use strict; use warnings; package B::Hooks::OP::Check; # git description: 0.21-5-g968d5ca # ABSTRACT: Wrap OP check callbacks require 5.008001; use parent qw/DynaLoader/; our $VERSION = '0.22'; sub dl_load_flags { 0x01 } __PACKAGE__->bootstrap($VERSION); 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME B::Hooks::OP::Check - Wrap OP check callbacks =head1 VERSION version 0.22 =head1 SYNOPSIS # include "hook_op_check.h" STATIC OP *my_const_check_op (pTHX_ OP *op, void *user_data) { /* ... */ return op; } STATIC hook_op_check_id my_hook_id = 0; void setup () CODE: my_hook_id = hook_op_check (OP_CONST, my_const_check_op, NULL); void teardown () CODE: hook_op_check_remove (OP_CONST, my_hook_id); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module provides a C API for XS modules to hook into the callbacks of C. L is used to export all functions for other XS modules to use. Include the following in your Makefile.PL: my $pkg = ExtUtils::Depends->new('Your::XSModule', 'B::Hooks::OP::Check'); WriteMakefile( ... # your normal makefile flags $pkg->get_makefile_vars, ); Your XS module can now include C. =for stopwords cb =head1 TYPES =head2 typedef OP *(*hook_op_check_cb) (pTHX_ OP *, void *); Type that callbacks need to implement. =head2 typedef UV hook_op_check_id Type to identify a callback. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 hook_op_check_id hook_op_check (opcode type, hook_op_check_cb cb, void *user_data) Register the callback C to be called after the C function for opcodes of the given C. C will be passed to the callback as the last argument. Returns an id that can be used to remove the callback later on. =head2 void *hook_op_check_remove (opcode type, hook_op_check_id id) Remove the callback identified by C. Returns the user_data that the callback had. =head1 SUPPORT Bugs may be submitted through L (or L). =head1 AUTHOR Florian Ragwitz =head1 CONTRIBUTORS =for stopwords Karen Etheridge Zefram Alexandr Ciornii =over 4 =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Zefram =item * Alexandr Ciornii =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2008 by Florian Ragwitz. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut