package Catalyst::View::Email; use Moose; use Carp; use Encode qw(encode decode); use Email::Sender::Simple qw/ sendmail /; use Email::MIME::Creator; use Module::Runtime; extends 'Catalyst::View'; our $VERSION = '0.36'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; has 'mailer' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => sub { "sendmail" } ); has '_mailer_obj' => ( is => 'rw', does => 'Email::Sender::Transport', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_mailer_obj', ); has 'stash_key' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, default => sub { "email" } ); has 'default' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub { { content_type => 'text/plain' } }, lazy => 1, ); has 'sender' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'HashRef', lazy => 1, default => sub { { mailer => shift->mailer } } ); has 'content_type' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => sub { shift->default->{content_type} }, lazy => 1, ); =head1 NAME Catalyst::View::Email - Send Email from Catalyst =head1 SYNOPSIS This module sends out emails from a stash key specified in the configuration settings. =head1 CONFIGURATION WARNING: since version 0.10 the configuration options slightly changed! Use the helper to create your View: $ script/ view Email Email In your app configuration: __PACKAGE__->config( 'View::Email' => { # Where to look in the stash for the email information. # 'email' is the default, so you don't have to specify it. stash_key => 'email', # Define the defaults for the mail default => { # Defines the default content type (mime type). Mandatory content_type => 'text/plain', # Defines the default charset for every MIME part with the # content type text. # According to RFC2049 a MIME part without a charset should # be treated as US-ASCII by the mail client. # If the charset is not set it won't be set for all MIME parts # without an overridden one. # Default: none charset => 'utf-8' }, # Setup how to send the email # all those options are passed directly to Email::Sender::Simple sender => { # if mailer doesn't start with Email::Sender::Simple::Transport::, # then this is prepended. mailer => 'SMTP', # mailer_args is passed directly into Email::Sender::Simple mailer_args => { host => '', # defaults to localhost sasl_username => 'sasl_username', sasl_password => 'sasl_password', } } } ); =head1 NOTE ON SMTP If you use SMTP and don't specify host, it will default to localhost and attempt delivery. This often means an email will sit in a queue and not be delivered. =cut =head1 SENDING EMAIL Sending email is just filling the stash and forwarding to the view: sub controller : Private { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; $c->stash->{email} = { to => '', cc => '', from => '', subject => 'I am a Catalyst generated email', body => 'Body Body Body', }; $c->forward( $c->view('Email') ); } Alternatively you can use a more raw interface and specify the headers as an array reference like it is passed to L. Note that you may also mix both syntaxes if you like ours better but need to specify additional header attributes. The attributes are appended to the header array reference without overwriting contained ones. $c->stash->{email} = { header => [ To => '', Cc => '', Bcc => join ',', qw/, From => '', Subject => 'Note the capitalization differences', ], body => qq{Ain't got no body, and nobody cares.}, # Or, send parts parts => [ Email::MIME->create( attributes => { content_type => 'text/plain', disposition => 'attachment', charset => 'US-ASCII', }, body => qq{Got a body, but didn't get ahead.}, ) ], }; You can set the envelope sender and recipient as well: $c->stash->{email} = { envelope_from => '', from => '', envelope_to => [ '', '' ], to => 'Undisclosed Recipients:;', ... }; =head1 HANDLING ERRORS If the email fails to send, the view will die (throw an exception). After your forward to the view, it is a good idea to check for errors: $c->forward( $c->view('Email') ); if ( scalar( @{ $c->error } ) ) { $c->error(0); # Reset the error condition if you need to $c->response->body('Oh noes!'); } else { $c->response->body('Email sent A-OK! (At least as far as we can tell)'); } =head1 USING TEMPLATES FOR EMAIL Now, it's no fun to just send out email using plain strings. Take a look at L to see how you can use your favourite template engine to render the mail body. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item new Validates the base config and creates the L object for later use by process. =cut sub BUILD { my $self = shift; my $stash_key = $self->stash_key; croak "$self stash_key isn't defined!" if ( $stash_key eq '' ); } sub _build_mailer_obj { my ($self) = @_; my $transport_class = ucfirst $self->sender->{mailer}; # borrowed from Email::Sender::Simple -- apeiron, 2010-01-26 if ( $transport_class !