package Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader; use strict; use warnings; use Config::Any; use MRO::Compat; use Data::Visitor::Callback; use Catalyst::Utils (); our $VERSION = '0.35'; =head1 NAME Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader - Load config files of various types =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyApp; # ConfigLoader should be first in your list so # other plugins can get the config information use Catalyst qw( ConfigLoader ... ); # by default myapp.* will be loaded # you can specify a file if you'd like __PACKAGE__->config( 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' => { file => 'config.yaml' } ); In the file, assuming it's in YAML format: foo: bar Accessible through the context object, or the class itself $c->config->{foo} # bar MyApp->config->{foo} # bar =head1 DESCRIPTION This module will attempt to load find and load a configuration file of various types. Currently it supports YAML, JSON, XML, INI and Perl formats. Special configuration for a particular driver format can be stored in C<< MyApp->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ driver } >>. For example, to pass arguments to L, use the following: __PACKAGE__->config( 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' => { driver => { 'General' => { -LowerCaseNames => 1 } } } ); See L's C parameter for more information. To support the distinction between development and production environments, this module will also attemp to load a local config (e.g. F) which will override any duplicate settings. See L for details on how this is configured. =head1 METHODS =head2 setup( ) This method is automatically called by Catalyst's setup routine. It will attempt to use each plugin and, once a file has been successfully loaded, set the C section. =cut sub setup { my $c = shift; my @files = $c->find_files; my $cfg = Config::Any->load_files( { files => \@files, filter => \&_fix_syntax, use_ext => 1, driver_args => $c->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ driver } || {}, } ); # map the array of hashrefs to a simple hash my %configs = map { %$_ } @$cfg; # split the responses into normal and local cfg my $local_suffix = $c->get_config_local_suffix; my ( @main, @locals ); for ( sort keys %configs ) { if ( m{$local_suffix\.}ms ) { push @locals, $_; } else { push @main, $_; } } # load all the normal cfgs, then the local cfgs last so they can override # normal cfgs $c->load_config( { $_ => $configs{ $_ } } ) for @main, @locals; $c->finalize_config; $c->next::method( @_ ); } =head2 load_config This method handles loading the configuration data into the Catalyst context object. It does not return a value. =cut sub load_config { my $c = shift; my $ref = shift; my ( $file, $config ) = %$ref; $c->config( $config ); $c->log->debug( qq(Loaded Config "$file") ) if $c->debug; return; } =head2 find_files This method determines the potential file paths to be used for config loading. It returns an array of paths (up to the filename less the extension) to pass to L for loading. =cut sub find_files { my $c = shift; my ( $path, $extension ) = $c->get_config_path; my $suffix = $c->get_config_local_suffix; my @extensions = @{ Config::Any->extensions }; my @files; if ( $extension ) { die "Unable to handle files with the extension '${extension}'" unless grep { $_ eq $extension } @extensions; ( my $local = $path ) =~ s{\.$extension}{_$suffix.$extension}; push @files, $path, $local; } else { @files = map { ( "$path.$_", "${path}_${suffix}.$_" ) } @extensions; } @files; } =head2 get_config_path This method determines the path, filename prefix and file extension to be used for config loading. It returns the path (up to the filename less the extension) to check and the specific extension to use (if it was specified). The order of preference is specified as: =over 4 =item * C<$ENV{ MYAPP_CONFIG }> =item * C<$ENV{ CATALYST_CONFIG }> =item * C<< $c->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ file } >> =item * C<< $c->path_to( $application_prefix ) >> =back If either of the first two user-specified options are directories, the application prefix will be added on to the end of the path. =cut sub get_config_path { my $c = shift; my $appname = ref $c || $c; my $prefix = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix( $appname ); my $path = Catalyst::Utils::env_value( $appname, 'CONFIG' ) || $c->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ file } || $c->path_to( $prefix ); ## don't look for extension if this is a dir my ( $extension ) = !