package Catalyst::ScriptRunner; use Moose; use FindBin; use lib; use File::Spec; use Class::Load qw/ load_first_existing_class load_optional_class /; use Catalyst::Utils; use Try::Tiny; use namespace::clean -except => [ 'meta' ]; sub find_script_class { my ($self, $app, $script) = @_; return load_first_existing_class("${app}::Script::${script}", "Catalyst::Script::$script"); } sub find_script_traits { my ($self, @try) = @_; return grep { load_optional_class($_) } @try; } no namespace::clean; sub subclass_with_traits { my ($base, @traits) = @_; my $meta = Class::MOP::class_of($base)->create_anon_class( superclasses => [ $base ], roles => [ @traits ], cache => 1, ); $meta->add_method(meta => sub { $meta }); return $meta->name; } use namespace::clean; sub run { my ($self, $appclass, $scriptclass) = @_; if (grep { -f File::Spec->catfile($FindBin::Bin, '..', $_) } Catalyst::Utils::dist_indicator_file_list()) { lib->import(File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, '..', 'lib')); } my $class = $self->find_script_class($appclass, $scriptclass); my @possible_traits = ("${appclass}::TraitFor::Script::${scriptclass}", "${appclass}::TraitFor::Script"); my @traits = $self->find_script_traits(@possible_traits); $class = subclass_with_traits($class, @traits) if @traits; $class->new_with_options( application_name => $appclass )->run; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; =head1 NAME Catalyst::ScriptRunner - The Catalyst Framework script runner =head1 SYNOPSIS # Will run MyApp::Script::Server if it exists, otherwise # will run Catalyst::Script::Server. Catalyst::ScriptRunner->run('MyApp', 'Server'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This class is responsible for loading and running scripts, either in the application specific namespace (e.g. C), or the Catalyst namespace (e.g. C). If your application contains a custom script, then it will be used in preference to the generic script, and is expected to sub-class the standard script. =head1 TRAIT LOADING Catalyst will automatically load and apply roles to the scripts in your application. C will be loaded if present, and will be applied to B scripts. C will be loaded (if present) and for script individually. =head1 METHODS =head2 run ($application_class, $scriptclass) Called with two parameters, the application class (e.g. MyApp) and the script class, (i.e. one of Server/FastCGI/CGI/Create/Test) =head2 find_script_class ($appname, $script_name) Finds and loads the class for the script, trying the application specific script first, and falling back to the generic script. Returns the script which was loaded. =head2 find_script_traits ($appname, @try) Finds and loads a set of traits. Returns the list of traits which were loaded. =head1 AUTHORS Catalyst Contributors, see =head1 COPYRIGHT This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut