package Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File; use strict; use warnings; use base qw( Class::Data::Inheritable Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store ); use MRO::Compat; use Cache::FileCache (); use Catalyst::Utils (); use Path::Class (); our $VERSION = '0.18'; __PACKAGE__->mk_classdata(qw/_session_file_storage/); =head1 NAME Catalyst::Plugin::Session::Store::File - File storage backend for session data. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Catalyst qw/Session Session::Store::File Session::State::Foo/; MyApp->config->{'Plugin::Session'} = { storage => '/tmp/session' }; # ... in an action: $c->session->{foo} = 'bar'; # will be saved =head1 DESCRIPTION C is an easy to use storage plugin for Catalyst that uses an simple file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache. It is based on C. =head2 METHODS =over 4 =item get_session_data =item store_session_data =item delete_session_data =item delete_expired_sessions These are implementations of the required methods for a store. See L. =cut sub get_session_data { my ( $c, $sid ) = @_; $c->_check_session_file_storage; $c->_session_file_storage->get($sid); } sub store_session_data { my ( $c, $sid, $data ) = @_; $c->_check_session_file_storage; $c->_session_file_storage->set( $sid, $data ); } sub delete_session_data { my ( $c, $sid ) = @_; $c->_check_session_file_storage; $c->_session_file_storage->remove($sid); } sub delete_expired_sessions { } =item setup_session Sets up the session cache file. =cut sub setup_session { my $c = shift; $c->maybe::next::method(@_); } sub _check_session_file_storage { my $c = shift; return if $c->_session_file_storage; $c->_session_plugin_config->{namespace} ||= ''; my $root = $c->_session_plugin_config->{storage} ||= File::Spec->catdir( Catalyst::Utils::class2tempdir(ref $c), "session", "data", ); $root = $c->path_to($root) if $c->_session_plugin_config->{relative}; Path::Class::dir($root)->mkpath; my $cfg = $c->_session_plugin_config; $c->_session_file_storage( Cache::FileCache->new( { cache_root => $cfg->{storage}, ( map { $_ => $cfg->{$_} } grep { exists $cfg->{$_} } qw/namespace cache_depth directory_umask/ ), } ) ); } =back =head1 CONFIGURATION These parameters are placed in the hash under the C key in the configuration hash. =over 4 =item storage Specifies the directory root to be used for the sharing of session data. The default value will use L to find the default tempdir, and use a file named C, where C is replaced with the appname. Note that the file will be created with mode 0640, which means that it will only be writeable by processes running with the same uid as the process that creates the file. If this may be a problem, for example if you may try to debug the program as one user and run it as another, specify a directory like C<< /tmp/session-$> >>, which includes the UID of the process in the filename. =item relative Makes the storage path relative to I<$c->path_to> =item namespace The namespace associated with this cache. Defaults to an empty string if not explicitly set. If set, the session data will be stored in a directory called C>. =item cache_depth The number of subdirectories deep to session object item. This should be large enough that no session directory has more than a few hundred objects. Defaults to 3 unless explicitly set. =item directory_umask The directories in the session on the filesystem should be globally writable to allow for multiple users. While this is a potential security concern, the actual cache entries are written with the user's umask, thus reducing the risk of cache poisoning. If you desire it to only be user writable, set the 'directory_umask' option to '077' or similar. Defaults to '000' unless explicitly set. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =head1 AUTHOR Sascha Kiefer, L =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 Sascha Kiefer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;