package Catalyst::Action::Deserialize; $Catalyst::Action::Deserialize::VERSION = '1.21'; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; extends 'Catalyst::Action::SerializeBase'; use Module::Pluggable::Object; use MRO::Compat; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; has plugins => ( is => 'rw' ); has deserialize_http_methods => ( traits => ['Hash'], isa => do { my $tc = subtype as 'HashRef[Str]'; coerce $tc, from 'ArrayRef[Str]', via { +{ map { ($_ => 1) } @$_ } }; $tc; }, coerce => 1, builder => '_build_deserialize_http_methods', handles => { deserialize_http_methods => 'keys', _deserialize_handles_http_method => 'exists', }, ); sub _build_deserialize_http_methods { [qw(POST PUT OPTIONS DELETE)] } sub execute { my $self = shift; my ( $controller, $c ) = @_; if ( !defined($c->req->data) && $self->_deserialize_handles_http_method($c->request->method) ) { my ( $sclass, $sarg, $content_type ) = $self->_load_content_plugins( 'Catalyst::Action::Deserialize', $controller, $c ); return 1 unless defined($sclass); my $rc; if ( defined($sarg) ) { $rc = $sclass->execute( $controller, $c, $sarg ); } else { $rc = $sclass->execute( $controller, $c ); } if ( $rc eq "0" ) { return $self->unsupported_media_type( $c, $content_type ); } elsif ( $rc ne "1" ) { return $self->serialize_bad_request( $c, $content_type, $rc ); } } $self->maybe::next::method(@_); return 1; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; =head1 NAME Catalyst::Action::Deserialize - Deserialize Data in a Request =head1 SYNOPSIS package Foo::Controller::Bar; __PACKAGE__->config( 'default' => 'text/x-yaml', 'stash_key' => 'rest', 'map' => { 'text/x-yaml' => 'YAML', 'text/x-data-dumper' => [ 'Data::Serializer', 'Data::Dumper' ], }, ); sub begin :ActionClass('Deserialize') {} =head1 DESCRIPTION This action will deserialize HTTP POST, PUT, OPTIONS and DELETE requests. It assumes that the body of the HTTP Request is a serialized object. The serializer is selected by introspecting the requests content-type header. If you want deserialize any other HTTP method besides POST, PUT, OPTIONS and DELETE you can do this by setting the C<< deserialize_http_methods >> list via C<< action_args >>. Just modify the config in your controller and define a list of HTTP methods the deserialization should happen for: __PACKAGE__->config( action_args => { '*' => { deserialize_http_methods => [qw(POST PUT OPTIONS DELETE GET)] } } ); See also L. The specifics of deserializing each content-type is implemented as a plugin to L. You can see a list of currently implemented plugins in L. The results of your Deserializing will wind up in $c->req->data. This is done through the magic of L. While it is common for this Action to be called globally as a C method, there is nothing stopping you from using it on a single routine: sub foo :Local :Action('Deserialize') {} Will work just fine. When you use this module, the request class will be changed to L. =head1 RFC 7231 Compliance Mode To maintain backwards compatibility with the module's original functionality, where it was assumed the deserialize and serialize content types are the same, an optional compliance mode can be enabled to break this assumption. __PACKAGE__->config( 'compliance_mode' => 1, 'default' => 'text/x-yaml', 'stash_key' => 'rest', 'map' => { 'text/x-yaml' => 'YAML', 'text/x-data-dumper' => [ 'Data::Serializer', 'Data::Dumper' ], }, 'deserialize_default => 'application/json', 'deserialize_map' => { 'application/json' => 'JSON', }, ); Three extra keys are added to the controller configuration. compliance_mode, a boolean to enable the mode. And a parallel set of content type mappings 'deserialize_default' and 'deserialize_map' to mirror the default/map configuration keys. The module will use the default/map keys when negotiating the serializing content type specified by the client in the Accept header. And will use the deserialize_default/deserialize_map in conjunction with the Content-Type header where the client is giving the content type being sent in the request. =head1 CUSTOM ERRORS For building custom error responses when de-serialization fails, you can create an ActionRole (and use L to apply it to the C action) which overrides C and/or C methods. =head1 SEE ALSO You likely want to look at L, which implements a sensible set of defaults for a controller doing REST. L, L =head1 AUTHORS See L for authors. =head1 LICENSE You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut