath/dir and back again seems to normalise # it to a reasonable amount. my $class = shift; my $inc_name = shift or return undef; my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $inc_name ); $dir = File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->splitdir( $dir || "" ) ); File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dir, $file || "" ); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Class::Inspector - Get information about a class and its structure =head1 VERSION version 1.36 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Class::Inspector; # Is a class installed and/or loaded Class::Inspector->installed( 'Foo::Class' ); Class::Inspector->loaded( 'Foo::Class' ); # Filename related information Class::Inspector->filename( 'Foo::Class' ); Class::Inspector->resolved_filename( 'Foo::Class' ); # Get subroutine related information Class::Inspector->functions( 'Foo::Class' ); Class::Inspector->function_refs( 'Foo::Class' ); Class::Inspector->function_exists( 'Foo::Class', 'bar' ); Class::Inspector->methods( 'Foo::Class', 'full', 'public' ); # Find all loaded subclasses or something Class::Inspector->subclasses( 'Foo::Class' ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or all of this information can be found in other ways, but they aren't always very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry, or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide an easier, more friendly interface to this information. =head1 METHODS =head2 installed my $bool = Class::Inspector->installed($class); The C static method tries to determine if a class is installed on the machine, or at least available to Perl. It does this by wrapping around C. Returns true if installed/available, false if the class is not installed, or C if the class name is invalid. =head2 loaded my $bool = Class::Inspector->loaded($class); The C static method tries to determine if a class is loaded by looking for symbol table entries. This method it uses to determine this will work even if the class does not have its own file, but is contained inside a single file with multiple classes in it. Even in the case of some sort of run-time loading class being used, these typically leave some trace in the symbol table, so an L or L-based class should correctly appear loaded. Returns true if the class is loaded, false if not, or C if the class name is invalid. =head2 filename my $filename = Class::Inspector->filename($class); For a given class, returns the base filename for the class. This will NOT be a fully resolved filename, just the part of the filename BELOW the C<@INC> entry. print Class->filename( 'Foo::Bar' ); > Foo/ This filename will be returned with the right separator for the local platform, and should work on all platforms. Returns the filename on success or C if the class name is invalid. =head2 resolved_filename my $filename = Class::Inspector->resolved_filename($class); my $filename = Class::Inspector->resolved_filename($class, @try_first); For a given class, the C static method returns the fully resolved filename for a class. That is, the file that the class would be loaded from. This is not necessarily the file that the class WAS loaded from, as the value returned is determined each time it runs, and the C<@INC> include path may change. To get the actual file for a loaded class, see the C method. Returns the filename for the class, or C if the class name is invalid. =head2 loaded_filename my $filename = Class::Inspector->loaded_filename($class); For a given loaded class, the C static method determines (via the C<%INC> hash) the name of the file that it was originally loaded from. Returns a resolved file path, or false if the class did not have it's own file. =head2 functions my $arrayref = Class::Inspector->functions($class); For a loaded class, the C static method returns a list of the names of all the functions in the classes immediate namespace. Note that this is not the METHODS of the class, just the functions. Returns a reference to an array of the function names on success, or C if the class name is invalid or the class is not loaded. =head2 function_refs my $arrayref = Class::Inspector->function_refs($class); For a loaded class, the C static method returns references to all the functions in the classes immediate namespace. Note that this is not the METHODS of the class, just the functions. Returns a reference to an array of C refs of the functions on success, or C if the class is not loaded. =head2 function_exists my $bool = Class::Inspector->function_exists($class, $functon); Given a class and function name the C static method will check to see if the function exists in the class. Note that this is as a function, not as a method. To see if a method exists for a class, use the C method for any class or object. Returns true if the function exists, false if not, or C if the class or function name are invalid, or the class is not loaded. =head2 methods my $arrayref = Class::Inspector->methods($class, @options); For a given class name, the C static method will returns ALL the methods available to that class. This includes all methods available from every class up the class' C<@ISA> tree. Returns a reference to an array of the names of all the available methods on success, or C if the class name is invalid or the class is not loaded. A number of options are available to the C method that will alter the results returned. These should be listed after the class name, in any order. # Only get public methods my $method = Class::Inspector->methods( 'My::Class', 'public' ); =over 4 =item public The C option will return only 'public' methods, as defined by the Perl convention of prepending an underscore to any 'private' methods. The C option will effectively remove any methods that start with an underscore. =item private The C options will return only 'private' methods, as defined by the Perl convention of prepending an underscore to an private methods. The C option will effectively remove an method that do not start with an underscore. B and C options are mutually exclusive> =item full C normally returns just the method name. Supplying the C option will cause the methods to be returned as the full names. That is, instead of returning C<[ 'method1', 'method2', 'method3' ]>, you would instead get C<[ 'Class::method1', 'AnotherClass::method2', 'Class::method3' ]>. =item expanded The C option will cause a lot more information about method to be returned. Instead of just the method name, you will instead get an array reference containing the method name as a single combined name, a la C, the separate class and method, and a CODE ref to the actual function ( if available ). Please note that the function reference is not guaranteed to be available. C is intended at some later time, to work with modules that have some kind of common run-time loader in place ( e.g C or C for example. The response from C would look something like the following. [ [ 'Class::method1', 'Class', 'method1', \&Class::method1 ], [ 'Another::method2', 'Another', 'method2', \&Another::method2 ], [ 'Foo::bar', 'Foo', 'bar', \&Foo::bar ], ] =back =head2 subclasses my $arrayref = Class::Inspector->subclasses($class); The C static method will search then entire namespace (and thus B currently loaded classes) to find all classes that are subclasses of the class provided as a the parameter. The actual test will be done by calling C on the class as a static method. (i.e. Cisa($class)>. Returns a reference to a list of the loaded classes that match the class provided, or false is none match, or C if the class name provided is invalid. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Original author: Adam Kennedy Eadamk@cpan.orgE Current maintainer: Graham Ollis Eplicease@cpan.orgE Contributors: Tom Wyant Steffen Müller Kivanc Yazan (KYZN) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2002-2019 by Adam Kennedy. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut