package App::cpm::Tutorial; use strict; use warnings; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME App::cpm::Tutorial - How to use cpm =head1 SYNOPSIS $ cpm install Module =head1 DESCRIPTION cpm is yet another CPAN client (like L, L, and L), which is fast! =head2 How to install cpm From CPAN: $ curl -fsSL | perl - install -g App::cpm Or, download a I cpm: $ curl -fsSL > cpm $ chmod +x cpm $ ./cpm --version =head2 First step $ cpm install Plack This command installs Plack into C<./local>, and you can use it by $ perl -I$PWD/local/lib/perl5 -MPlack -E 'say Plack->VERSION' If you want to install modules into current INC instead of C<./local>, then use C<--global/-g> option. $ cpm install --global Plack By default, cpm outputs only C things. If you want more verbose messages, use C<--verbose/-v> option. $ cpm install --verbose Plack =head2 Second step cpm can handle version range notation like L. Let's see some examples. $ cpm install Plack~'> 1.000, <= 2.000' $ cpm install Plack~'== 1.0030' $ cpm install Plack@1.0030 # this is an alias of ~'== 1.0030' cpm can install dev releases (TRIAL releases). $ cpm install Moose@dev # if you prefer dev releases for not only Moose, # but also its dependencies, then use global --dev option $ cpm install --dev Moose And cpm can install modules from git repositories directly. $ cpm install =head2 cpanfile and dist/url/mirror/git syntax If you omit arguments, and there exists one of =over 4 =item L =item L =item L (with dynamic_config false) =item C =item C =back in the current directory, then cpm loads modules from the file, and install them $ cat cpanfile requires 'Moose', '2.000'; requires 'Plack', '> 1.000, <= 2.000'; $ cpm install If you have C, then cpm tries to resolve distribution names from it $ cpm install -v 30186 DONE resolve (0.001sec) Plack -> Plack-1.0030 (from Snapshot) ... cpm supports dist/url/mirror syntax in cpanfile just like cpanminus: requires 'Path::Class', 0.26, dist => "KWILLIAMS/Path-Class-0.26.tar.gz"; # use dist + mirror requires 'Cookie::Baker', dist => "KAZEBURO/Cookie-Baker-0.08.tar.gz", mirror => ""; # use the full URL requires 'Try::Tiny', 0.28, url => ""; cpm also supports git syntax in cpanfile: requires 'Carl', git => ''; requires 'App::cpm', git => ''; requires 'Perl::PrereqDistributionGatherer', git => '', ref => '3850305'; # ref can be revision/branch/tag Please note that to support git syntax in cpanfile wholly, there are several TODOs. =head2 Darkpan integration There are CPAN modules that create I (minicpan, CPAN mirror) such as L, L, L. Such darkpans store distribution tarballs in DARKPAN/authors/id/A/AU/AUTHOR/Module-0.01.tar.gz and create the I index file C<02packages.details.txt.gz> in DARKPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz If you want to use cpm against such darkpans, change the cpm resolver by C<--resolver/-r> option: $ cpm install --resolver 02packages, Module $ cpm install --resolver 02packages,file::///path/to/darkpan Module If you host your own metadb for your own darkpan, you can use it too: $ cpm install \ --resolver metadb,, \ Module =cut