########################################################################### # Copyright (c) Nate Wiger http://nateware.com. All Rights Reserved. # Please visit http://formbuilder.org for tutorials, support, and examples. ########################################################################### package CGI::FormBuilder::Field; =head1 NAME CGI::FormBuilder::Field - Base class for FormBuilder fields =head1 SYNOPSIS use CGI::FormBuilder::Field; # delegated straight from FormBuilder my $f = CGI::FormBuilder::Field->new($form, name => 'whatever'); # attribute functions my $n = $f->name; # name of field my $n = "$f"; # stringify to $f->name my $t = $f->type; # auto-type my @v = $f->value; # auto-stickiness my @o = $f->options; # options, aligned and sorted my $l = $f->label; # auto-label my $h = $f->tag; # field XHTML tag (name/type/value) my $s = $f->script; # per-field JS validation script my $m = $f->message; # error message if invalid my $m = $f->jsmessage; # JavaScript error message my $r = $f->required; # required? my $k = $f->validate; # run validation check my $v = $f->tag_value; # value in tag (stickiness handling) my $v = $f->cgi_value; # CGI value if any my $v = $f->def_value; # manually-specified value $f->field(opt => 'val'); # FormBuilder field() call =cut use Carp; # confess used manually in this pkg use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use CGI::FormBuilder::Util; our $VERSION = '3.10'; our $AUTOLOAD; # what to generate for tag our @TAGATTR = qw(name type multiple jsclick); # Catches for special validation patterns # These are semi-Perl patterns; they must be usable by JavaScript # as well so they do not take advantage of features JS can't use # If the value is an arrayref, then the second arg is a tag to # spit out at the person after the field label to help with format our %VALIDATE = ( WORD => '/^\w+$/', NAME => '/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', NUM => '/^-?\s*[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$|^-?\s*\.[0-9]+$/', # 1, 1.25, .25 INT => '/^-?\s*[0-9]+$/', FLOAT => '/^-?\s*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', PHONE => '/^\d{3}\-\d{3}\-\d{4}$|^\(\d{3}\)\s+\d{3}\-\d{4}$/', INTPHONE => '/^\+\d+[\s\-][\d\-\s]+$/', EMAIL => '/^[\w\-\+\._]+\@[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', CARD => '/^\d{4}[\- ]?\d{4}[\- ]?\d{4}[\- ]?\d{4}$|^\d{4}[\- ]?\d{6}[\- ]?\d{5}$/', MMYY => '/^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/?[0-9]{2}$/', MMYYYY => '/^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/?[0-9]{4}$/', DATE => '/^(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/?(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])\/?[0-9]{4}$/', EUDATE => '/^(0?[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])\/?(0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/?[0-9]{4}$/', TIME => '/^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}$/', AMPM => '/^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}\s*([aA]|[pP])[mM]$/', ZIPCODE => '/^\d{5}$|^\d{5}\-\d{4}$/', STATE => '/^[a-zA-Z]{2}$/', COUNTRY => '/^[a-zA-Z]{2}$/', IPV4 => '/^([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/', NETMASK => '/^([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.([0-1]??\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/', FILE => '/^[\/\w\.\-_]+$/', WINFILE => '/^[a-zA-Z]:\\[\\\w\s\.\-]+$/', MACFILE => '/^[:\w\.\-_]+$/', USER => '/^[-a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,8}$/', HOST => '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$/', DOMAIN => '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9\.]*\.[a-zA-Z]+$/', ETHER => '/^[\da-f]{1,2}[\.:]?[\da-f]{1,2}[\.:]?[\da-f]{1,2}[\.:]?[\da-f]{1,2}[\.:]?[\da-f]{1,2}[\.:]?[\da-f]{1,2}$/i', # Many thanks to Mark Belanger for these additions FNAME => '/^[a-zA-Z]+[- ]?[a-zA-Z]*$/', LNAME => '/^[a-zA-Z]+[- ]?[a-zA-Z]+\s*,?([a-zA-Z]+|[a-zA-Z]+\.)?