package Class::C3::Componentised; =head1 NAME Class::C3::Componentised - Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyModule; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Class::C3::Componentised'; sub component_base_class { "MyModule::Component" } package main; MyModule->load_components( qw/Foo Bar/ ); # Will load MyModule::Component::Foo and MyModule::Component::Bar =head1 DESCRIPTION This will inject base classes to your module using the L method resolution order. Please note: these are not plugins that can take precedence over methods declared in MyModule. If you want something like that, consider L. =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use warnings; # This will prime the Class::C3 namespace (either by loading it proper on 5.8 # or by installing compat shims on 5.10+). A user might have a reasonable # expectation that using Class::C3:: will give him access to # Class::C3 itself, and this module has been providing this historically. # Therefore leaving it in indefinitely. use MRO::Compat; use Carp (); use List::Util (); our $VERSION = '1.001002'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; my $invalid_class = qr/(?: \b:\b | \:{3,} | \:\:$ )/x; =head2 load_components( @comps ) Loads the given components into the current module. If a module begins with a C<+> character, it is taken to be a fully qualified class name, otherwise C<< $class->component_base_class >> is prepended to it. Calling this will call C. =cut sub load_components { my $class = shift; $class->_load_components( map { /^\+(.*)$/ ? $1 : join ('::', $class->component_base_class, $_) } grep { $_ !~ /^#/ } @_ ); } =head2 load_own_components( @comps ) Similar to L, but assumes every class is C<"$class::$comp">. =cut sub load_own_components { my $class = shift; $class->_load_components( map { "${class}::$_" } grep { $_ !~ /^#/ } @_ ); } sub _load_components { my $class = shift; return unless @_; $class->ensure_class_loaded($_) for @_; $class->inject_base($class => @_); Class::C3::reinitialize(); } =head2 load_optional_components As L, but will silently ignore any components that cannot be found. =cut sub load_optional_components { my $class = shift; $class->_load_components( grep { $class->load_optional_class( $_ ) } ( map { /^\+(.*)$/ ? $1 : join ('::', $class->component_base_class, $_) } grep { $_ !~ /^#/ } @_ ) ); } =head2 ensure_class_loaded Given a class name, tests to see if it is already loaded or otherwise defined. If it is not yet loaded, the package is require'd, and an exception is thrown if the class is still not loaded. BUG: For some reason, packages with syntax errors are added to %INC on require =cut sub ensure_class_loaded { my ($class, $f_class) = @_; no strict 'refs'; # ripped from Class::Inspector for speed # note that the order is important (faster items are first) return if ${"${f_class}::VERSION"}; return if @{"${f_class}::ISA"}; my $file = (join ('/', split ('::', $f_class) ) ) . '.pm'; return if $INC{$file}; for ( keys %{"${f_class}::"} ) { return if ( *{"${f_class}::$_"}{CODE} ); } # require always returns true on success # ill-behaved modules might very well obliterate $_ eval { local $_; require($file) } or do { $@ = "Invalid class name '$f_class'" if $f_class =~ $invalid_class; if ($class->can('throw_exception')) { $class->throw_exception($@); } else { Carp::croak $@; } }; return; } =head2 ensure_class_found Returns true if the specified class is installed or already loaded, false otherwise. =cut sub ensure_class_found { #my ($class, $f_class) = @_; require Class::Inspector; return Class::Inspector->loaded($_[1]) || Class::Inspector->installed($_[1]); } =head2 inject_base Does the actual magic of adjusting C<@ISA> on the target module. =cut sub inject_base { my $class = shift; my $target = shift; mro::set_mro($target, 'c3'); for my $comp (reverse @_) { my $apply = do { no strict 'refs'; sub { unshift ( @{"${target}::ISA"}, $comp ) }; }; unless ($target eq $comp || $target->isa($comp)) { our %APPLICATOR_FOR; if (my $apply_class = List::Util::first { $APPLICATOR_FOR{$_} } @{mro::get_linear_isa($comp)} ) { $APPLICATOR_FOR{$apply_class}->_apply_component_to_class($comp,$target,$apply); } else { $apply->(); } } } } =head2 load_optional_class Returns a true value if the specified class is installed and loaded successfully, throws an exception if the class is found but not loaded successfully, and false if the class is not installed =cut sub load_optional_class { my ($class, $f_class) = @_; # ensure_class_loaded either returns a () (*not* true) or throws eval { $class->ensure_class_loaded($f_class); 1; } && return 1; my $err = $@; # so we don't lose it if ($f_class =~ $invalid_class) { $err = "Invalid class name '$f_class'"; } else { my $fn = quotemeta( (join ('/', split ('::', $f_class) ) ) . '.pm' ); return 0 if ($err =~ /Can't locate ${fn} in \@INC/ ); } if ($class->can('throw_exception')) { $class->throw_exception($err); } else { die $err; } } =head1 AUTHORS Matt S. Trout and the L Pulled out into separate module by Ash Berlin C<< >> Optimizations and overall bolt-tightening by Peter "ribasushi" Rabbitson C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011 the Class::C3::Componentised L as listed above. =head1 LICENSE You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;