-d $path ? ( $path =~ m{\.([^\/\\.]{1,4})$} ) : () ; if ( -d $path ) { $path =~ s{[\/\\]$}{}; $path .= "/$prefix"; } return ( $path, $extension ); } =head2 get_config_local_suffix Determines the suffix of files used to override the main config. By default this value is C, which will load C. The suffix can be specified in the following order of preference: =over 4 =item * C<$ENV{ MYAPP_CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX }> =item * C<$ENV{ CATALYST_CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX }> =item * C<< $c->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ config_local_suffix } >> =back The first one of these values found replaces the default of C in the name of the local config file to be loaded. For example, if C< $ENV{ MYAPP_CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX }> is set to C, ConfigLoader will try and load F instead of F. =cut sub get_config_local_suffix { my $c = shift; my $appname = ref $c || $c; my $suffix = Catalyst::Utils::env_value( $appname, 'CONFIG_LOCAL_SUFFIX' ) || $c->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ config_local_suffix } || 'local'; return $suffix; } sub _fix_syntax { my $config = shift; my @components = ( map +{ prefix => $_ eq 'Component' ? '' : $_ . '::', values => delete $config->{ lc $_ } || delete $config->{ $_ } }, grep { ref $config->{ lc $_ } || ref $config->{ $_ } } qw( Component Model M View V Controller C Plugin ) ); foreach my $comp ( @components ) { my $prefix = $comp->{ prefix }; foreach my $element ( keys %{ $comp->{ values } } ) { $config->{ "$prefix$element" } = $comp->{ values }->{ $element }; } } } =head2 finalize_config This method is called after the config file is loaded. It can be used to implement tuning of config values that can only be done at runtime. If you need to do this to properly configure any plugins, it's important to load ConfigLoader before them. ConfigLoader provides a default C method which walks through the loaded config hash and calls the L method on any string. =cut sub finalize_config { my $c = shift; my $v = Data::Visitor::Callback->new( plain_value => sub { return unless defined $_; $c->config_substitutions( $_ ); } ); $v->visit( $c->config ); } =head2 config_substitutions( $value ) This method substitutes macros found with calls to a function. There are a number of default macros: =over 4 =item * C<__HOME__> - replaced with C<$c-Epath_to('')> =item * C<__ENV(foo)__> - replaced with the value of C<$ENV{foo}> =item * C<__path_to(foo/bar)__> - replaced with C<$c-Epath_to('foo/bar')> =item * C<__literal(__FOO__)__> - leaves __FOO__ alone (allows you to use C<__DATA__> as a config value, for example) =back The parameter list is split on comma (C<,>). You can override this method to do your own string munging, or you can define your own macros in C<< MyApp->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ substitutions } >>. Example: MyApp->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ substitutions } = { baz => sub { my $c = shift; qux( @_ ); } } The above will respond to C<__baz(x,y)__> in config strings. =cut sub config_substitutions { my $c = shift; my $subs = $c->config->{ 'Plugin::ConfigLoader' }->{ substitutions } || {}; $subs->{ HOME } ||= sub { shift->path_to( '' ); }; $subs->{ ENV } ||= sub { my ( $c, $v ) = @_; if (! defined($ENV{$v})) { Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => "Missing environment variable: $v" ); return ""; } else { return $ENV{ $v }; } }; $subs->{ path_to } ||= sub { shift->path_to( @_ ); }; $subs->{ literal } ||= sub { return $_[ 1 ]; }; my $subsre = join( '|', keys %$subs ); for ( @_ ) { s{__($subsre)(?:\((.+?)\))?__}{ $subs->{ $1 }->( $c, $2 ? split( /,/, $2 ) : () ) }eg; } } =head1 AUTHOR Brian Cassidy =head1 CONTRIBUTORS The following people have generously donated their time to the development of this module: =over 4 =item * Joel Bernstein - Rewrite to use L =item * David Kamholz - L integration =item * Stuart Watt - Addition of ENV macro. =back Work to this module has been generously sponsored by: =over 4 =item * Portugal Telecom L - Work done by Joel Bernstein =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2006-2010 by Brian Cassidy This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * L =item * L =item * L =back =cut 1;