$/', CCMM => '/^0[1-9]|1[012]$/', CCYY => '/^[1-9]{2}$/', ); # stringify to name use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->name }, #'.' => sub { $_[0]->name }, '0+' => sub { $_[0]->name }, 'bool' => sub { $_[0]->name }, 'eq' => sub { $_[0]->name eq $_[1] }; sub new { puke "Not enough arguments for Field->new()" unless @_ > 1; my $self = shift; my $form = shift; # need for top-level attr my $opt = arghash(@_); $opt->{_form} = $form; # parental ptr puke "Missing name for field() in Field->new()" unless $opt->{name}; my $class = ref($self) || $self; my $f = bless $opt, $class; # Note that at this point, the object is a generic field # without a type. Not until it's called via $f->type does # it get a type, which affects its HTML representation. # Everything else is inherited from this module. return $f; } sub field { my $self = shift; if (ref $_[0] || @_ > 1) { my $opt = arghash(@_); while (my($k,$v) = each %$opt) { next if $k eq 'name'; # segfault?? $self->{$k} = $v; } } return $self->value; # needed for @v = $form->field('name') } *override = \&force; # CGI.pm sub force { my $self = shift; $self->{force} = shift if @_; return $self->{force} || $self->{override}; } # grab the field_other field if other => 1 specified sub other { my $self = shift; $self->{other} = shift if @_; return unless $self->{other}; $self->{other} = {} unless ref $self->{other}; $self->{other}{name} = $self->othername; return wantarray ? %{$self->{other}} : $self->{other}; } sub othername { my $self = shift; return $self->{_form}->othername . '_' . $self->name; } sub othertag { my $self = shift; return '' unless $self->other; # add an additional tag for our _other field my $oa = $self->other; # other attr # default settings $oa->{type} ||= 'text'; my $v = $self->{_form}->cgi_param($self->othername); #$v = $self->tag_value unless defined $v; if ($self->sticky and defined $v) { $oa->{value} = $v; } $oa->{disabled} = 'disabled' if $self->javascript && ! defined $v; # fanciness return htmltag('input', $oa); } sub growname { my $self = shift; return $self->{_form}->growname . '_' . $self->name; } sub cgi_value { my $self = shift; debug 2, "$self->{name}: called \$field->cgi_value"; puke "Cannot set \$field->cgi_value manually" if @_; if (my @v = $self->{_form}{params}->can('multi_param') ? $self->{_form}{params}->multi_param($self->name) : $self->{_form}{params}->param($self->name)) { for my $v (@v) { if ($self->other && $v eq $self->othername) { debug 1, "$self->{name}: redoing value from _other field"; $v = $self->{_form}{params}->param($self->othername); } } local $" = ','; debug 2, "$self->{name}: cgi value = (@v)"; return wantarray ? @v : $v[0]; } return; } sub def_value { my $self = shift; debug 2, "$self->{name}: called \$field->def_value"; if (@_) { $self->{value} = arglist(@_); # manually set delete $self->{_cache}{type}; # clear auto-type } my @v = autodata $self->{value}; local $" = ','; debug 2, "$self->{name}: def value = (@v)"; $self->inflate_value(\@v); return wantarray ? @v : $v[0]; } sub inflate_value { my ($self, $v_aref) = @_; debug 2, "$self->{name}: called \$field->inflate_value"; # trying to inflate? return unless exists $self->{inflate}; debug 2, "$self->{name}: inflate routine exists"; # must return real values to the validate() routine: return if grep { ((caller($_))[3] eq 'CGI::FormBuilder::Field::validate') } 1..2; debug 2, "$self->{name}: made sure inflate not called via validate"; # must be valid: #return unless exists $self->{invalid} && ! $self->{invalid}; return if $self->invalid; debug 2, "$self->{name}: valid field, inflate proceeding"; my $cache = $self->{inflated_values}; if ($cache && ref $cache eq 'ARRAY' && @{$cache}) { # could have been cached by validate() check @{ $v_aref } = @{ $self->{inflated_values} }; debug 2, "$self->{name}: using cached inflate " . "value from validate()"; } else { debug 2, "$self->{name}: new inflate"; puke("Field $self->{name}: inflate must be a reference to a \\&sub") if ref $self->{inflate} ne 'CODE'; eval { @{ $v_aref } = map $self->{inflate}->($_), @{ $v_aref } }; # no choice but to die hard if didn't validate() first puke("Field $self->{name}: inflate failed: $@") if $@; # cache the result: @{ $self->{inflated_values} } = @{ $v_aref }; } return; } # CGI.pm happiness *default = \&value; *defaults = \&value; *values = \&value; sub value { my $self = shift; debug 2, "$self->{name}: called \$field->value(@_)"; if (@_) { $self->{value} = arglist(@_); # manually set delete $self->{_cache}{type}; # clear auto-type } unless ($self->force) { # CGI wins if stickiness is set debug 2, "$self->{name}: sticky && ! force"; if (my @v = $self->cgi_value) { local $" = ','; debug 1, "$self->{name}: returning value (@v)"; $self->inflate_value(\@v); return wantarray ? @v : $v[0]; } } debug 2, "no cgi found, returning def_value"; # no CGI value, or value was forced, or not sticky return $self->def_value; } # The value in the may be different than in code (sticky) sub tag_value { my $self = shift; debug 2, "$self->{name}: called \$field->tag_value"; if (@_) { # setting the tag_value manually is odd... $self->{tag_value} = arglist(@_); delete $self->{_cache}{type}; } return $self->{tag_value} if $self->{tag_value}; if ($self->sticky && ! $self->force) { # CGI wins if stickiness is set debug 2, "$self->{name}: sticky && ! force"; if (my @v = $self->cgi_value) { local $" = ','; debug 1, "$self->{name}: returning value (@v)"; return wantarray ? @v : $v[0]; } } debug 2, "no cgi found, returning def_value"; # no CGI value, or value was forced, or not sticky return $self->def_value; } # Handle "b:select" and "b:option" sub tag_name { my $self = shift; $self->{tag_name} = shift if @_; return $self->{tag_name} if $self->{tag_name}; # Try to guess my($tag) = ref($self) =~ /^CGI::FormBuilder::Field::(.+)/; puke "Can't resolve tag for untyped field '$self->{name}'" unless $tag; return $tag; } sub type { local $^W = 0; # -w sucks my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{type} = lc shift; delete $self->{_cache}{type}; # forces rebless debug 2, "setting field type to '$self->{type}'"; } # # catch for new way of saying static => 1 # # confirm() will set ->static but not touch $self->{type}, # so make sure it's not a field the user hid themselves # if ($self->static && $self->{type} ne 'hidden') { $self->{type} = 'static'; delete $self->{_cache}{type}; # forces rebless debug 2, "setting field type to '$self->{type}'"; } # manually set debug 2, "$self->{name}: called \$field->type (manual = '$self->{type}')"; # The $field->type method is called so often that it really slows # things down. As such, we cache the type and use it *unless* the # value has been updated manually (we assume one CGI instance). # See value() for its deletion of this cache return $self->{_cache}{type} if $self->{_cache}{type}; my $name = $self->{name}; my $type; unless ($type = lc $self->{type}) { # # Unless the type has been set explicitly, we make a guess # based on how many items there are to display, which is # basically, how many options we have. Our 'jsclick' option # is now changed down in the javascript section, fixing a bug # if ($self->{_form}->smartness) { debug 1, "$name: input type not set, checking for options"; if (my $n = $self->options) { debug 2, "$name: has options, so setting to select|radio|checkbox"; if ($n >= $self->selectnum) { debug 2, "$name: has more than selectnum (", $self->selectnum, ") options, setting to 'select'"; $type = 'select'; } else { # Something is a checkbox if it is a multi-valued box. # However, it is *also* a checkbox if only single-valued options, # otherwise you can't unselect it. my @v = $self->def_value; # only on manual, not dubious CGI if ($self->multiple || @v > 1 || $n == 1) { debug 2, "$name: has multiple select < selectnum, setting to 'checkbox'"; $type = 'checkbox'; } else { debug 2, "$name: has singular select < selectnum, setting to 'radio'"; $type = 'radio'; } } } elsif ($self->{_form}->smartness > 1) { debug 2, "$name: smartness > 1, auto-inferring type based on value"; # only autoinfer field types based on values with high smartness my @v = $self->def_value; # only on manual, not dubious CGI if ($name =~ /passw(or)?d/i) { $type = 'password'; } elsif ($name =~ /(?:details?|comments?)