package Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; with 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast'; use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/userhash userclass/); sub new { my ( $class, $config, $app, $realm) = @_; my $self = bless { userhash => $config->{'users'}, userclass => $config->{'user_class'} || "Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash", }, $class; Catalyst::Utils::ensure_class_loaded( $self->userclass ); return $self; } sub from_session { my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_; return $id if ref $id; $self->find_user( { id => $id } ); } ## this is not necessarily a good example of what find_user can do, since all we do is ## look up with the id anyway. find_user can be used to locate a user based on other ## combinations of data. See C::P::Authentication::Store::DBIx::Class for a better example sub find_user { my ( $self, $userinfo, $c ) = @_; my $id = $userinfo->{'id'}; $id ||= $userinfo->{'username'}; return unless exists $self->userhash->{$id}; my $user = $self->userhash->{$id}; if ( ref($user) eq "HASH") { $user->{id} ||= $id; return bless $user, $self->userclass; } elsif ( ref($user) && blessed($user) && $user->isa('Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash')) { return $user; } else { Catalyst::Exception->throw( "The user '$id' must be a hash reference or an " . "object of class Catalyst::Authentication::User::Hash"); } return $user; } sub user_supports { my $self = shift; # choose a random user scalar keys %{ $self->userhash }; ( undef, my $user ) = each %{ $self->userhash }; $user->supports(@_); } ## Backwards compatibility # # This is a backwards compatible routine. get_user is specifically for loading a user by it's unique id # find_user is capable of doing the same by simply passing { id => $id } # no new code should be written using get_user as it is deprecated. sub get_user { my ( $self, $id ) = @_; $self->find_user({id => $id}); } __PACKAGE__; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal - Minimal authentication store =head1 SYNOPSIS # you probably just want Store::Minimal under most cases, # but if you insist you can instantiate your own store: use Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal; use Catalyst qw/ Authentication /; __PACKAGE__->config( 'Plugin::Authentication' => { default_realm => 'members', realms => { members => { credential => { class => 'Password', password_field => 'password', password_type => 'clear' }, store => { class => 'Minimal', users => { bob => { password => "s00p3r", editor => 'yes', roles => [qw/edit delete/], }, william => { password => "s3cr3t", roles => [qw/comment/], } } } } } } ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This authentication store lets you create a very quick and dirty user database in your application's config hash. You will need to include the Authentication plugin, and at least one Credential plugin to use this Store. Credential::Password is reccommended. It's purpose is mainly for testing, and it should probably be replaced by a more "serious" store for production. The hash in the config, as well as the user objects/hashes are freely mutable at runtime. =head1 CONFIGURATION =over 4 =item class The classname used for the store. This is part of L and is the method by which Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Minimal is loaded as the user store. For this module to be used, this must be set to 'Minimal'. =item user_class The class used for the user object. If you don't specify a class name, the default L will be used. If you define your own class, it must inherit from L. =item users This is a simple hash of users, the keys are the usenames, and the values are hashrefs containing a password key/value pair, and optionally, a roles/list of role-names pair. If using roles, you will also need to add the Authorization::Roles plugin. See the SYNOPSIS for an example. =back =head1 METHODS There are no publicly exported routines in the Minimal store (or indeed in most authentication stores) However, below is a description of the routines required by L for all authentication stores. =head2 new( $config, $app, $realm ) Constructs a new store object, which uses the user element of the supplied config hash ref as it's backing structure. =head2 find_user( $authinfo, $c ) Keys the hash by the 'id' or 'username' element in the authinfo hash and returns the user. ... documentation fairy stopped here. ... If the return value is unblessed it will be blessed as L. =head2 from_session( $id ) Delegates to C. =head2 user_supports( ) Chooses a random user from the hash and delegates to it. =head2 get_user( ) Deprecated =head2 setup( ) =cut