package App::Ack; use warnings; use strict; =head1 NAME App::Ack =head1 DESCRIPTION A container for functions for the ack program. =cut our $VERSION; our $COPYRIGHT; BEGIN { $VERSION = 'v3.7.0'; # Check for updates $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright 2005-2023 Andy Lester.'; } our $STANDALONE = 0; our $ORIGINAL_PROGRAM_NAME; our $fh; BEGIN { $fh = *STDOUT; } our %types; our %type_wanted; our %mappings; our %ignore_dirs; our $is_filter_mode; our $output_to_pipe; our $is_windows; our $debug_nopens = 0; # Line ending, changes to "\0" if --print0. our $ors = "\n"; BEGIN { # These have to be checked before any filehandle diddling. $output_to_pipe = not -t *STDOUT; $is_filter_mode = -p STDIN; $is_windows = ($^O eq 'MSWin32'); } =head1 SYNOPSIS If you want to know about the F program, see the F file itself. No user-serviceable parts inside. F is all that should use this. =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 warn( @_ ) Put out an ack-specific warning. =cut sub warn { return CORE::warn( _my_program(), ': ', @_, "\n" ); } =head2 die( @msgs ) Die in an ack-specific way. =cut sub die { return CORE::die( _my_program(), ': ', @_, "\n" ); } sub _my_program { require File::Basename; return File::Basename::basename( $0 ); } sub thpppt { my $y = q{_ /|,\\'!.x',=(www)=, U }; $y =~ tr/,x!w/\nOo_/; App::Ack::print( "$y ack $_[0]!\n" ); exit 0; } sub ackbar { my $x; $x = <<'_BAR'; 6?!I'7!I"?%+! 3~!I#7#I"7#I!?!+!="+"="+!:! 2?#I!7!I!?#I!7!I"+"=%+"=# 1?"+!?*+!=#~"=!+#?"="+! 0?"+!?"I"?&+!="~!=!~"=!+%="+" /I!+!?)+!?!+!=$~!=!~!="+!="+"?!="?! .?%I"?%+%='?!=#~$=" ,,!?%I"?(+$=$~!=#:"~$:!~! ,I!?!I!?"I"?!+#?"+!?!+#="~$:!~!:!~!:!,!:!,":#~! +I!?&+!="+!?#+$=!~":!~!:!~!:!,!:#,!:!,%:" *+!I!?!+$=!+!=!+!?$+#=!~":!~":#,$:",#:!,!:! *I!?"+!?!+!=$+!?#+#=#~":$,!:",!:!,&:" )I!?$=!~!=#+"?!+!=!+!=!~!="~!:!~":!,'.!,%:!~! (=!?"+!?!=!~$?"+!?!+!=#~"=",!="~$,$.",#.!:!=! (I"+"="~"=!+&=!~"=!~!,!~!+!=!?!+!?!=!I!?!+"=!.",!.!,":! %I$?!+!?!=%+!~!+#~!=!~#:#=!~!+!~!=#:!,%.!,!.!:" $I!?!=!?!I!+!?"+!=!~!=!~!?!I!?!=!+!=!~#:",!~"=!~!:"~!=!:",&:" '-/ $?!+!I!?"+"=!+"~!,!:"+#~#:#,"=!~"=!,!~!,!.",!:".!:! */! !I!t!'!s! !a! !g!r!e!p!!! !/! $+"=!+!?!+"~!=!:!~!:"I!+!,!~!=!:!~!,!:!,$:!~".&:"~!,# (-/ %~!=!~!=!:!.!+"~!:!,!.!,!~!=!:$.!,":!,!.!:!~!,!:!=!.#="~!,!:" ./! %=!~!?!+"?"+!=!~",!.!:!?!~!.!:!,!:!,#.!,!:","~!:!=!~!=!:",!~! ./! %+"~":!~!=#~!:!~!,!.!~!:",!~!=!~!.!:!,!.",!:!,":!=":!.!,!:!7! -/! %~",!:".#:!=!:!,!:"+!:!~!:!.!,!~!,!.#,!.!,$:"~!,":"~!=! */! &=!~!=#+!=!~",!.!:",#:#,!.",+:!,!.",!=!+!?! &~!=!~!=!~!:"~#:",!.!,#~!:!.!+!,!.",$.",$.#,!+!I!?! &~!="~!:!~":!~",!~!=!~":!,!:!~!,!:!,&.$,#."+!?!I!?!I! &~!=!~!=!+!,!:!~!:!=!,!:!~&:$,!.!,".!,".!,#."~!+!?$I! &~!=!~!="~!=!:!~":!,!~%:#,!:",!.!,#.",#I!7"I!?!+!?"I" &+!I!7!:#~"=!~!:!,!:"~$.!=!.!,!~!,$.#,!~!7!I#?!+!?"I"7! %7#?!+!~!:!=!~!=!~":!,!:"~":#.!,)7#I"?"I!7& %7#I!=":!=!~!:"~$:"~!:#,!:!,!:!~!:#,!7#I!?#7) $7$+!,!~!=#~!:!~!:!~$:#,!.!~!:!=!,":!7#I"?#7+=!?! $7#I!~!,!~#=!~!:"~!:!,!:!,#:!=!~",":!7$I!?#I!7*+!=!+" "I!7$I!,":!,!.!=":$,!:!,$:$7$I!+!?"I!7+?"I!7!I!7!,! !,!7%I!:",!."~":!,&.!,!:!~!I!7$I!+!?"I!7,?!I!7',! !7(,!.