~ /^Email::Sender::Transport::/ ) { $transport_class = "Email::Sender::Transport::$transport_class"; } Module::Runtime::require_module($transport_class); return $transport_class->new( $self->sender->{mailer_args} || {} ); } =item process($c) The process method does the actual processing when the view is dispatched to. This method sets up the email parts and hands off to L to handle the actual email delivery. =cut sub process { my ( $self, $c ) = @_; croak "Unable to send mail, bad mail configuration" unless $self->sender->{mailer}; my $email = $c->stash->{ $self->stash_key }; croak "Can't send email without a valid email structure" unless $email; # Default content type if ( $self->content_type and not $email->{content_type} ) { $email->{content_type} = $self->content_type; } my $header = $email->{header} || []; push @$header, ( 'To' => delete $email->{to} ) if $email->{to}; push @$header, ( 'Cc' => delete $email->{cc} ) if $email->{cc}; push @$header, ( 'From' => delete $email->{from} ) if $email->{from}; push @$header, ( 'Subject' => Encode::encode( 'MIME-Header', delete $email->{subject} ) ) if $email->{subject}; push @$header, ( 'Content-type' => $email->{content_type} ) if $email->{content_type}; my $parts = $email->{parts}; my $body = $email->{body}; unless ( $parts or $body ) { croak "Can't send email without parts or body, check stash"; } my %mime = ( header => $header, attributes => {} ); if ( $parts and ref $parts eq 'ARRAY' ) { $mime{parts} = $parts; } else { $mime{body} = $body; } $mime{attributes}->{content_type} = $email->{content_type} if $email->{content_type}; if ( $mime{attributes} and not $mime{attributes}->{charset} and $self->{default}->{charset} ) { $mime{attributes}->{charset} = $self->{default}->{charset}; } $mime{attributes}->{encoding} = $email->{encoding} if $email->{encoding}; my $message = $self->generate_message( $c, \%mime ); if ($message) { my $return = sendmail( $message, { exists $email->{envelope_from} ? ( from => $email->{envelope_from} ) : (), exists $email->{envelope_to} ? ( to => $email->{envelope_to} ) : (), transport => $self->_mailer_obj, } ); # return is a Return::Value object, so this will stringify as the error # in the case of a failure. croak "$return" if !$return; } else { croak "Unable to create message"; } } =item setup_attributes($c, $attr) Merge attributes with the configured defaults. You can override this method to return a structure to pass into L which subsequently passes the return value of this method to Email::MIME->create under the C key. =cut sub setup_attributes { my ( $self, $c, $attrs ) = @_; my $default_content_type = $self->default->{content_type}; my $default_charset = $self->default->{charset}; my $default_encoding = $self->default->{encoding}; my $e_m_attrs = {}; if ( exists $attrs->{content_type} && defined $attrs->{content_type} && $attrs->{content_type} ne '' ) { $c->log->debug( 'C::V::Email uses specified content_type ' . $attrs->{content_type} . '.' ) if $c->debug; $e_m_attrs->{content_type} = $attrs->{content_type}; } elsif ( defined $default_content_type && $default_content_type ne '' ) { $c->log->debug( "C::V::Email uses default content_type $default_content_type.") if $c->debug; $e_m_attrs->{content_type} = $default_content_type; } if ( exists $attrs->{charset} && defined $attrs->{charset} && $attrs->{charset} ne '' ) { $e_m_attrs->{charset} = $attrs->{charset}; } elsif ( defined $default_charset && $default_charset ne '' ) { $e_m_attrs->{charset} = $default_charset; } if ( exists $attrs->{encoding} && defined $attrs->{encoding} && $attrs->{encoding} ne '' ) { $c->log->debug( 'C::V::Email uses specified encoding ' . $attrs->{encoding} . '.' ) if $c->debug; $e_m_attrs->{encoding} = $attrs->{encoding}; } elsif ( defined $default_encoding && $default_encoding ne '' ) { $c->log->debug( "C::V::Email uses default encoding $default_encoding.") if $c->debug; $e_m_attrs->{encoding} = $default_encoding; } return $e_m_attrs; } =item generate_message($c, $attr) Generate a message part, which should be an L object and return it. Takes the attributes, merges with the defaults as necessary and returns a message object. =cut sub generate_message { my ( $self, $c, $attr ) = @_; # setup the attributes (merge with defaults) $attr->{attributes} = $self->setup_attributes( $c, $attr->{attributes} ); Email::MIME->create( %$attr ); } =back =head1 TROUBLESHOOTING As with most things computer related, things break. Email even more so. Typically any errors are going to come from using SMTP as your sending method, which means that if you are having trouble the first place to look is at L. This module is just a wrapper for L, so if you get an error on sending, it is likely from there anyway. If you are using SMTP and have troubles sending, whether it is authentication or a very bland "Can't send" message, make sure that you have L and, if applicable, L installed. It is very simple to check that you can connect via L, and if you do have sending errors the first thing to do is to write a simple script that attempts to connect. If it works, it is probably something in your configuration so double check there. If it doesn't, well, keep modifying the script and/or your mail server configuration until it does! =head1 SEE ALSO =head2 L - Send fancy template emails with Cat =head2 L - The Catalyst Manual =head2 L - The Catalyst Cookbook =head1 AUTHORS J. Shirley Alexander Hartmaier =head1 CONTRIBUTORS (Thanks!) Matt S Trout Daniel Westermann-Clark Simon Elliott Roman Filippov Lance Brown Devin Austin Chris Nehren =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009 the Catalyst::View::Email L and L as listed above. =head1 LICENSE This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;