package Catalyst::Helper; use Moose; use Config; use File::Spec; use File::Spec::Unix; use File::Path; use FindBin; use IO::File; use POSIX 'strftime'; use Template; use Catalyst::Devel; use Catalyst::Utils; use Catalyst::Exception; use Path::Class qw/dir file/; use File::ShareDir qw/dist_dir/; use YAML::Tiny; use namespace::autoclean; with 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast'; our $VERSION = '1.42'; $VERSION =~ tr/_//d; my %cache; sub get_sharedir_file { my ($self, @filename) = @_; my $dist_dir; if (exists $ENV{CATALYST_DEVEL_SHAREDIR}) { $dist_dir = $ENV{CATALYST_DEVEL_SHAREDIR}; } elsif (-d "inc/.author" && -f "lib/Catalyst/" ) { # Can't use sharedir if we're in a checkout # this feels horrible, better ideas? $dist_dir = 'share'; } else { $dist_dir = dist_dir('Catalyst-Devel'); } my $file = file( $dist_dir, @filename); Carp::confess("Cannot find $file") unless -r $file; my $contents = $file->slurp(iomode => "<:raw"); return $contents; } # Do not touch this method, *EVER*, it is needed for back compat. sub get_file { my ( $self, $class, $file ) = @_; unless ( $cache{$class} ) { local $/; $cache{$class} = eval "package $class; "; } my $data = $cache{$class}; Carp::confess("Could not get data from __DATA__ segment for $class") unless $data; my @files = split /^__(.+)__\r?\n/m, $data; shift @files; while (@files) { my ( $name, $content ) = splice @files, 0, 2; return $content if $name eq $file; } return 0; } sub mk_app { my ( $self, $name ) = @_; # Needs to be here for PAR require Catalyst; if($name eq '.') { if(!-e 'META.yml') { system perl => 'Makefile.PL' and Catalyst::Exception->throw(message => q( Failed to run "perl Makefile.PL". )); } $name = YAML::Tiny->read('META.yml')->[0]->{'name'}; $name =~ s/-/::/g; $self->{dir} = '.'; } if ( $name =~ /[^\w:]/ || $name =~ /^\d/ || $name =~ /\b:\b|:{3,}/) { warn "Error: Invalid application name.\n"; return 0; } if(!defined $self->{'dir'}) { $self->{dir} = $name; $self->{dir} =~ s/\:\:/-/g; } $self->{name } = $name; $self->{script } = dir( $self->{dir}, 'script' ); $self->{appprefix } = Catalyst::Utils::appprefix($name); $self->{appenv } = Catalyst::Utils::class2env($name); $self->{startperl } = -r '/usr/bin/env' ? '#!/usr/bin/env perl' : "#!$Config{perlpath}"; $self->{scriptgen } = $Catalyst::Devel::CATALYST_SCRIPT_GEN; $self->{catalyst_version} = $Catalyst::VERSION; $self->{author } ||= $ENV{'AUTHOR'} || eval { @{ [ getpwuid($<) ] }[6] } || 'Catalyst developer'; my $gen_scripts = ( $self->{makefile} ) ? 0 : 1; my $gen_makefile = ( $self->{scripts} ) ? 0 : 1; my $gen_app = ( $self->{scripts} || $self->{makefile} ) ? 0 : 1; if ($gen_app) { for ( qw/ _mk_dirs _mk_config _mk_psgi _mk_appclass _mk_rootclass _mk_readme _mk_changes _mk_apptest _mk_podtest _mk_podcoveragetest _mk_images _mk_favicon/ ) { $self->$_; } } if ($gen_makefile) { $self->_mk_makefile; } if ($gen_scripts) { for ( qw/ _mk_cgi _mk_fastcgi _mk_server _mk_test _mk_create _mk_information / ) { $self->$_; } } return $self->{dir}; } ## not much of this can really be changed, mk_compclass must be left for ## backcompat sub mk_component { my $self = shift; my $app = shift; $self->{app} = $app; $self->{author} = $self->{author} = $ENV{'AUTHOR'} || eval { @{ [ getpwuid($<) ] }[6] } || 'A clever guy'; $self->{base} ||= dir( $FindBin::Bin, '..' ); unless ( $_[0] =~ /^(?:model|view|controller)$/i ) { my $helper = shift; my @args = @_; my $class = "Catalyst::Helper::$helper"; eval "require $class"; if ($@) { Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => qq/Couldn't load helper "$class", "$@"/ ); } if ( $class->can('mk_stuff') ) { return 1 unless $class->mk_stuff( $self, @args ); } } else { my $type = shift; my $name = shift || "Missing name for model/view/controller"; my $helper = shift; my @args = @_; return 0 if $name =~ /[^\w\:]/; $type = lc $type; $self->{long_type} = ucfirst $type; $type = 'M' if $type =~ /model/i; $type = 'V' if $type =~ /view/i; $type = 'C' if $type =~ /controller/i; my $appdir = dir( split /\:\:/, $app ); my $test_path = dir( $self->{base}, 'lib', $appdir, 'C' ); $type = $self->{long_type} unless -d $test_path; $self->{type} = $type; $self->{name} = $name; $self->{class} = "$app\::$type\::$name"; # Class my $path = dir( $self->{base}, 'lib', $appdir, $type ); my $file = $name; if ( $name =~ /\:/ ) { my @path = split /\:\:/, $name; $file = pop @path; $path = dir( $path, @path ); } $self->mk_dir($path); $file = file( $path, "$" ); $self->{file} = $file; # Test $self->{test_dir} = dir( $self->{base}, 't' ); $self->{test} = $self->next_test; # Helper if ($helper) { my $comp = $self->{long_type}; my $class = "Catalyst::Helper::$comp\::$helper"; eval "require $class"; if ($@) { Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => qq/Couldn't load helper "$class", "$@"/ ); } if ( $class->can('mk_compclass') ) { return 1 unless $class->mk_compclass( $self, @args ); } else { return 1 unless $self->_mk_compclass } if ( $class->can('mk_comptest') ) { $class->mk_comptest( $self, @args ); } else { $self->_mk_comptest } } # Fallback else { return 1 unless $self->_mk_compclass; $self->_mk_comptest; } } return 1; } sub mk_dir { my ( $self, $dir ) = @_; if ( -d $dir ) { print qq/ exists "$dir"\n/; return 0; } if ( mkpath [$dir] ) { print qq/created "$dir"\n/; return 1; } Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => qq/Couldn't create "$dir", "$!"/ ); } sub mk_file { my ( $self, $file, $content ) = @_; if ( -e $file && -s _ ) { print qq/ exists "$file"\n/; return 0 unless ( $self->{'.newfiles'} || $self->{scripts} || $self->{makefile} ); if ( $self->{'.newfiles'} ) { if ( my $f = IO::File->new("< $file") ) { my $oldcontent = join( '', (<$f>) ); return 0 if $content eq $oldcontent; } $file .= '.new'; } } if ( my $f = IO::File->new("> $file") ) { binmode $f; print $f $content; print qq/created "$file"\n/; return $file; } Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => qq/Couldn't create "$file", "$!"/ ); } sub next_test { my ( $self, $tname ) = @_; if ($tname) { $tname = "$tname.t" } else { my $name = $self->{name}; my $prefix = $name; $prefix =~ s/::/-/g; $prefix = $prefix; $tname = $prefix . '.t'; $self->{prefix} = $prefix; $prefix = lc $prefix; $prefix =~ s/-/\//g; $self->{uri} = "/$prefix"; } my $dir = $self->{test_dir}; my $type = lc $self->{type}; $self->mk_dir($dir); return file( $dir, "$type\_$tname" ); } # Do not touch this method, *EVER*, it is needed for back compat. ## addendum: we had to split this method so we could have backwards ## compatibility. otherwise, we'd have no way to pass stuff from __DATA__ sub render_file { my ( $self, $file, $path, $vars, $perms ) = @_; my $template = $self->get_file( ( caller(0) )[0], $file ); $self->render_file_contents($template, $path, $vars, $perms); } sub render_sharedir_file { my ( $self, $file, $path, $vars, $perms ) = @_; my $template = $self->get_sharedir_file( $file ); die("Cannot get template from $file for $self\n") unless $template; $self->render_file_contents($template, $path, $vars, $perms); } sub render_file_contents { my ( $self, $template, $path, $vars, $perms ) = @_; $vars ||= {}; my $t = Template->new; return 0 unless $template; my $output; $t->process( \$template, { %{$self}, %$vars }, \$output ) || Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => qq/Couldn't process "$template", / . $t->error() ); my $file = $self->mk_file( $path, $output ); chmod $perms, file($file) if defined $perms; return $file; } sub _mk_information { my $self = shift; print qq/Change to application directory and Run "perl Makefile.PL" to make sure your install is complete\n/; } sub _mk_dirs { my $self = shift; $self->mk_dir( $self->{dir} ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{script} ); $self->{lib} = dir( $self->{dir}, 'lib' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{lib} ); $self->{root} = dir( $self->{dir}, 'root' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{root} ); $self->{static} = dir( $self->{root}, 'static' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{static} ); $self->{images} = dir( $self->{static}, 'images' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{images} ); $self->{t} = dir( $self->{dir}, 't' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{t} ); $self->{class} = dir( split( /\:\:/, $self->{name} ) ); $self->{mod} = dir( $self->{lib}, $self->{class} ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{mod} ); if ( $self->{short} ) { $self->{m} = dir( $self->{mod}, 'M' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{m} ); $self->{v} = dir( $self->{mod}, 'V' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{v} ); $self->{c} = dir( $self->{mod}, 'C' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{c} ); } else { $self->{m} = dir( $self->{mod}, 'Model' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{m} ); $self->{v} = dir( $self->{mod}, 'View' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{v} ); $self->{c} = dir( $self->{mod}, 'Controller' ); $self->mk_dir( $self->{c} ); } my $name = $self->{name}; $self->{rootname} = $self->{short} ? "$name\::C::Root" : "$name\::Controller::Root"; $self->{base} = dir( $self->{dir} )->absolute; } sub _mk_appclass { my $self = shift; my $mod = $self->{mod}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('lib', ''), "$" ); } sub _mk_rootclass { my $self = shift; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('lib', 'MyApp', 'Controller', ''), file( $self->{c}, "" ) ); } sub _mk_makefile { my $self = shift; $self->{path} = join('/', 'lib', split( '::', $self->{name} ) ); $self->{path} .= '.pm'; my $dir = $self->{dir}; $self->render_sharedir_file( '', file($dir, "Makefile.PL") ); if ( $self->{makefile} ) { # deprecate the old Build.PL file when regenerating Makefile.PL $self->_deprecate_file( file( $self->{dir}, 'Build.PL' ) ); } } sub _mk_psgi { my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->{dir}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( '', file( $dir, "$appprefix.psgi" ) ); } sub _mk_config { my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->{dir}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( '', file( $dir, "$appprefix.conf" ) ); } sub _mk_readme { my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->{dir}; $self->render_sharedir_file( '', file($dir, "README") ); } sub _mk_changes { my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->{dir}; my $time = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime time); $self->render_sharedir_file( '', file($dir, "Changes"), { time => $time } ); } sub _mk_apptest { my $self = shift; my $t = $self->{t}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('t', ''), file($t, "01app.t") ); } sub _mk_podtest { my $self = shift; my $t = $self->{t}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('t', ''), file($t, "02pod.t") ); } sub _mk_podcoveragetest { my $self = shift; my $t = $self->{t}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('t', ''), file($t, "03podcoverage.t") ); } sub _mk_cgi { my $self = shift; my $script = $self->{script}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('script', ''), file($script,"$appprefix\"), undef, 0755 ); } sub _mk_fastcgi { my $self = shift; my $script = $self->{script}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('script', ''), file($script, "$appprefix\"), undef, 0755 ); } sub _mk_server { my $self = shift; my $script = $self->{script}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('script', ''), file($script, "$appprefix\"), undef, 0755 ); } sub _mk_test { my $self = shift; my $script = $self->{script}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('script', ''), file($script, "$appprefix\"), undef, 0755 ); } sub _mk_create { my $self = shift; my $script = $self->{script}; my $appprefix = $self->{appprefix}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('script', ''), file($script, "$appprefix\"), undef, 0755 ); } sub _mk_compclass { my $self = shift; my $file = $self->{file}; return $self->render_sharedir_file( file('lib', 'Helper', ''), $file ); } sub _mk_comptest { my $self = shift; my $test = $self->{test}; $self->render_sharedir_file( file('t', ''), $test ); ## wtf do i rename this to? } sub _mk_images { my $self = shift; my $images = $self->{images}; my @images = qw/catalyst_logo btn_120x50_built btn_120x50_built_shadow btn_120x50_powered btn_120x50_powered_shadow btn_88x31_built btn_88x31_built_shadow btn_88x31_powered btn_88x31_powered_shadow/; for my $name (@images) { my $image = $self->get_sharedir_file("root", "static", "images", "$name.png.bin"); $self->mk_file( file( $images, "$name.png" ), $image ); } } sub _mk_favicon { my $self = shift; my $root = $self->{root}; my $favicon = $self->get_sharedir_file( 'root', 'favicon.ico.bin' ); my $dest = dir( $root, "favicon.ico" ); $self->mk_file( $dest, $favicon ); } sub _deprecate_file { my ( $self, $file ) = @_; if ( -e $file ) { my ($f, $oldcontent); if ( $f = IO::File->new("< $file") ) { $oldcontent = join( '', (<$f>) ); } my $newfile = $file . '.deprecated'; if ( $f = IO::File->new("> $newfile") ) { binmode $f; print $f $oldcontent; print qq/created "$newfile"\n/; unlink $file; print qq/removed "$file"\n/; return 1; } Catalyst::Exception->throw( message => qq/Couldn't create "$file", "$!"/ ); } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Catalyst::Helper - Bootstrap a Catalyst application =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is used by B to create a set of scripts for a new catalyst application. The scripts each contain documentation and will output help on how to use them if called incorrectly or in some cases, with no arguments. It also provides some useful methods for a Helper module to call when creating a component. See L. =head1 SCRIPTS =head2 Used to create new components for a catalyst application at the development stage. =head2 The catalyst test server, starts an HTTPD which outputs debugging to the terminal. =head2 A script for running tests from the command-line. =head2 Run your application as a CGI. =head2 Run the application as a fastcgi app. Either by hand, or call this from FastCgiServer in your http server config. =head1 HELPERS The L script creates application components using Helper modules. The Catalyst team provides a good number of Helper modules for you to use. You can also add your own. Helpers are classes that provide two methods. * mk_compclass - creates the Component class * mk_comptest - creates the Component test So when you call C, create will try to execute Catalyst::Helper::View::TT->mk_compclass and Catalyst::Helper::View::TT->mk_comptest. See L and L for examples. All helper classes should be under one of the following namespaces. Catalyst::Helper::Model:: Catalyst::Helper::View:: Catalyst::Helper::Controller:: =head2 COMMON HELPERS =over =item * L - DBIx::Class models =item * L - Template Toolkit view =item * L =item * L - wrap any class into a Catalyst model =back =head3 NOTE The helpers will read author name from /etc/passwd by default. To override, please export the AUTHOR variable. =head1 METHODS =head2 mk_compclass This method in your Helper module is called with C<$helper> which is a L object, and whichever other arguments the user added to the command-line. You can use the $helper to call methods described below. If the Helper module does not contain a C method, it will fall back to calling L, with an argument of C. =head2 mk_comptest This method in your Helper module is called with C<$helper> which is a L object, and whichever other arguments the user added to the command-line. You can use the $helper to call methods described below. If the Helper module does not contain a C method, it will fall back to calling L, with an argument of C. =head2 mk_stuff This method is called if the user does not supply any of the usual component types C, C, C. It is passed the C<$helper> object (an instance of L), and any other arguments the user typed. There is no fallback for this method. =head1 INTERNAL METHODS These are the methods that the Helper classes can call on the <$helper> object passed to them. =head2 render_file ($file, $path, $vars, $perms) Render and create a file from a template in DATA using Template Toolkit. $file is the relevant chunk of the __DATA__ section, $path is the path to the file, $vars is the hashref as expected by L