#~":!,%.!,!7%I!7!?#I"7,+!?!7* 7+:!,!~#,"=!7'I!?#I"7/+!7+ 77I!+!7!?!7!I"71+!7, _BAR return _pic_decode($x); } sub cathy { my $x = <<'CATHY'; 0+!--+! 0|! "C!H!O!C!O!L!A!T!E!!! !|! 0|! "C!H!O!C!O!L!A!T!E!!! !|! 0|! "C!H!O!C!O!L!A!T!E!!! !|! 0|! $A"C!K!!! $|! 0+!--+! 6\! 1:!,!.! ! 7\! /.!M!~!Z!M!~! 8\! /~!D! "M! ! 4.! $\! /M!~!.!8! +.!M# 4 0,!.! (\! .~!M!N! ,+!I!.!M!.! 3 /?!O!.!M!:! '\! .O!.! +~!Z!=!N!.! 4 ..! !D!Z!.!Z!.! '\! 9=!M".! 6 /.! !.!~!M".! '\! 8~! 9 4M!.! /.!7!N!M!.! F 4.! &:!M! !N"M# !M"N!M! #D!M&=! = :M!7!M#:! !~!M!7!,!$!M!:! #.! !O!N!.!M!:!M# ; 8Z!M"~!N!$!D!.!N!?! !I!N!.! (?!M! !M!,!D!M".! 9 (?!Z!M!N!:! )=!M!O!8!.!M!+!M! !M!,! !O!M! +,!M!.!M!~!Z!N!M!:! &:!~! 0 &8!7!.!~!M"D!M!,! &M!?!=!8! !M!,!O! !M!+! !+!O!.!M! $M#~! !.!8!M!Z!.!M! !O!M"Z! %:!~!M!Z!M!Z!.! + &:!M!7!,! *M!.!Z!M! !8"M!.!M!~! !.!M!.!=! #~!8!.!M! !7!M! "N!Z#I! !D!M!,!M!.! $."M!,! !M!.! * 2$!O! "N! !.!M!I! !7" "M! "+!O! !~!M! !d!O!.!7!I!M!.! !.!O!=!M!.! !M",!M!.! %.!$!O!D! + 1~!O! "M!+! !8!$! "M! "?!O! %Z!8!D!M!?!8!I!O!7!M! #M!.!M! "M",!M! 4 07!~! ".!8! !.!M! "I!+! !.!M! &Z!D!.!7!=!M! !:!.!M! #:!8"+! !.!+!8! !8! 3 /~!M! #N! !~!M!$! !.!M! !.!M" &~!M! "~!M!O! "D! $M! !8! "M!,!M!+!D!.! 1 #.! #?!M!N!.! #~!O! $M!.!7!$! "?" !?!~!M! '7!8!?!M!.!+!M"O! $?"$!D! !.!O! !$!7!I!.! 0 $,!M!:!O!?! ".! !?!=! $=!:!O! !M! "M! !M! !+!$! (.! +.!M! !M!.! !8! !+"Z!~! $:!M!$! !.! ' #.!8!.!I!$! $7!I! %M" !=!M! !~!M!D! "7!I! .I!O! %?!=!,!D! !,!M! !D!~!8!~! %D!M! ( #.!M"?! $=!O! %=!N! "8!.! !Z!M! #M!~! (M!:! #.!M" &O! !M!.! !?!,! !8!.!N!~! $8!N!M!,!.! % *$!O! &M!,! "O! !.!M!.! #M! (~!M( &O!.! !7! "M! !.!M!.!M!,! #.!M! !M! & )=!8!.! $.!M!O!.! "$!.!I!N! !I!M# (7!M(I! %D"Z!M! "=!I! "M! !M!:! #~!D! ' )D! &8!N!:! ".!O! !M!="M! "M! (7!M) %." !M!D!."M!.! !$!=! !M!,! + (M! &+!.!M! #Z!7!O!M!.!~!8! +,!M#D!?!M#D! #.!Z!M#,!Z!?! !~!N! "N!.! !M! + 'D!:! %$!D! !?! #M!Z! !8!.! !M"?!7!?!7! '+!I!D! !?!O!:!M!:! ":!M!:! !M!7".!M! "8!+! !:!D! !.!M! * %.!O!:! $.!O!+! !D!.! #M! "M!.!+!N!I!Z! "7!M!N!M!N!?!I!7!Z!=!M'D"~! #M!.!8!$! !:! !.!M! "N!?! !,!O! ) !.!?!M!:!M!I! %8!,! "M!.! #M! "N! !M!.! !M!.! !+!~! !.!M!.! ':!M! $M! $M!Z!$! !M!.! "D! "M! "?!M! ( !7!8! !+!I! ".! "$!=! ":!$! "+! !M!.! !O! !M!I!M".! !=!~! ",!O! '=!M! $$!,! #N!:! ":!8!.! !D!~! !,!M!.! !:!M!.! & !:!,!.! &Z" #D! !.!8!."M!.! !8!?!Z!M!.!M! #Z!~! !?!M!Z!.! %~!O!.!8!$!N!8!O!I!:!~! !+! #M!.! !.!M!.! !+!M! ".!~!M!+! $ !.! 'D!I! #?!M!.!M!,! !.!Z! !.!8! #M&O!I!?! (~!I!M"." !M!Z!.! !M!N!.! "+!$!.! "M!.! !M!?!.! "8!M! $ (O!8! $M! !M!.! ".!:! !+!=! #M! #.!M! !+" *$!M":!.! !M!~! "M!7! #M! #7!Z! "M"$!M!.! !.! # '$!Z! #.!7!+!M! $.!,! !+!:! #N! #.!M!.!+!M! +D!M! #=!N! ":!O! #=!M! #Z!D! $M!I! % $,! ".! $.!M" %$!.! !?!~! "+!7!." !.!M!,! !M! *,!N!M!.$M!?! "D!,! #M!.! #N! + ,M!Z! &M! "I!,! "M! %I!M! !?!=!.! (Z!8!M! $:!M!.! !,!M! $D! #.!M!.! ) +8!O! &.!8! "I!,! !~!M! &N!M! !M!D! '?!N!O!." $?!7! "?!~! #M!.! #I!D!.! ( 3M!,! "N!.! !D" &.!+!M!.! !M":!.":!M!7!M!D! 'M!.! "M!.! "M!,! $I! ) 3I! #M! "M!,! !:! &.!M" ".!,! !.!$!M!I! #.! !:! !.!M!?! "N!+! ".! / 1M!,! #.!M!8!M!=!.! +~!N"O!Z"~! *+!M!.! "M! 2 0.!M! &M!.! 8:! %.!M!Z! "M!=! *O!,! % 0?!