$/i || grep /\n|\r/, @v || $self->cols || $self->rows) { $type = 'textarea'; } elsif ($name =~ /\bfile/i) { $type = 'file'; } } else { debug 2, "no options found"; } } $type ||= 'text'; # default if no fancy settings matched or no smartness } debug 1, "$name: field set to type '$type' (reblessing)"; # Store type in cache for speediness $self->{_cache}{type} = $type; # Re-bless into the appropriate package my $pkg = __PACKAGE__ . '::' . $type; $pkg =~ s/\-/_/g; # handle HTML5 type names ala 'datetime-local' eval "require $pkg"; puke "Can't load $pkg for field '$name' (type '$type'): $@" if $@; bless $self, $pkg; return $type; } sub label { my $self = shift; $self->{label} = shift if @_; return $self->{label} if defined $self->{label}; # manually set return toname($self->name); } sub attr { my $self = shift; if (my $k = shift) { $self->{$k} = shift if @_; return exists $self->{$k} ? $self->{$k} : $self->{_form}->$k; } else { # exhaustive expansion, but don't invoke validate(). my %ret; for my $k (@TAGATTR, keys %$self) { my $v; next if $k =~ /^_/ || $k eq 'validate'; # don't invoke validate if ($k eq 'jsclick') { # always has to be a special fucking case $v = $self->{$k}; $k = $self->jstype; } elsif (exists $self->{$k}) { # flat val $v = $self->{$k}; $v = lc $v if $k eq 'type'; } else { $v = $self->$k; } next unless defined $v; debug 3, "$self->{name}: \$attr{$k} = '$v'"; $ret{$k} = $v; } # More special cases # 1. disabled field/form $self->disabled ? $ret{disabled} = 'disabled' : delete $ret{disabled}; # 2. setup class for stylesheets and JS vars $ret{class} ||= $self->{_form}->class('_'. ($ret{type} eq 'text' ? 'input' : $ret{type}) ); # 3. useless in all tags delete $ret{value}; return wantarray ? %ret : \%ret; } } sub multiple { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{multiple} = shift; # manually set delete $self->{_cache}{type}; # clear auto-type } return 'multiple' if $self->{multiple}; # manually set my @v = $self->tag_value; return 'multiple' if @v > 1; return; } sub options { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{options} = shift; # manually set delete $self->{_cache}{type}; # clear auto-type } return unless $self->{options}; # align options per internal settings my @opt = optalign($self->{options}); # scalar is just counting length, so skip sort return @opt unless wantarray; # sort if requested @opt = optsort($self->sortopts, @opt) if $self->sortopts; return @opt; } # per-field messages sub message { my $self = shift; $self->{message} = shift if @_; my $mess = $self->{message}; unless ($mess) { my $type = shift || $self->type; my $et = 'form_invalid_' . ($type eq 'text' ? 'input' : $type); $et = 'form_invalid_input' if $self->other; # other fields assume text $mess = sprintf(($self->{_form}{messages}->$et || $self->{_form}{messages}->form_invalid_default), $self->label); } return $self->{_form}{stylesheet} ? qq($mess) : $mess; } sub jsmessage { my $self = shift; $self->{jsmessage} = shift if @_; my $mess = $self->{jsmessage} || $self->{message}; unless ($mess) { my $type = shift || $self->type; my $et = 'js_invalid_' . ($type eq 'text' ? 'input' : $type); $et = 'js_invalid_input' if $self->other; # other fields assume text $mess = sprintf(($self->{_form}{messages}->$et || $self->{_form}{messages}->js_invalid_default), $self->label); } return $mess } sub comment { my $self = shift; $self->{comment} = shift if @_; my $mess = $self->{comment} || return ''; return $self->{_form}{stylesheet} ? qq($mess) : $mess; } # simple error wrapper (why wasn't this here?) sub error { my $self = shift; return $self->invalid ? $self->message : ''; } sub jstype { my $self = shift; my $type = shift || $self->type; return ($type eq 'radio' || $type eq 'checkbox') ? 'onclick' : 'onchange'; } sub script { my $self = shift; # # An unfortunate hack. Sometimes (often?) we don't know the field # type until render(), in which Javascript is generated first. So, # the grandfather (this) of all script() methods just sets the type # by calling $self->type in a void context (which reblesses the object) # and then calling $self->script again. I think this sucks, but then # again this code shouldn't be called that often. Maybe. # $self->type; $self->script; } sub jsfield { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->name; my $pattern = $self->{validate}; debug 2, "return '' unless ".$self->javascript." && ($pattern || ".