package Catalyst::Plugin::I18N; use strict; use warnings; use MRO::Compat; use I18N::LangTags (); use I18N::LangTags::Detect; use I18N::LangTags::List; require Locale::Maketext::Simple; our $VERSION = '0.10'; our %options = ( Export => '_loc', Decode => 1 ); =head1 NAME Catalyst::Plugin::I18N - I18N for Catalyst =head1 SYNOPSIS use Catalyst 'I18N'; print join ' ', @{ $c->languages }; $c->languages( ['de'] ); print $c->localize('Hello Catalyst'); Use a macro if you're lazy: [% MACRO l(text, args) BLOCK; c.localize(text, args); END; %] [% l('Hello Catalyst') %] [% l('Hello [_1]', 'Catalyst') %] [% l('lalala[_1]lalala[_2]', ['test', 'foo']) %] [% l('messages.hello.catalyst') %] =head1 DESCRIPTION Supports mo/po files and Maketext classes under your application's I18N namespace. # MyApp/I18N/de.po msgid "Hello Catalyst" msgstr "Hallo Katalysator" # MyApp/I18N/i_default.po msgid "messages.hello.catalyst" msgstr "Hello Catalyst - fallback translation" # MyApp/I18N/ package MyApp::I18N::de; use base 'MyApp::I18N'; our %Lexicon = ( 'Hello Catalyst' => 'Hallo Katalysator' ); 1; =head2 CONFIGURATION You can override any parameter sent to L by specifying a C hashref to the C config section. For example, the following configuration will override the C parameter which normally defaults to C<1>: __PACKAGE__->config( 'Plugin::I18N' => maketext_options => { Decode => 0 } ); All languages fallback to MyApp::I18N which is mapped onto the i-default language tag. If you use arbitrary message keys, use i_default.po to translate into English, otherwise the message key itself is returned. =head2 EXTENDED METHODS =head3 setup =cut sub setup { my $self = shift; $self->next::method(@_); my $calldir = $self; $calldir =~ s{::}{/}g; my $file = "$"; my $path = $INC{$file}; $path =~ s{\.pm$}{/I18N}; my $user_opts = $self->config->{ 'Plugin::I18N' }->{ maketext_options } || {}; local %options = ( %options, Path => $path, %$user_opts ); eval <<""; package $self; Locale::Maketext::Simple->import( \%Catalyst\::Plugin\::I18N\::options ); if ($@) { $self->log->error(qq/Couldn't initialize i18n "$self\::I18N", "$@"/); } else { $self->log->debug(qq/Initialized i18n "$self\::I18N"/) if $self->debug; } if (! $self->config->{ 'Plugin::I18N' }->{installed_languages}) { my $languages_list = {}; # We re-read the list of files in $path # Originally tried to detect via namespaces, but this lists the currently set LANG envvar, which may not # be a supported language. Also misses out .pm files # Is acceptable to re-read this directory once on setup if (opendir my $langdir, $path) { foreach my $entry (readdir $langdir) { next unless $entry =~ m/\A (\w+)\.(?:pm|po|mo) \z/xms; my $langtag = $1; next if $langtag eq "i_default"; my $language_tag = $langtag; #my $language_tag = "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( $langtag )->language_tag; # Did use the get_handle, but that caused problems because en became "Default (Fallthru) Language" # Just do a simple convert instead $language_tag =~ s/_/-/g; $languages_list->{ $langtag } = I18N::LangTags::List::name( $language_tag ); } closedir $langdir; } $self->config->{ 'Plugin::I18N' }->{installed_languages} = $languages_list; } } =head2 METHODS =head3 languages Contains languages. $c->languages(['de_DE']); print join '', @{ $c->languages }; =cut sub languages { my ( $c, $languages ) = @_; if ($languages) { $c->{languages} = $languages } else { $c->{languages} ||= [ I18N::LangTags::implicate_supers( I18N::LangTags::Detect->http_accept_langs( $c->request->header('Accept-Language') ) ), 'i-default' ]; } no strict 'refs'; &{ ref($c) . '::_loc_lang' }( @{ $c->{languages} } ); return $c->{languages}; } =head3 language return selected locale in your locales list. =cut sub language { my $c = shift; my $class = ref $c || $c; my $lang = ref "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( @{ $c->languages } ); $lang =~ s/.*:://; return $lang; } =head3 language_tag return language tag for current locale. The most notable difference from this method in comparison to C is typically that languages and regions are joined with a dash and not an underscore. $c->language(); # en_us $c->language_tag(); # en-us =cut sub language_tag { my $c = shift; my $class = ref $c || $c; return "$class\::I18N"->get_handle( @{ $c->languages } )->language_tag; } =head3 installed_languages Returns a hash of { langtag => "descriptive name for language" } based on language files in your application's I18N directory. The descriptive name is based on I18N::LangTags::List information. If the descriptive name is not available, will be undef. =cut sub installed_languages { my $c = shift; return $c->config->{ 'Plugin::I18N' }->{installed_languages}; } =head3 loc =head3 localize Localize text. print $c->localize( 'Welcome to Catalyst, [_1]', 'sri' ); =cut *loc = \&localize; sub localize { my $c = shift; $c->languages; no strict 'refs'; return &{ ref($c) . '::_loc' }( $_[0], @{ $_[1] } ) if ( ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' ); return &{ ref($c) . '::_loc' }(@_); } =head1 SEE ALSO L =head1 AUTHORS Sebastian Riedel Esri@cpan.orgE Brian Cassidy Ebricas@cpan.orgE Christian Hansen Echansen@cpan.orgE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005 - 2009 the Catalyst::Plugin::I18N L as listed above. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;