$! &N! )." .,! %."M! ":!M!.! 0 0N!:! %?!O! #.! ..! &,! &.!D!,! "N!I! 0 CATHY return _pic_decode($x); } sub _pic_decode { my($compressed) = @_; $compressed =~ s/(.)(.)/$1x(ord($2)-32)/eg; App::Ack::print( $compressed ); exit 0; } =head2 show_help() Dumps the help page to the user. =cut sub show_help { App::Ack::print( <<"END_OF_HELP" ); Usage: ack [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILES OR DIRECTORIES] Search for PATTERN in each source file in the tree from the current directory on down. If any files or directories are specified, then only those files and directories are checked. ack may also search STDIN, but only if no file or directory arguments are specified, or if one of them is "-". Default switches may be specified in an .ackrc file. If you want no dependency on the environment, turn it off with --noenv. File select actions: -f Only print the files selected, without searching. The PATTERN must not be specified. -g Same as -f, but only select files matching PATTERN. File listing actions: -l, --files-with-matches Print filenames with at least one match -L, --files-without-matches Print filenames with no matches -c, --count Print filenames and count of matching lines Searching: -i, --ignore-case Ignore case distinctions in PATTERN -S, --[no]smart-case Ignore case distinctions in PATTERN, only if PATTERN contains no upper case. Ignored if -i or -I are specified. -I, --no-ignore-case Turns on case-sensitivity in PATTERN. Negates -i and --smart-case. -v, --invert-match Invert match: select non-matching lines -w, --word-regexp Force PATTERN to match only whole words -Q, --literal Quote all metacharacters; PATTERN is literal --range-start PATTERN Specify PATTERN as the start of a match range. --range-end PATTERN Specify PATTERN as the end of a match range. --match PATTERN Specify PATTERN explicitly. Typically omitted. --not PATTERN Specifies PATTERN that must not be found on the line for a match to occur. Repeatable. Search output: --output=expr Output the evaluation of expr for each line (turns off text highlighting) -o Show only the part of a line matching PATTERN Same as --output='\$&' --passthru Print all lines, whether matching or not -m, --max-count=NUM Stop searching in each file after NUM matches -1 Stop searching after one match of any kind -H, --with-filename Print the filename for each match (default: on unless explicitly searching a single file) -h, --no-filename Suppress the prefixing filename on output --[no]column Show the column number of the first match -A NUM, --after-context=NUM Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines. -B NUM, --before-context=NUM Print NUM lines of leading context before matching lines. -C [NUM], --context[=NUM] Print NUM lines (default 2) of output context. --print0 Print null byte as separator between filenames, only works with -f, -g, -l, -L or -c. -s Suppress error messages about nonexistent or unreadable files. File presentation: --pager=COMMAND Pipes all ack output through COMMAND. For example, --pager="less -R". Ignored if output is redirected. --nopager Do not send output through a pager. Cancels any setting in ~/.ackrc, ACK_PAGER or ACK_PAGER_COLOR. --[no]heading Print a filename heading above each file's results. (default: on when used interactively) --[no]break Print a break between results from different files. (default: on when used interactively) --group Same as --heading --break --nogroup Same as --noheading --nobreak -p, --proximate=LINES Separate match output with blank lines unless they are within LINES lines from each other. -P, --proximate=0 Negates --proximate. --[no]underline Print a line of carets under the matched text. --[no]color, --[no]colour Highlight the matching text (default: on unless output is redirected, or on Windows) --color-filename=COLOR --color-match=COLOR --color-colno=COLOR --color-lineno=COLOR Set the color for filenames, matches, line and column numbers. --help-colors Show a list of possible color combinations. --help-rgb-colors Show a list of advanced RGB colors. --flush Flush output immediately, even when ack is used non-interactively (when output goes to a pipe or file). File finding: --sort-files Sort the found files lexically. --show-types Show which types each file has. --files-from=FILE Read the list of files to search from FILE. -x Read the list of files to search from STDIN. File inclusion/exclusion: --[no]ignore-dir=name Add/remove directory from list of ignored dirs --[no]ignore-directory=name Synonym for ignore-dir --ignore-file=FILTER:ARGS Add filter for ignoring files. -r, -R, --recurse Recurse into subdirectories (default: on) -n, --no-recurse No descending into subdirectories --[no]follow Follow symlinks. Default is off. File type inclusion/exclusion: -t X, --type=X Include only X files, where X is a filetype, e.g. python, html, markdown, etc -T X, --type=noX Exclude X files, where X is a filetype. -k, --known-types Include only files of types that ack recognizes. --help-types Display all known types, and how they're defined. File type specification: --type-set=TYPE:FILTER:ARGS Files with the given ARGS applied to the given FILTER are recognized as being of type TYPE. This replaces an existing definition for TYPE. --type-add=TYPE:FILTER:ARGS Files with the given ARGS applied to the given FILTER are recognized as being type TYPE. --type-del=TYPE Removes all filters associated with TYPE. Miscellaneous: --version Display version & copyright --[no]env Ignore environment variables and global ackrc files. --env is legal but redundant. --ackrc=filename Specify an ackrc file to use --ignore-ack-defaults Ignore default definitions included with ack. --create-ackrc Outputs a default ackrc for your customization to standard output. --dump Dump information on which options are loaded and where they're defined. --[no]filter Force ack to treat standard input as a pipe (--filter) or tty (--nofilter) --help This help --man Print the manual. --help-types Display all known types, and how they're defined. --help-colors Show a list of possible color combinations. --help-rgb-colors Show a list of advanced RGB colors. --thpppt Bill the Cat --bar The warning admiral --cathy Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! Filter specifications: If FILTER is "ext", ARGS is a list of extensions checked against the file's extension. If FILTER is "is", ARGS must match the file's name exactly. If FILTER is "match", ARGS is matched as a case-insensitive regex against the filename. If FILTER is "firstlinematch", ARGS is matched as a regex the first line of the file's contents. Exit status is 0 if match, 1 if no match. ack's home page is at The full ack manual is available by running "ack --man". This is version $App::Ack::VERSION of ack. Run "ack --version" for full version info. END_OF_HELP return; } =head2 show_help_types() Display the filetypes help subpage. =cut sub show_help_types { App::Ack::print( <<'END_OF_HELP' ); Usage: ack [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILES OR DIRECTORIES] The following is the list of filetypes supported by ack. You can specify a filetype to include with -t TYPE or --type=TYPE. You can exclude a filetype with -T TYPE or --type=noTYPE. Note that some files may appear in multiple types. For example, a file called Rakefile is both Ruby (--type=ruby) and Rakefile (--type=rakefile). END_OF_HELP my @types = keys %App::Ack::mappings; my $maxlen = 0; for ( @types ) { $maxlen = length if $maxlen < length; } for my $type ( sort @types ) { next if $type =~ /^-/; # Stuff to not show my $ext_list = $mappings{$type}; if ( ref $ext_list ) { $ext_list = join( '; ', map { $_->to_string } @{$ext_list} ); } App::Ack::print( sprintf( " %-*.*s %s\n", $maxlen, $maxlen, $type, $ext_list ) ); } return; } =head2 show_help_colors() Display the colors help subpage. =cut sub show_help_colors { App::Ack::print( <<'END_OF_HELP' ); ack allows customization of the colors it uses when presenting matches onscreen. See the "ACK COLORS" section of the ack manual (ack --man). Here is a chart of how various color combinations appear: Each of the eight foreground colors, on each of the eight background colors or no background color, with and without the bold modifier. Run ack --help-rgb-colors for a chart of the RGB colors. END_OF_HELP _show_color_grid(); return; } =head2 show_help_rgb() Display the RGB help subpage. =cut sub show_help_rgb { App::Ack::print( <<'END_OF_HELP' ); ack allows customization of the colors it uses when presenting matches onscreen. See the "ACK COLORS" section of the ack manual (ack --man). Colors may be specified as "rgbNNN" where "NNN" is a triplet of digits from 0 to 5 specifying the intensity of red, green and blue, respectively. Here is a grid of the 216 possible values for NNN. END_OF_HELP _show_rgb_grid(); App::Ack::say( 'Here are the 216 possible colors with the "reverse" modifier applied.', "\n" ); _show_rgb_grid( 'reverse' ); return; } sub _show_color_grid { my $cell_width = 7; my @fg_colors = qw( black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white ); my @bg_colors = map { "on_$_" } @fg_colors; App::Ack::say( _color_cell( '' ), map { _color_cell( $_ ) } @fg_colors ); App::Ack::say( _color_cell( '' ), map { _color_cell( '-' x $cell_width ) } @fg_colors ); for my $bg ( '', @bg_colors ) { App::Ack::say( _color_cell( '' ), ( map { _color_cell( $_, "$_ $bg" ) } @fg_colors ), $bg ); App::Ack::say( _color_cell( 'bold' ), ( map { _color_cell( $_, "bold $_ $bg" ) } @fg_colors ), $bg ); App::Ack::say(); } return; } sub _color_cell { my $text = shift; my $color = shift; my $cell_width = 7; $text = sprintf( '%-*s', $cell_width, $text ); return ($color ? Term::ANSIColor::colored( $text, $color ) : $text) . ' '; } sub _show_rgb_grid { my $modifier = shift // ''; my $grid = <<'HERE'; 544 544 544 544 544 554 554 554 554 554 454 454 454 454 454 455 455 455 455 455 445 445 445 445 445 545 545 545 545 545 533 533 533 543 543 553 553 553 453 453 353 353 353 354 354 355 355 355 345 345 335 335 335 435 435 535 535 535 534 534 511 521 531 531 541 551 451 451 351 251 151 152 152 153 154 155 145 145 135 125 115 215 215 315 415 515 514 514 513 512 500 510 520 530 540 550 450 350 250 150 050 051 052 053 054 055 045 035 025 015 005 105 205 305 405 505 504 503 502 501 400 410 410 420 430 440 340 340 240 140 040 041 041 042 043 044 034 034 024 014 004 104 104 204 304 404 403 403 402 401 300 300 310 320 320 330 330 230 130 130 030 030 031 032 032 033 033 023 013 013 003 003 103 203 203 303 303 302 301 301 200 200 200 210 210 220 220 220 120 120 020 020 020 021 021 022 022 022 012 012 002 002 002 102 102 202 202 202 201 201 100 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 110 110 010 010 010 010 010 011 011 011 011 011 001 001 001 001 001 101 101 101 101 101 522 522 532 542 542 552 552 452 352 352 252 252 253 254 254 255 255 245 235 235 225 225 325 425 425 525 525 524 523 523 411 411 421 431 431 441 441 341 241 241 141 141 142 143 143 144 144 134 124 124 114 114 214 314 314 414 414 413 412 412 422 422 432 432 432 442 442 442 342 342 242 242 242 243 243 244 244 244 234 234 224 224 224 324 324 424 424 424 423 423 311 311 311 321 321 331 331 331 231 231 131 131 131 132 132 133 133 133 123 123 113 113 113 213 213 313 313 313 312 312 433 433 433 433 433 443 443 443 443 443 343 343 343 343 343 344 344 344 344 344 334 334 334 334 334 434 434 434 434 434 211 211 211 211 211 221 221 221 221 221 121 121 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 122 112 112 112 112 112 212 212 212 212 212 322 322 322 322 322 332 332 332 332 332 232 232 232 232 232 233 233 233 233 233 223 223 223 223 223 323 323 323 323 323 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 555 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 444 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 333 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 HERE $grid =~ s/(\d\d\d)/Term::ANSIColor::colored( "$1", "$modifier rgb$1" )/eg; App::Ack::say( $grid ); return; } sub show_man { require Pod::Usage; Pod::Usage::pod2usage({ -input => $App::Ack::ORIGINAL_PROGRAM_NAME, -verbose => 2, -exitval => 0, }); return; } =head2 get_version_statement Returns the version information for ack. =cut sub get_version_statement { require Config; my $copyright = $App::Ack::COPYRIGHT; my $this_perl = $Config::Config{perlpath}; if ($^O ne 'VMS') { my $ext = $Config::Config{_exe}; $this_perl .= $ext unless $this_perl =~ m/$ext$/i; } my $perl_ver = sprintf( 'v%vd', $^V ); my $build_type = $App::Ack::STANDALONE ? 'standalone version' : 'standard build'; return <<"END_OF_VERSION"; ack $App::Ack::VERSION ($build_type) Running under Perl $perl_ver at $this_perl $copyright This program is free software. You may modify or distribute it under the terms of the Artistic License v2.0. END_OF_VERSION } sub print { print {$fh} @_; return; } sub say { print {$fh} @_, $ors; return; } sub print_blank_line { print {$fh} "\n"; return; } sub set_up_pager { my $command = shift; return if App::Ack::output_to_pipe(); my $pager; if ( not open( $pager, '|-', $command ) ) { App::Ack::die( qq{Unable to pipe to pager "$command": $!} ); } $fh = $pager; return; } =head2 output_to_pipe() Returns true if ack's input is coming from a pipe. =cut sub output_to_pipe { return $output_to_pipe; } =head2 exit_from_ack( $nmatches ) Exit from the application with the correct exit code. Returns with 0 if a match was found, otherwise with 1. The number of matches is handed in as the only argument. =cut sub exit_from_ack { my $nmatches = shift; my $rc = $nmatches ? 0 : 1; exit $rc; } =head2 show_types( $file ) Shows the filetypes associated with a given file. =cut sub show_types { my $file = shift; my @types = filetypes( $file ); my $arrow = @types ? ' => ' : ' =>'; App::Ack::say( $file->name, $arrow, join( ',', @types ) ); return; } sub filetypes { my ( $file ) = @_; my @matches; foreach my $k (keys %App::Ack::mappings) { my $filters = $App::Ack::mappings{$k}; foreach my $filter (@{$filters}) { # Clone the file. my $clone = $file->clone; if ( $filter->filter($clone) ) { push @matches, $k; last; } } } # @matches = sort @matches; return @matches; } sub is_lowercase { my $pat = shift; # The simplest case. return 1 if lc($pat) eq $pat; # If we have capitals, then go clean up any metacharacters that might have capitals. # Get rid of any literal backslashes first to avoid confusion. $pat =~ s/\\\\//g; my $metacharacter = qr{ |\\A # Beginning of string |\\B # Not word boundary |\\c[a-zA-Z] # Control characters |\\D # Non-digit character |\\G # End-of-match position of prior match |\\H # Not horizontal whitespace |\\K # Keep to the left |\\N(\{.+?\})? # Anything but \n, OR Unicode sequence |\\[pP]\{.+?\} # Named property and negation |\\[pP][A-Z] # Named property and negation, single-character shorthand |\\R # Linebreak |\\S # Non-space character |\\V # Not vertical whitespace |\\W # Non-word character |\\X # ??? |\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2} # Hex sequence |\\Z # End of string }x; $pat =~ s/$metacharacter//g; my $name = qr/[_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*?/; # Eliminate named captures. $pat =~ s/\(\?'$name'//g; $pat =~ s/\(\?<$name>//g; # Eliminate named backreferences. $pat =~ s/\\k'$name'//g; $pat =~ s/\\k<$name>//g; $pat =~ s/\\k\{$name\}//g; # Now with those metacharacters and named things removed, now see if it's lowercase. return 1 if lc($pat) eq $pat; return 0; } 1; # End of App::Ack