$self->required.")"; return '' unless $self->javascript && ($pattern || $self->required); # First arg is the script that our children should've included my($jsfunc, $close_brace, $in) = @_; unless ($jsfunc) { belch "Missing generated \$jsfunc string for $name->jsfield"; return ''; } debug 1, "$name: generating JavaScript validation code"; # Special catch, since many would assume this would work if (ref $pattern eq 'Regexp') { puke "To use a regex in a 'validate' option you must specify ". "it in single quotes, like '/^\\w+\$/' - failed on '$name' field"; } # hashref is a grouping per-language if (ref $pattern eq 'HASH') { $pattern = $pattern->{javascript} || return ''; } # Check our hash to see if it's a special pattern $pattern = $VALIDATE{$pattern} if $VALIDATE{$pattern}; # Make field name JS-safe my $jsfield = tovar($name); # Note we have to use form.elements['name'] instead of just form.name # as the JAPH using this module may have defined fields like "u.type" my $alertstr = escapejs($self->jsmessage); # handle embedded ' $alertstr .= '\n'; # Our fields are only required if the required option is set # So, if not set, add a not-null check to the if below my $notnull = $self->required ? qq[$jsfield == null ||] # must have or error : qq[$jsfield != null && $jsfield != "" &&]; # only care if filled in if ($pattern =~ m#^m?(\S)(.*)\1$#) { # JavaScript regexp ($pattern = $2) =~ s/\\\//\//g; $pattern =~ s/\//\\\//g; $jsfunc .= qq[${in}if ($notnull ! $jsfield.match(/$pattern/)) {\n]; } elsif (ref $pattern eq 'ARRAY') { # Must be w/i this set of values # Can you figure out how this piece of Perl works? No, seriously, I forgot. $jsfunc .= qq[${in}if ($notnull ($jsfield != '] . join("' && $jsfield != '", @{$pattern}) . "')) {\n"; } elsif (ref $pattern eq 'CODE' || $pattern eq 'VALUE' || ($self->required && ! $pattern)) { # Not null (for required sub refs, just check for a value) $jsfunc .= qq[${in}if ($notnull $jsfield === "") {\n]; } else { # Literal string is literal code to execute, but provide # a warning just in case belch "Validation string '$pattern' may be a typo of a builtin pattern" if $pattern =~ /^[A-Z]+$/; $jsfunc .= qq[${in}if ($notnull $jsfield $pattern) {\n]; } # add on our alert message, but only if it's required $jsfunc .= <type; return $self->tag(@_); } sub validate () { # This function does all the validation on the Perl side. # It doesn't generate JavaScript; see render() for that... my $self = shift; my $form = $self->{_form}; # alias for examples (paint-by-numbers) local $^W = 0; # -w sucks my $pattern = shift || $self->{validate}; my $field = $self->name; # inflation subref? my $inflate = (exists $self->{inflate}) ? $self->{inflate} : undef; puke("$field: inflate attribute must be subroutine reference") if defined $inflate && ref $inflate ne 'CODE'; puke("$field: inflate requires a validation pattern") if defined $inflate && !defined $pattern; $self->{inflated_values} = [ ] if $inflate; debug 1, "$self->{name}: called \$field->validate(@_) for field '$field'"; # Check our hash to see if it's a special pattern ($pattern) = autodata($VALIDATE{$pattern}) if $VALIDATE{$pattern}; # Hashref is a grouping per-language if (ref $pattern eq 'HASH') { $pattern = $pattern->{perl} || return 1; } # Counter for fail or success my $bad = 0; # Loop thru, and if something isn't valid, we tag it my $atleastone = 0; $self->{invalid} ||= 0; for my $value ($self->value) { my $thisfail = 0; # only continue if field is required or filled in if ($self->required) { debug 1, "$field: is required per 'required' param"; } else { debug 1, "$field: is optional per 'required' param"; next unless length($value) && defined($pattern); debug 1, "$field: ...but is defined, so still checking"; } $atleastone++; debug 1, "$field: validating ($value) against pattern '$pattern'"; if ($pattern =~ m#^m(\S)(.*)\1$# || $pattern =~ m#^(/)(.*)\1$#) { # it be a regexp, handle / escaping (my $tpat = $2) =~ s#\\/#/#g; $tpat =~ s#/#\\/#g; debug 2, "$field: does '$value' =~ /$tpat/ ?"; unless ($value =~ /$tpat/) { $thisfail = ++$bad; } } elsif (ref $pattern eq 'ARRAY') { # must be w/i this set of values debug 2, "$field: is '$value' in (@{$pattern}) ?"; unless (ismember($value, @{$pattern})) { $thisfail = ++$bad; } } elsif (ref $pattern eq 'CODE') { # eval that mofo, which gives them $form my $extra = $form->{c} || $form; debug 2, "$field: does $pattern($value, $extra) ret true ?"; unless (&{$pattern}($value, $extra)) { $thisfail = ++$bad; } } elsif ($pattern eq 'VALUE') { # Not null debug 2, "$field: length '$value' > 0 ?"; unless (defined($value) && length($value)) { $thisfail = ++$bad; } } elsif (! defined $pattern) { debug 2, "$field: length('$value') > 0"; $thisfail = ++$bad unless length($value) > 0; } else { # literal string is a literal comparison, but warn of typos... belch "Validation string '$pattern' may be a typo of a builtin pattern" if ($pattern =~ /^[A-Z]+$/); # must reference to prevent serious problem if $value = "'; system 'rm -f /'; '" debug 2, "$field: '$value' $pattern ? 1 : 0"; unless (eval qq(\$value $pattern ? 1 : 0)) { $thisfail = ++$bad; } belch "Literal code eval error in validate: $@" if $@; } # Just for debugging's sake $thisfail ? debug 2, "$field: pattern FAILED" : debug 2, "$field: pattern passed"; # run inflation subref if defined, trap errors and warn if (defined $inflate) { debug 1, "trying to inflate value '$value'"; my $inflated_value = eval { $inflate->($value) }; if ($@) { belch "Field $field: inflate failed on value '$value' due to '$@'"; $thisfail = ++$bad; } # cache for value(): push @{$self->{inflated_values}}, $inflated_value; # debugging: $thisfail ? debug 2, "$field: inflate FAILED" : debug 2, "$field: inflate passed"; } } # If not $atleastone and they asked for validation, then we # know that we have an error since this means no values if ($bad || (! $atleastone && $self->required)) { debug 1, "$field: validation FAILED"; $self->{invalid} = $bad || 1; $self->{missing} = $atleastone; return; } else { debug 1, "$field: validation passed"; delete $self->{invalid}; # in case of previous run delete $self->{missing}; # ditto return 1; } } sub static () { my $self = shift; $self->{static} = shift if @_; return $self->{static} if exists $self->{static}; # check parent for this as well return $self->{_form}{static}; } sub disabled () { my $self = shift; $self->{disabled} = shift if @_; return ($self->{disabled} ? 'disabled' : undef) if exists $self->{disabled}; # check parent for this as well return $self->{_form}->disabled; } sub javascript () { my $self = shift; $self->{javascript} = shift if @_; return $self->{javascript} if exists $self->{javascript}; # check parent for this as well return $self->{_form}{javascript}; } sub growable () { my $self = shift; $self->{growable} = shift if @_; return unless $self->{growable}; # check to make sure we're only a text or file type unless ($self->type eq 'text' || $self->type eq 'file') { belch "The 'growable' option only works with 'text' or 'file' fields"; return; } return $self->{growable}; } sub name () { my $self = shift; $self->{name} = shift if @_; confess "[".__PACKAGE__."::name] Fatal: Attempt to manipulate unnamed field" unless exists $self->{name}; return $self->{name}; } sub DESTROY { 1 } sub AUTOLOAD { # This allows direct addressing by name, for quicker usage my $self = shift; my($name) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(.+)/; debug 3, "-> dispatch to \$field->{$name} = @_"; croak "self not ref in AUTOLOAD" unless ref $self; # nta $self->{$name} = shift if @_; return $self->{$name}; } 1; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is internally used by B to create and maintain field information. Usually, you will not want to directly access this set of data structures. However, one big exception is if you are going to micro-control form rendering. In this case, you will need to access the field objects directly. To do so, you will want to loop through the fields in order: for my $field ($form->field) { # $field holds an object stringified to a field name if ($field =~ /_date$/) { $field->sticky(0); # clear CGI value print "Enter $field here:", $field->tag; } else { print $field->label, ': ', $field->tag; } } As illustrated, each C<$field> variable actually holds a stringifiable object. This means if you print them out, you will get the field name, allowing you to check for certain fields. However, since it is an object, you can then run accessor methods directly on that object. The most useful method is C. It generates the HTML input tag for the field, including all option and type handling, and returns a string which you can then print out or manipulate appropriately. Second to this method is the C